'She's for greater things'

The clouds were getting darker every passing minute. As the sounds of running steps and wolf growling can be heard from behind, a petite figure was running away from the sound. Her dress flapping with her every steps on the silent road.


The girl fell on her butt with groans, injured and moved away in haste as a huge giant brown wolf stand in front of her baring its fangs. Hitting hard the ground with its paws, sending the ground dust flying around, right where she fell, the wolf ascends towards her.

Panting, she crouched on her knees waited for the wolf to come closer and slowly she slides her long legs doing the front flip and attack the brown wolf straight on its muzzle enough to daze it. Shaking its head, the wolf glared at her angrily.

Just when she started to run again, she got hit on her back by the raged wolf and stumbled upon a rock. The wolf hovered over her, digging its paws on her shoulders enough to bleed them.

The breath of the wolf fanning on her face and the black pupils itself gave the demonic vibes. Rogues, the wolves who were banished or by breaking their bonds from their packs got crazy and were turned into rogues. Who roam here and there destroying anything for their own pleasure.

Some were captured and slaved under the hunters, while some formed their own pack and bonds to start their new lives.

Enough of the dilly dallying, she thought of something and took out the silver sharp dagger hidden on her waist. The cold glint from it's edge shine brightly in the moonlight, moving swiftly she slit the wolf's throat in a single attack. The blood from the slashed meat splattered on her hands and a few drops fall on her face, resulting her brows frowned in annoyance.

She grits her teeth looking at the dead wolf laid on the other side and hissed, "Thought I would be alone for a moment with my mom, but no....."

Kicking the dead wolf last time, she cleaned her dagger and her hands with her upper and put it back in her side waist safely. She throws her soiled upper in the alley dumpster just burn it before leaving that place.

In the Cemetery

Sitting in front of a grave, Nuwa rest her hands on it, as if she can feel the feelings from the grave.

'The resting place of deceased PARK THALIA, a beautiful mother and wife'

"Hey Mom, sorry for being late." she mumbled softly, her voice lost.

"I trust you're doing fine, mom. My 18th birthday is coming up next week. Please shower me with your blessings so that I can fulfill the promise I made to you," Nuwa said, her eyes filling with vengeful tears.

Suddenly, she revealed a sinister grin, "Momma, they plan to visit the site next month, where everything began. That day will mark the culmination of it all", tears streamed down her porcelain skin without ceasing.

As she wiped away her tears, she sensed a hand on her shoulder. Instantly on high alert, she swiftly pulled away, poised to defend herself without hesitation.

"Woah! Woah! It's me, baby niece."

Startled by the familiar voice, she looked sideways and breath a sigh of relief not knowing she was holding unconsciously. 

In that place, she laid her eyes on her aunt, Park Yuna, her mother's younger sister. Standing tall, fair, and graceful as ever. Her presence exuded a tranquil oceanic vibe, but was that truly the case?

Nuwa grew up in a family that was a blend of Korean and Chinese heritage. Her mother was Korean, and her father was Chinese. Although she never had the chance to see her father, but her mother always made sure to tell her about their beautiful relationship when she was alive.

Nuwa tutted and said, "Noona! I explicitly warned you against doing that. What if I accidentally mistook you for someone else? and..." However, her aunt could discern the concern behind her words.

Yuna chuckled and encircled her arms around her niece's shoulders.

"Ah, sweetheart! You're well aware that's never going to happen."

"And when did you came back from Seoul. I thought you said in three days, no." She grumbled and glared at her with her doe eyes, which were looking more like of an angry puppy.

Yuna's innocent smile adorned her face as she gently kissed Nuwa's forehead. However, a frown marred her expression when an unfamiliar scent reached her. Despite the puzzling thoughts, she brushed them aside and led Nuwa towards the cemetery's exit.

"But tell me one thing, who's visiting next month." she suddenly asked in a serious tone forgetting all her mischievousness.

Caught off guard, Nuwa's eyes widened, resembling a deer caught in headlights. Swiftly recovering, she adjusted her posture and attempted to deflect the situation with a forced laugh, swiftly changing the topic.

"No one Noona, just some university professors. yeah, that is" and coughs nervously.

Not believing her any words Yuna looked straight in her eyes and sighed. Nuwa always been like this, tried to hide things from her for not being a bother.

Patting her head lightly, Yuna smiled, "Nuwa baby, you know when your mother was pregnant with you she always has said one thing , 'My Nuwa is for greater things' i never understood what she meant by that." she chuckled.

Looking at her niece fondly, a tear left from her eye while she spoke, "But as you grow up, i can see what she meant by that. life is not all black and grey nor its colorful Nuwa, but we have a choice how we choose it. If we want to find our little colors in those dark days."

Nuwa took a deep breath and divert her eyes from her aunt's. she can't deceive that beautiful soul who brought her up from the day she was born with her mother but fate can be cruel sometimes.

Yuna has been a parent figure for Nuwa ever since her mother died when she was just eight years old. She took her in, not caring about anything and start living with her grandmother.

Her grandmother was a formidable woman. She not only nurtured and cared for them but also subjected them to rigorous training, emphasizing the importance of being prepared for unforeseen circumstances with the mantra, 'you never know when you'll need these skills.'

Blinking her eyes rapidly, she decide to change the atmosphere.

"Noona~, let's not talk about it anymore I'm hungry.." Nuwa whined in an adorable manner, successfully steering the conversation away as Yuna simply chuckled.

"Come on let's go for steak today, my treat." 

They gradually depart from the cemetery, oblivious to the subtle shift in their surroundings.

"You still didn't answer me when did you came back." Nuwa mumbled under her breath when she got shoved in the passenger seat of the car.


A black mist appeared slowly near the dead wolf turning the night more darker.

Slowly a figure in a hooded cape stepped out of it, hands glowing bright red like a flame on it and move around the body observing the surroundings.

"Useless!" said a groggy voice. Snap, and everything gone in seconds.

The figure took a glance towards the alley and in the speed of lightning pickup the thrown cloth smeared with blood.

Sniffing it a creepy smile appeared on the lips that were lightly visible due to the moonlight.

"Gotcha! Now Run, Run, Run~~" sang creepily followed by its evil laugh.