It Glows

"Ahem! So, in three days you're turning eighteen eh," asked Yuna teasingly.

They were now settled on the couch in the living room after their dinner, spending their little family time together after three days of her return.

Nuwa knew how her aunt tire herself, its wasn't easy to be a owner of a small but beautiful café 'CRESCENTÉ' . But she still do many different jobs other than her café, which were mysterious in her eyes.

She looked at her aunt taking her appearance from top to bottom, black jacket on a white tank top, light blue washed off jeans with nude ankle boots. Her ash-gray hair tied in a high ponytail, smooth glass-skin glowing more when she laughed. Overall beauty but hyper one. She didn't even fresh up before dinner, due to her late night shifts.

Who would say that this young lady was in her late twenties. She was more like any those energetic kids who run around screaming in the park whole day.

Just a thought of it leaves her in a giggling mess.

Chuckling, Nuwa teased back, "Aunt Yuna, I'll be an adult -"

Bad move.

With a pointed look and narrow eyes Yuna hissed, "Who are you calling aunt, huh! Take that back."

No one ever dared to call her that.

Nuwa gaped at her acting surprised, "Of course not you, Aunt Yuna."


Yuna huffed and flipped her hair, "Yeah, like I'd believe that. Your aunt is still in her youthful days with her great charms."

"Hmph! I have a long line of suitors darling." she mumbled the last sentence, which of course didn't go unnoticed by the next wolf beside her.

"Behold the queue of admirers, Noona! Apologies for bursting your bubble, but a state of anonymity might just be preferable," Nuwa declared playfully, accompanied by a sly wiggle of her eyebrows.

Yuna pressed her lips together in frustration, "one of these days Park, one of these days.."

Amused by the remark, Nuwa chuckled and headed to her room, calling out, "I'll be back" in a playful manner. Soon, she returned holding a paper and placed the detailed white sheet in front of her aunt.

"What's that?" asked Yuna surprised seeing the white sheet full of personal details.

Examining her niece attentively and finding no explanation, Yuna picked it up and proceeded to read it aloud.

"Summer classes for Art."

" You want to join these classes." She asked knowingly.

Nuwa eagerly nodded her head, and Yuna couldn't resist biting her lip as she chuckled at Nuwa's enthusiasm. From her childhood, Nuwa had always shared the same love for art and creative pursuits as her mom.

"And what if I refused,"

"You can't do that," she fire back, a mix of hurt and shock in her response.

Snorting, Yuna raised her left brow, " I can young lady, and you know very well why I'm refusing it."

"I know, but I'll be careful. C'mon noona don't do this to me," Nuwa whined showing her big puppy eyes that you could even see her flat ears.

'C'mon say yes already '

Not getting any response, she finally played her wild card. she smirked inwardly.

"I'll give you Mr. Lee's phone number, how about that ?" proposed Nuwa landing a bait for her aunt.

After listening that hunk's name Yuna cleared her throat nervously. Of course she'd used that.

Who don't know Yuna's crush on that hunk boy who works in her café, as a barista.

When she didn't find her mate even after 25, she gave up. Regarding it, maybe it's not the right time. But after few years she started to loose all her hopes and finally tried to move on.

"Fine, it's just a class you don't need to act cute. You're just like your mother bribing me always. " she grumbled afterwards.

Hearing about her deceased mother, Nuwa straightened her back and forgetting about all teasing. Suddenly the atmosphere turned sad and gloomy.

She always heard her grandmother, saying how she and her mother were alike in many things. Her looking beautiful was being on the top list.

Unconsciously, she touched her crescent moon shaped necklace. It was studded with a stone in middle of the crescent moon giving it a unique look. She missed her mother.

Yuna noticed it and smiled slightly, "that necklace belongs to our ancestors. It looks like those any other ordinary necklace, but believe me it's not. Keep it close to your heart." 'it has lot of secrets' she continued in her mind.

A phone ringtone broke the gloomy silence, Yuna looked at the Number and immediately excuse herself.

Looking back at her necklace, Nuwa got startled a little when she noticed how it glows slightly. Thought she was mistaken, she checked it again but it already stopped by then.

Releasing a deep sigh, she glance at her aunt who was taking her call outside the balcony.

Judging by the frown on her face, it seems she was tensed.

'I'll ask about it' with a thought of it, she leaned back on the couch.

A smile appeared on her face thinking about her eighteenth birthday. She felt giddy just by the thought of meeting her mate.

Wolves can find their mates when they turned eighteen. As the elders said.

She waits for her birthday in excitement.

Not expecting, what will this birthday bring in her life.


In the bustling cities of China, Starlight city is one of the beautiful cities with the combination of nature and modern structures.

Starlight city, the name itself gives the wonders. Due to the city light that always made the city looks covered in different jewels.

From buildings to Nature everything was organized.

The night was beautiful, everyone trying to get back home early in warmth of their loved ones, after long day of work.

The supernatural creatures were also there like any other human being returning to their families.

In the middle of the city, there stands a tall-lean figure in black at the top of the building. Eyes darting around the whole city trying to find something.

Long silver Hair flowing along with the wind, a glowing necklace around the neck. There was a typical mark on the forehead of the black figure which glows blue along with the necklace simultaneously.

'Where are you?'

Unable to discover anything, the shadowy figure gradually pivoted, only to vanish in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, somewhere in the starlight city.

Within the dimly lit chamber, a silhouette occupied the couch, engaged in conversation on the phone, while the other silhouette just glancing outside the glass wall. Moonlight filtered through the mirrored wall on the opposite side, casting a faint glow that barely illuminated the obscurity of the room.

The irritation could be seen in the man's voice.

"Mr. Yoon, you're aware that I have a strong aversion to anything deceptive."


Upon hearing the conversation from the opposite end of the call, a displeased expression crept across the individual's face.

"Well, if you insist. I need perfection Mr.Yoon." he hissed coldly.


"The meeting will be held in Seoul next month. We'll notify you the location."

Ending the call, he glanced at his friend, raising his left eyebrow inquisitively and patiently waiting. Wondering why the young man had forsaken his work to be here.

"Those pests are testing my patience." Came a cold deep voice.

"You know it but still want to cooperate." he answered.

"I have my eyes on something they possess, and I intend to reclaim it—seamlessly," the man murmured with determination.