Meeting First Love

Sin Jin woo opened his mouth to give the boy a piece of his mind but they had already reached the next bus stop. The boy got up to leave but he was not willing to let him get away without apologizing to him.

"Hey, wait for me.." He followed the boy but he was stopped at the door. He didn't know how to pay the bus fare. "Hey…"He shouted at the hooded person but stopped midway when he realized he couldn't pay and was obstructing the passengers who wanted to get off.

"Hey young man, hurry it up." A middle aged man asked him but he stood there like an idiot and looked at the hooded boy who was looking back at him.

'Is he going to help me.' Jin Woo had hopeful eyes but to his dismay he just looked at him with 'not my problem' look.

"You little punk.."He shouted at him but paused abruptly when that person swiped his card for him. "Your fare has been paid, now run along little boy." The boy said calmly but Jin woo could clearly see the smirk under his mask.

'I almost thought he was a nice guy.' He glanced at the boy and shook his head in disapproval.

"Why are you following me?" The hooded figure looked back at the man who was right behind him.. "You think too highly of yourself. I am not following you. It just happened that I am also going the same way." Jin Woo replied feeling irritated. He was not lying. He also needed to walk that road to reach his destination.

"What's your name?" Jin woo was the first one to break the silence but was only given a silent glare as response. "Is your name that precious that you have to look at me as if I am asking your life?" Jin woo sighed but a thought came to his mind as he smiled childishly.

"Wait is your name that bad that you can't even bear to tell it huh?" He increased his pace and reached beside the boy who was almost startled when he appeared out of nowhere.

"Why do you even need my name? Forget about it." He distanced himself from the man and walked increasing his pace. Having longer legs Jin woo was able to walk faster and surpass him within a few steps. He walked in front and turned to smirk at the boy.

'He is seriously a kid.' The hooded boy looked away as if he didn't see him. He knew this man was a walking trouble and didn't want to associate with him.

After walking for Three minutes they reached a university. "Why are you following me now?" It was jin Woo's turn to question the man who entered the gate after him. "It is my university as well." He pointed at the big building and rolled his eyes. He wanted to get away from this childishly young master from some rich family.

"You are university student????" He looked at the boy with weak and small stature and wondered if he was lying about that.

Ignoring whatever nonsense he said he walked away without even looking back at the spoilt young master once.

"We are from the same…"university was what he wanted to say but he noticed someone far away. "Senior!!!" His smile reached his eyes as he walked towards the teacher lounge. The hooded boy completely left his mind.

"Senior, Long time no see." He appeared before a woman who seemed to be doing something in her laptop.

"Ohh my, is that really you Jin Woo?" She stopped her busy hands as she looked awed at the young man before her.

"Yes, in blood and flesh." He laughed, his eyes forming a beautiful crescent shape. "Apart for four years and this boy had grown up to be such a catch." She tried to rub his head just like how she used to in the past but realized she was a little too short to reach him.

"Too tall…..What did you even eat?" She stood on her tiptoe finally reaching the head rubbing his fluffy hair. "Mhmm fluffy like it used to be." She grinned at Jin Woo who showed a calm expression on his face but his heart was going wild with its beating.

The woman before him was his first love since his school days. She was four years senior than him but he had always admired her. She used to play the piano in the music room during the break every day and he who used to stay on the roof top alone always felt himself calm down hearing those pieces. They filled his void. She was a kind and sweet girl and her music was even touching. He fell in love with her and her music.

He hoped one day she would play something for him and for him alone but his dream remained a dream when she disappeared from his life without any information.

After she graduated he totally lost contact with her. He heard she had moved away to some other city due to some family problems. Hi first love remained unrequited and since then he had found no one who could replace her from his heart.

After four years he finally found out that she was going to teach at his university starting today. He couldn't believe his eyes but his search finally paid off and here he was before the person he loved like crazy and missed like crazy.

She looked at her watch and gasped. "Oh boy, I am going to be late for my lecture. Can't be late for my works the first day now can I?" She carried her laptop and was about to walk out when Jin Woo called her.


She turned to look at him showing 'what is it' expression.

'I like you' is what he wanted to say but it was not the right time and mood so he scratched his head as he looked at her. "We should catch up sometimes over a cup of coffee."

"We will." She smiled lightly at him and walked away. He watched her back until she was out of his sight feeling empty with each of her step.

"Now what?" Sin Jin Woo felt his energy and motivation drain away. He came to university early for the first time to meet her but now that was over he had nothing special to do. He rarely took classes and most of the time showed up only to participate in games.

"Guess I will take a class….It won't hurt once in a while." He decided to attend a class and leave afterwards.

"Look a weirdo" A girl pointed at a student who entered the class room.

"He is weird, isn't he?? Look at him, he is dressed so stupidly." A few girls whispered with each other when a boy entered wearing a hood and mask.

"Shhh…he will hear you." Another slightly sensible girl whispered to them.

'I can hear you loud and clear.' He thought as he took a seat in far corner of the room, a chair in the second last row.. It was nothing unusual hearing people comment on his appearance and outfit. It bugged him before but he really didn't care what other people thought about him anymore.

"Ohhhhh my, It Jin Woo Oppa." A girl shouted at the top of her lungs grabbing everyone's attention.

Even Jin Woo himself almost felt his heart almost stop at her high pitched voice. "Yo man, what brings you early today." A few of the boys clamped themselves around him. In a moment everyone's attention was shifted towards the heart throb of the campus, the one and only male god who had looks and money.

"It's nothing, felt like taking a class." Jin Woo showed a brilliant hypocritical smile. "Back to your seat, we need to hurry before the professor comes in." Totally smitten by his smile the girls obediently took their seat while some boys teased him for acting like an honor student. He handled all of them with a smile.

'That's why I hate coming to classes. It's troublesome.' His inner thoughts were completely different from what he showed outside.

Sin Jin Woo randomly chose a seat in the last row as the professor entered the room.

"Isn't he hot in this weather?" He looked at the familiar back of the student before him with his eyes trying to remember why it felt so familiar.

"Holy god…." He suddenly shouted. Everyone turned to look at him including the old professor. "Any problem Mr. Jin woo?" He raised his glasses with a finger while staring at him.

"No sir, it's alright." He showed his signature smile trying to hide his embarrassment.

The professor put down a file and spoke. "Today, a new student has transferred to our department. He is the gold medalist in literature. Everyone please welcome Mr. Wang Roo Nim." The professor announced waiting for the person in announcement to come forward.

"I am Wang Roo Nim. Nice to meet you all." The hooded figure stood in front of Sin Jin Woo stood up attracting everybody's attention. He sat down quietly without troubling himself to go in front.

'The same dress up sense, the same voice and same attitude. There is no doubt its him.' Jin Woo stared at the person before him. "Wang Roo Nim, got you man." He smirked. He was glad he decided to take a class today. Maybe the life in university won't be that boring as he imagined after all.

Wang Roo Nim felt a chilling shiver down his spine. For some reason he had a bad premonition as if someone was plotting against him.