Saving a Dork: But he is cute

"Jin Woo...Jin Woo." His grandfather knocked on his door in the middle of night. Jin Woo was dead asleep like a log and he hated being disturbed while sleeping.

Frowning he opened the door of his room. "What is it.....grandpa??" Jin Woo stood on his door scratching his stomach yawning. He wanted to go back to his comfofy and warm bed.

"This silly boy only wants to sleep." The old man raised his cane to hit the yawning young man on his butt.

Startled Jin Woo opened his eyes.."Aiyaaa..."

"What are you doing grandpa?" Jin Woo rubbed the sore spot showing a pitiful expression. "That hurt...."

"Your brother is not back home yet." He looked haggard. He was clearly worried about him.

"Huh?? But its midnight already.." Jin Woo glanced at his watch. "He is still out?"

The old man looked grim as he nodded his head.

The old man could not sleep a wink. Ever since his eldest grandson had left the house his right eye had been flickering as if indicating some sort of disaster though he wished he was wrong about whatever it was.

"Can you call him??" His grandpa tugged his clothes. "He might answer."

"I don't think its necessary." Jin Woo gave a slight frown when asked to do that. He might be worried but not to the point where he would call him in middle of night.

"Didn't you call him?" He asked the old man who was pacing on his door.

"I says he is not answering."

Jin Woo thought for a while.

"When he came to give me the car he said he had to attend some meeting...Maybe that's what keeping him?" Jin Woo tried to console his grandpa.

"You think someone would keep a meeting at midnight???" His grandfather retorted.

Jin Woo got another smack on his butt.

"Grandpa....." Jin Woo felt he was beat again without any reason.

" think I do not know how business world works..Tsk tsk...No official meetings happen at midnight.." The old man rubbed his temple.

"A business party??" Jin Woo suggested.

"More like a scam party.." The old man snarled.

"No way he is gonna get scammed...He might be an idiot and a jerk but he is still my older brother....." Jin Woo stopped abruptly.

The old man who was tapping his cane on the floor too stopped and glanced at his youngest grandson.



"He got scammed???"


Sin Hyun, The oldest grandson and the current CEO of Sin Company was a charismatic man, loved by all the woman and men alike. A rising newbie in the business world who raised the prestigious Sin Family from the brink of its downfall.

A shrewd businessman is what others called him but only they two knew what a ignorant dork he was. He easily trusted anything and anyone as long as they were not that suspicious. He was not incompetent, he was more than qualified but his easily trusting nature was worried others about him.

"That brat...What did he get himself in to this time ....?"


'What is this?'

Sin Hyun looked around dumbfounded but could only see masked spectators sitting in the darkness their gaze focused at a particular place..precisely at a particular person and that was none other then HIM.

"Hey what's going on?" Sin Hyun shouted at the man on the podium who appeared to be the host of this event.

"Then Ladies and Gentlemen" The man clapped his hands to get everyone's attention.


Without caring for the permission or emotion of the man on the bid, the masked man declared the start of the Auction.

"Hey, I am talking..."to you.

Before he could complete his sentence, weird looking hand like objects flew into the air before him and clogged his mouth with something. Even his hands and legs were restrained by some kind of bind or rope but he did not have time to think.

"Gaggggaa....gagGaa...gaga..." He tried to speak but all he could make was some weird gagging noises.

"You can see for yourself how energetic and how lovely this cute product is." The masked man sugarcoated his words enticing the crowd.

Sin Hyun was a tall and well built man of height 5 feet 9 inches. He was by no means a cute looking person.

" that I look at him, he does looks delicious." Someone in the audience spoke. "$ 30000" The same person spoke raising the bar.

"NO 23, $30000."

Soon the crowd started to murmur and gossip among themselves. "He does look good but is he worth it?"

"Every product they have brought us has been a high quality, why are you hesitating and doubting." Another person elbowed him.

"Errrr..its just that I have a bad feeling about this." The person shrugged.

"IS $30000 THE HIGHEST BID?" The masked man spoke in his manipulating voice.

"I offer $45000." Another person raised his number. "I like this toy." He sneered his voice almost drooling.

The crowd gasped, "Whooooaaaa....." The man scoffed his gaze never leaving the man on the stage.

Sin Hyun felt himself freeze on the spot, goosebumps rising all over his body. 'Was it what they called a human auction?' He felt his heart thump wildly now that he understood the seriousness of the situation.

"THE BEST ITEM OF TONIGHT FOR ONLY $45000?? ARE YOU SURE?" The masked man was trying his best to sell his item. In other words he was the perfect man for marketing and business.

"I wi-will take him. $60000." A man spoke from the corner of the seat unsure of buying the man. He raised his number.

"$60000 1!" The masked man shouted.

"$60000 2!" He was waiting if someone was willing to raise the bar.

"$60000 3!" SOLD. With a bang of his hammer on the board he indicated the deal was done and the auction was closed for tonight.


"Tch..lucky bastard.." The man who wanted to buy Shin Hyun was furious but could only show his bitterness.

'Ehhhh....What's happening?? Now I am a sold person?' All these information was too much devastating and disturbing for him to digest and process at once.

"PLEASE COME BACKSTAGE TO RECEIVE YOUR PRODUCT." The masked man clapped his hand once again indicating for the crowd to disperse. "THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATRONAGE TONIGHT. WE HOPE TO MEET YOU SOON."

The curtains fell down and separated the stage from the exiting audiences. Two hands grabbed him from behind. 'What now?' Hyun looked behind him only to meet the butler from before.

"We meet again red-ribboned guest. We hope you will have a nice time in your new master's house." With the same smile from before he dragged him away from the stage.

'Let go of jerk.' He tried to struggle from his grip. 'I should not have slacked off while working out.' Hyun wanted to turn back time if he could do that but the main pressing matter was his new master. What even was that?

"CONGRATULATIONS." The masked man clasped his hands together when he saw Hyun approaching. He was with another person who also was wearing a mask.

Things were not looking good for him and importantly who were this weird people in costume. ' They even have wings and horn sticking out of their clothes.' Whatever they were, Hyun knew they were a bad news.


"I have arrived on the location." Wang Hae Soo looked at the big villa below him.

"Okay, All the best partner." Liam ended the call from the other side.

"Now lets see.. which idiot was idiot enough to be caught by some shady Incubus." Hae Soo looked at the red dot on the map of his phone. That showed the location of the magical creature and red indicated they were heinous and notorious wanted perpetrators.

"Have a nice time good sir." The masked man professionally took the money from the other man.

'DID I RERALLY GET SOLD?? IT'S NOT A DREAM?' Hyun sweated profusely but what else he could do except that.



An explosion was heard on the front yard of the villa.

"What was that?" The man who appeared to be trembling asked in is shaking voice. He almost let go of the cash bag.

Wrinkling his face under the creepy mask the man gritted between his teeth.

"Shit...Did they sniffed us out already??"

'NOW WHAT??? WHY IS IT ONE THING AFTER NEXT?' Sin Hyun was not expecting another incident to happen. He was not even ready to accept the fact that he had been scammed and sold to someone.

The four people inside watched awed as the door to the villa was kicked open and a tall figure with flowing hair appeared. He did not stop there but kept on walking towards them his eyes as red as that of a devil.

"The Inspector.." The masked man hissed clutching his long overcoat. "We are leaving Matthews." He signaled the butler who immediately caught Hyun by his hand.

"AGAIN??" They were really treating him like some cargo. Hyun really wanted to face palm only if his hand was not tied behind him.

"Now let's see who the idiot is." A dangerous voice filled with a little mockery thundered inside the empty bungalow.

"Not so fast." The butler took off his polite mask and launched at the man.

With a whoosh, in a blink of an eye he appeared right before Sin Hyun who stared at him like a scared rabbit.

"He looks like a dork but ..." He gave a smirk. "Cute."