10. Glow together

''Ivy. Come on.'' Lyle said as he stood at the door with a textbook.

''Wait a sec. I'm searching for something.'' Ivy said searching below her desk with her head bent.

''What are you even searching for? Come on, let me search. If you keep bending like this, I'm afraid your back would be bent permanently.'' Lyle shifted the chair beside Ivy while he crouched there instead, ready to search.

''A black diary with royal blue flowers on one side. It this small.'' Ivy said as she showed her hand with only the thumb and index extended which was a little bent at both ends almost forming a C.

After rummaging through a little, Lyle took out a small palm sized black book with blue flowers on one side.

''This one?''

''Yes, that's the one. Thank you.''

After finding the diary, the two of them walked out the classroom one after another.

By now, everyone had already become used to the hunk of West High waiting for the 'simple girl from the book.' These two always got together but they didn't go anywhere. Instead they would just sit at the back of the school under the tree and study.

At first everyone seemed skeptical about their relationship. Those fanatic admirers of Lyle also followed them multiple times until they gave up because the only thing those two ever did was study under that tree. Somehow, after following them a couple of times, they even started to ship those two together.

Now, the whole school was waiting for those two to enter an official relationship. Even the teachers supported their relationship because their grades have been increasing ever since those two started studying together. The teachers only obstruct their students relationships because most of the time, relationships make the students loose their track from their studies. But the case with Lyle and Ivy was not like that. They helped eachother in their studies and helped eachother break through their own cocoons.

They both looked happier as well. Before, one would put on a nonchalant face while the other always seemed timid and although she smiled, her smile wasn't as bright as it is right now. Before, Ivy was a timid girl who didn't seem confident and who couldn't speak her mind. But since she started studying together with Lyle, she started to open up. It was like there was a glow around them whenever they were together.

They seemed comfortable around eachother and it felt as if no one could break into their world.