A monster

The class ended with Roo Nim feeling the constant stare behind his back. He felt like he was going to get a hole on his back with the laser like stare.

"Wang Roo Nim!" A voice called him that had a mix of playfulness.

He pretended he didn't hear anything. He ignored the voice while he went through the notes of the class.

'Was I just ignored again?? By this little punk?' Jin woo twitched his eyebrows, a vein popped up on his fore head.

"Hey, Wang Roo Nim.." He called him again. 'If you are going to ignore me then I am going to continue annoy you.' That was the plan inside his head. "Hehh..he.."

'You are deaf. You can't hear.' Roo Nim recited it like as if it was the mantra that could ward off evil spirits.

"Wang Roo Nim, Roo Nim, Roo Nim ah..." He continued chant of the name to the point where his throat felt dry. Roo nim felt if he continued to ignore him, his ears will bleed. It was matter of will power now. Somehow this had turned into their own little competition.

"Wang Roo Nim…"Using his hoarse voice he called the boy.

"Yes, tell what it is. What do you need?" Wang roo Nim finally gave in.

"There is nothing I need." Jin Woo smirked showing a victory smile.

"Let's pretend we don't know each other." Wang Roo Nim directly drew the boundary and turned to whatever he was doing. Jin Woo was about to say something when the other student came to surround him.

Getting rid of the unwanted attention, Wang Roo Nim finally heaved a sigh of relief. He looked at the annoying man who was surrounded by people like him. 'That's where you belong. I hope you won't ever associate with me.'

"It's my birthday today….." A girl approached Jin Woo. She was the one who had screamed earlier. "Oh, right happy birthday." Jin Woo politely wished her.

She had not completed her sentence but hearing him wish her happy birthday was enough to make her stutter on the spot. Blushing red she spit out the words, "Ummmm…a party..today,,ple-ease com-e..ton-ig-hht."

'Oh so its invitation to party tonight?' Jin Woo started to think of ways to refuse her but decided to do something else.

"I will come if he comes." He pointed at Wang Roo Nim who was in his own worid. "We can make it as a welcome party for him as well." He added with a smile.

Although she wanted to be the highlight of the party today as long as Jin Woo was there she didn't care who came and for whom. "Ooka-ay..you promised." She replied finally calming herself.

Wang Roo Nim sensed all of the student's attention on him and flinched nervously. "Wang Roo Nim was it?" The girl approached him with an air of indifference. Her name was Lee soo.

"Yes." He replied without giving her any attention.

"There is my birthday party tonight. You have to come." Rather than inviting or requesting she made it sound like order.

"I refuse." He didn't care for either his or her face. He didn't want to attend the party then no one could force him.

His refusal was expected by Jin Woo but it was no fun if he got things his way. "You are new and we are just trying to be polite and helpful. You shouldn't have denied her so cruelly." Jin woo exaggerated the thing as if he really did something bad.

Getting the support of Jin Woo, Lee soo took the opportunity and put on a hurt face. With a teary voice she accused him of being a rude guy. "I was just being considerate but you were mean to me." The other student also gave him various kind of look.

"Why is he being so high and proud. Does he think he is someone special?" They whispered among them giving him all kind of looks.

"Weirdo and selfish." One of them pointed at him.

'Monster…" People had pointed fingers at him.

"Beast….."People had called him names. Countless dark hands pulled him into the dark abyss of his past.

"Monster." Memories came flowing into him, the ones he had been suppressing deep inside his heart.

He hated being center of attention and especially hated these kind of gazes. Sweat bead formed on his forehead with each piercing and hateful glances. "Ok I will come, just leave me alone." He gasped as he made himself clear. He wanted to be alone. It was suffocating.

"Okay done." Lee soo cheerfully looked at Jin woo and said, "Now you are coming, right?"

'I didn't think he would give in that easily. But looks like I have no other choice.' Jin woo thought disappointedly.

"A deal is a deal. I am coming. When is it?" Jin Woo asked Lee Soo who was in world of her own.

"Huh…ohh…right..We will leave as soon as we finish our classes; the location is Good will cafe." Lee Soo looked at Roo Nim hiding underneath his hood trying to calm himself and said, "You too, don't be late." Her tone was rude but Wang Roo Nim was too busy to notice it.

"As for your dress….."She glanced him top to bottom frowning at his clothes. "Well never mind." She returned to Jin Woo's side chattering.

Jin Woo who had succeeded in making the man come in the spotlight was feeling proud inside so he didn't notice the unusual behavior and shaking of Wang roo nim.

"See you in the evening, no need to thank me man." He whispered in with his deep voice in his ear.

Wang Roo nim raised his head breathing heavily directly locking his gaze with that of Jin Woo filled with mischievousness.

"Is it fun?" He slowly spit out each word trying to control his shaking and trembling voice. Jin Woo misunderstood it as him being angry so he felt even more victorious. He felt he had avenged himself from the morning incidents.

"It is what is is. Don't blame me." He patted his shoulder as he walked out of class. He was no longer in the mood to play since he got his objective. He was rather excited for the evening. He was bored enough from the first lecture so he just wanted to sit out other classes.

"This is going to be fun." He smirked as he walked over the basketball court. Since he had nothing better to do and no car to drive to someplace fun he decided to try throwing some baskets.

He loosened the button of his shirt and sleeves revealing his neckline and collarbone that looked seductive and enticing.

Some of the girls who were sun bathing somewhere on the ground scrambled on their feet and peeped at the hot men like perverts, their mouth clearly drooling.

"Hey, who is this?" A petite girl asked.

"You don't know him??" A chubby girl beside her showed a dumbstruck face as if she was seeing some weird creature for the first time.

"Stop that over reaction and spill it out. Who is this man?" She asked but her vision was clearly focused on the young man who was scoring basket after basket. When he played the basketball, the ball itself looked like a work of art.

"He is the heart throb, number one male god and crush of girls in our college. He is none other than Sin Jin Woo, the young master of the Sin company." The other girl replied dreamily. "Isn't he just perfect?" She couldn't help but add the last sentence.

"Ohh right, you are applying to Sin company for internship, aren't you Sera?" The chubby girl asked as she glued her eyes to feast on his body.

"Young master of Sin Company huh?" Sera repeated as her mind wandered somewhere.

Sera was a blonde girl with Asian features since her mother was Korean and father was American. She had migrated to Korea One year ago when her dad's company went bankrupt and was forced to retreat back to Korea where they ran a small shop and lived in a rented room.

From a young miss of a wealthy family to a commoner was a drastic change for her.

"Back to Earth Sera." The chubby girl snapped her finger to wake her up.

"Ohh, what were you saying?" She looked at her with apologetic smile.

"It was nothing but look there." She pointed at the court where the man was but with a company. They squeezed their eyes to see who it was.

"Holy Moly, isn't that Ms. Kang from Music department?" The chubby girl exclaimed as she stuffed her mouth with another toffee.

"It is her….." Sera confirmed her identity. "But isn't she a new professor and he isn't even from music department??? Why are they meeting like this?" She thought the atmosphere between those two was extremely absurd and weird.


'Hah.." "Hah…." Wang Roo Nim took deep breathes as he waited for himself to calm down. With trembling hands he washed his face and looked at the mirror.

"Monster" He looked at his own reflection that reminded him of things that he wished would go away. Those memories haunted him, eating away at him.


Blood dripped down his hand which had some glass pieces stuck. He looked at the broken mirror which made him look even more hideous.

"Hiss…." He felt a brief pain which subsided in a second.

Looking at his fast healing wound he let out a low laugh. He felt his stomach churn in disgust at himself.

"Those people, they are correct no matter how many time I deny it.." Wang Roo Nim hit his chest with his fist slowly as he gasped for air. It was a suffocating feeling.

"I am really a monster..ha ha.."