University Complex

We already arrived in our room.

" Thank you Drake for everything earlier", I said to Drake.

" You're welcome Francine and I think we should take our seats now", he replied and smiled.

" Yes we should take our seats but can you let go of my hand also", I jested to him.

" Oh I am sorry", he replied stutteredly and immediately let go of my hand and quickly took his seat.

Both of us took our seats and few minutes later Teacher Wila arrived.

" Francine why were you with Mark earlier?", Jandric asked me.

" Ahh we just accidentally bumped onto each other earlier and he also treated me to a meal", I replied to him.

" Good morning class please settle down", Teacher Wila said to all of us.

" Good morning too Teacher Wila", we replied to her.

" Since today is the second day of the exam you should prepare yourself for that but before that I would like to congratulate your classmate because she got a perfect score in yesterday's exam and another student also from other section got the perfect score", Teacher Wila said.

" Who is that classmate of ours Teacher who got the perfect score?", Irish asked.

" She is no other than Ms. Francine Scott and I really did not expect because she didn't have the time to study but she still managed to get a perfect score so everyone please give her a round of applause", Teacher replied with a big smile.

I was flattered when everyone in the class applaud for me and that was the first time that I was praised in front of the public that is why I promised myself to do more and well in school.

" Francine congratulations you are really an extraordinary!", Irish exclaimed and hugged me.

" Thank you Irish", I replied with a smiled.

" How did you do that Francine! But no matter what what I am always proud of you!", Jandric said to me happily.

" Thank you Jandric", I replied to him.

While Irish and Jandric talked about the result of the exam I took a quick glance at Drake and I didn't expect that he was staring at me also that's why our eyes met each other eyes.

" Please settle now everyone because we will start our second day of exam", Teacher Wila said to us.

After one hour and thirty minutes our exam was finished and Teacher Wila also announced a very important announcement to all of us.

" By the way everybody before I am going to dismiss all of you I have an announcement coming from the Head of all the department head in our university and he informed us that all students after the first class shall proceed to the university complex after the ten-minute break after the first class am I understood?", Teacher Wila said.

" Okay Teacher", all of us replied.

After the announcement she dismissed us and we all head our way to the cafeteria to take a break.

" Congrats Francine you are so great", Drake said to me.

" Thank you Drake ", I replied and smiled at him.

Tiffany Carr hurriedly inserted on our conversation and she forcely brought Drake with her to her table to have a snack and Drake did not able to resist because Tiffany held him very tight.

" Francine let us order so that we can eat because we were only given ten minutes to have a break", Irish said to me.

" You're right Irish let's hurriedly go", I replied to her.

After the ten-minute break all of us already headed our way to the complex.

" Please settle everyone because I have an important thing to discuss to all of you", a very tall, fair-skin old man wearing a very extravagant suit with branded pants and dazzling white shoes announced to us using the microphone.

" Mr. Romnick Carr is really professional and a well-mannered man", Irish said to me.

"Who is Mr. Romnick Carr Irish?", I asked her.

" Romnick Carr is the president and the owner of this university", Irish replied to me.

" Is he also the father of Tiffany Carr?", I asked her again.

" Yes you are correct Francine and another thing is that Tiffany is a spoiled brat because of him because if Tiffany hates someone in this university she will immediately tell her dad to kick-out from the university the person she hates that's why no one is willing to mess up with Tiffany Carr even if she is a spoiled and inhumane girl", Irish explained.

" Ladies and gentlemen let us all welcome Mr. Romnick Carr", the announcer said and we all applaud for Mr. Romnick Carr.

" Thank you so much to all of you for coming here. To formally introduce myself, I am Romnick Carr and I am the president and the owner of the university, I gathered all of you here today because I want to inform all of you that next week will be the Third Founding Anniversary of our university and starting monday next week there will be a lot of different educational activities where everyone is invited and the highlight of this year's founding anniversary will be the search for the Ms. Universal Star 2020.

So I will give ten minutes to each department to choose their representative and just to guide you in your decision, please choose the most deserving one because the department who will win the pageant will be exempted of fifty percent of their scores to the Series of Examination . Your time in choosing your representative starts now", Mr. Romnick Carr announced to all of us.

Choosing for each department's representative is one of the important sign in showing how united each department is. For other department, they have decided right away, for some departments, they are arguing for the position, and for some, no one is interested to represent.

Right now, each department has only 2 minutes in choosing their representative.

"Time is almost up, we have to decide!", murmured by other departments who still have not chosen their representative .

To be continued…