Falcon's- The six elders

Zhang Wei was in his car ready to leave for his penthouse, when he remembered he had to tell his brother the location of the meeting which was going to be held in Seoul next month.

Taking out his cell phone, he immediately rang his brother's number, no greetings nothing, straight to the point as always, "Ge, about the location for the meeting in Seoul."

"Hey to you too, Brat," his brother answered cockily from the opposite line. Not getting any response from his little brother he rolled his eyes. Unable to bear the silence he started.

"Fine! Tell me where do you think it will be best," he asked, annoyed by the fact that his own brother behave coldly towards him sometimes.

"An Exhibition is going to be held there by some university. Our Seoul branch is also sponsoring it. let's hold it there." he replied shortly.

After agreeing with Zhang Wei, his brother Zhang Jun tried to chat more or tried to tell him about a piece of important news, which to his disappointment the other's line was dead.

'That annoying brat, it's your loss', cheeks puffed he tossed his phone back in his pocket.

Zhang Jun, Zhang Wei's elder brother by two years, is bubbly in nature but can be more scary than anything if his family is involved. He was a little short in height compared to his brother's. Because of his nature, many misunderstood him as Zhang Wei's younger brother, and his height was doing no justice to it.

On the other hand, Zhang Wei was entering his penthouse but halted his steps when he saw a figure in a blue dress sitting on the sofa comfortably.

How many days it had been since he saw her last time?

The lady smiled at him warmly, seeing her smile Zhang Wei couldn't help but stride towards her and hugged her tightly. He hid his face under the crook of her neck and slumped his shoulders as all the stiffness melted away.


Smiling, his mother slid her delicate fingers into his smooth hair massaging his scalp. Zhang leaned to her touch and murmured, "I missed you, it's been months since I last saw you. Did you come back for good?"

Smacking his back lightly, she answered, " What came back for good, of course, I would come back to my home you brat."

Feeling the tightness of the arms around her, she chuckled sweetly and whispered, "I missed you too Zhang Zhang, How've you been? huh! Are you still annoying your brother?"

Listening about his brother he loosened the hug and looked down at his mother. She was still beautiful like before. Well, vampires do stop aging at a certain age time.

He remembered how he cut the phone in the middle thinking it was another rant of his brother about his single life. releasing a deep sigh, he dragged his mother to the sofa and settled beside her ignoring his brother. Placing his head on her lap ready to tell her about his everyday life.

With his mother he was always with his guard down, even the cold facade he kept was long forgotten. He feels at home in his mother's embrace.

"You're not getting any young, are you" said his mother teasingly.

"I'm not getting old either," he retorts with cockiness visible in his voice.

"Zhang, when are you going to find yourself someone?" Zhang Wei immediately turned stiff not liking where the talk was going.

"Ma! I told you not to bring up this topic anymore."

"But you need someone by your side by the time you inherit the leadership. We, vampires, don't have mates, we have to choose our mates ourselves, you know that right? Who are you waiting for?" His mother asked him softly. Trying her best to put the importance of mate thing into his stubborn head for good.

"I don't need a mate Ma, and no one interests me enough to make me desire them." He answered exhaustedly. This mate thing was not a cup of his tea, he always kept himself away from these meddlesome affairs.

Releasing a deep breath, his mother dropped that topic and spent her time with her son for two hours chatting and discussing their companies. The sun was starting to go down and the Moon was slowly up lightning its moonlight all over the place.

After spending their time together, his mother decides to take her leave. Being a wife of the clan's head was not something easy. With every great power comes great responsibility. She always made sure to help the Vampires in need not only them but everyone she encountered.

While reaching the gate, she turned around and spoke softly, "I need to leave for Seoul tomorrow. A community is holding their anniversary so I have to be there."

"You won't meet Dad and Ge." He asked calmly.

"I already met them, it's you who won't come back home, always busy with your work or your university." His Mother replied back giving him a side glance. Not liking, how he keeps to himself.

'only if she knows'

Chuckling lightly he asked again, "Why are you going to Seoul? It's not like you attend every community occasion. Are you hiding something." he squinted his eyes not liking the idea of his mother's Seoul visit.

"I can't really hide huh! Falcon's are visiting Seoul. We're invited, don't know if it's for good or bad." She answered, the tension was visible in her voice and her brows furrowed.

Like every other kind, Vampires also have a community, a group of six elders from all around the world, more powerful than any other vampire. The community was known as Falcon. After the royalty, these six were considered the powerful ones and worked together under the name of Falcon.

After hearing it, the name itself boils Zhang Wei's blood. These two-faced people always work for their benefit under the name of the position of elders, abusing their powers.

"Dad's going with you. if not take him and some of my men too." He asked concerned. Rejecting the invitation of Falcon's was like an invitation to death. So he wanted to make sure his mother was safe and sound around the time of her visit in Seoul.

Hearing that She couldn't help but feel proud, people always saw him as heartless and cruel but she knew, behind that a soft person was also there.

Agreeing with his arrangement, Zhang Wei's mother leaves the penthouse. She had to prepare for the flight.

He made a hand gesture and two men appeared out of the dark in seconds. Giving them orders for his mother's safety, he gets back inside his house.


Nuwa was preparing for her Summer art classes when her aunt barged into her room wearing an apron and a spatula in her hand. Giving her a brief greeting she returns to her preparations.

"When are you planning to depart, sweetheart?" Yuna inquired, her hair tousled in a loose bun, giving the impression that she had just woken up.

Looking at her wrist watch Nuwa answered, "In twenty minutes." She picked up her backpack and art supplies ready to have breakfast. Don't ask how will she survive her aunt's cooking.

"You cooked breakfast again. You didn't burn the whole kitchen this time too, do you Noona?" She asked arching her left brow with a hint of mockery.

Hearing her mocking words Yuna flicked her head hard and pouted angrily. Don't judge her for pouting, but her niece sometimes gets on her nerves too much.

"Get your ass on the dining table in minutes," Yuna said huffing and puffing. Mumbling 'ungrateful brat' while leaving for the kitchen.

That's how their everyday morning start, Bickering each other like annoying siblings. After done with breakfast, Yuna held her hands and told her to repeat every warning she had made her memorize last night.

"Noona~ you made me repeat it many times last night already. I'll keep them in my mind," Nuwa said sweetly, convincing her. But after seeing her glaring eyes she immediately shut up and repeated them again.

"No contact with Alphas, No talking to strangers, the phone always on, blah blahhh-" a soft smack land on her head. She laughed at her aunt's expression. She hugged her tightly and assured her of her safety and everything.

It's not like she was weak or unable to defend herself. But some things were always best hidden and taking precautions was better than anything.

After making sure everything was ok She left for her art classes, which were held in a famous art studio near a cafe. Making her way towards the studio, she took a deep breath taking it as the new beginning of her life's chapter.

It was unknown what was waiting for them and what was not.