11. meeting in the park

''Did you understand this?'' Lyle asked after finishing solving a question.

''So this can be solved this way. Thank you. It seems that asking you to tutor me seems to be the best decision. I have learned twice with half the effort.''

''Good that you know you made the best decision. But thank you seems to be creating barriers. I don't think we need this between us. Don't you think so?''

''You are right. It's not needed. Absolutely not needed.'' Ivy said as she smile brightly. Compared to a month ago where she was guarded against everyone, this smiling Ivy seemed very adorable.

''Let's go back then. It's almost time for your part-time.''

''Oh shit. It really is almost time. Then I'm leaving first.'' Ivy was read to run off but Lyle held her bag back.

''Let's go together.''

''You really don't have to send me you know. It's time consuming. I'd rather you learn some more on a subject so that you can teach me more when we study the next time.''

''What? Is my knowledge too less.''

''No. Definitely not.''


''I was just speaking for your own good okay? You always drop me till my work place. It's not needed at all. Just a waste of time.''

''I don't think it's a waste of time.''

''Whatever you say great master.''


''Ah... I'm finally done.'' Ivy said as she walked back home with her bag.

''Chummy, Gummy mommy's back.'' Ivy announced as soon as she entered her house and those two furballs came straight at her. After changing, she took those two to the park.

''You are here.'' Lyle said as soon as Ivy and the pups reached the park.

''Hmm... You are early.''

Since that night, Lyle would always come to the park around this time and keep Ivy company while the pups played around. Occasionally there would be one or two people but most of the time, it would be just the two of them and the pups only.

And surprisingly, even though they meet everyday, they would still have many things to share with eachother. Their conversations never seemed to end. The talks would be casual and interesting making them feel relaxed and content.

Just then, Ivy's phone went off.

''Hello...'' Ivy said in a dragging tone. It was sure that the person on the other end was someone close.


''Right now? I'm in the park ofcourse.''


''It isn't that late. Don't worry so much.''


Lyle could make out the voice to be a boy so he couldn't help but feel uncomfortable seeing her being so happy just by a call. She talked in the tone she uses around those she is absolutely comfortable around. The tone which shows how much she cares about the person she is talking to.

''Alright alright. I won't go out late at night.''


''What do you mean?'' The other party said something making her seem pleasantly surprised.


''You gotta be kidding me.''


''If that's a joke you are dead.''

Though her words carried threat, that smile on her face was pure bliss. Lyle really couldn't help that jealousy surging inside him.