Who is She?

On the day of her birthday, Nuwa wake up early for her classes. When she tried to get up from her bed, she was met with her aunt's face floating in front of her, not only that but with a big wicked smile.

Nuwa furrowed her brows together, what was she going to do? Shrugging off the thoughts she got up only to get smashed by a whole cake on her face.

What a birthday greeting here she got. Her train of thoughts cut off, when she heard a muffled laugh. She saw her aunt clutching her stomach while laughing. The audacity.

She left her bed slowly and take the remaining cake from her bed and smacked at her aunt's face. Oh! How satisfied it felt.

Frozen on her spot, her aunt look at her accusingly. She was ready to leave for her cafe, when she thought about pulling a birthday prank on her niece before leaving.

And she got herself tricked. Sigh.

"Happy birthday! Baby. May God bless you with some boyfriends. You're at the age of dating my child. " Yuna said excitedly. Not giving any attention to Nuwa's shocked face in disbelief. She couldn't believe her ears how her aunt just exclaimed this. She was going to meet her mate today.

"Noona! Thank you for this pleasant and hilarious birthday surprise. " She said sarcastically, but a fond smile was on her face.

"And about that... I will find my mate today, How could you say that?" She sulked. Not expecting this from her aunt.

Yuna raised her hand in air in defense and shake her head, "but your mate is also going to be your boyfriend baby. What's wrong with that."

Huffing, they both stared at each other intently, and after few seconds both erupt in a series of laughter.

Yuna hugged her, rubbing her back, "Happy birthday! Baby. May you got every happiness." And kissed her forehead, inviting her for breakfast before leaving.

Smiling, Nuwa did her morning routine and head for breakfast downstairs. Everything today was bright and the birds were chirping, flowers blooming beautifully.

Skipping through the hall, she reached the kitchen where she found a big gift box on the kitchen island.

Unwrapping it excitedly she saw a photo album in it. With her rapid heartbeat, she slowly caresses the album cover and open it. Tears welled up in her eyes, in it she saw her mother's pictures from the day she was pregnant to the day when she last celebrate her birthday with her.

She suppressed her sobs, until she felt a warm hand on her back and that was the moment she lose it all. She buried her face in her aunt's stomach holding her waist tightly, as if holding for a life. Yuna bring her closer to her and kissed her head, suppressing her sobs. She tilted her head to the ceiling, preventing her tears to fall.

From the kitchen, the subdued sobs echoed through the air, creating an eerie silence that was abruptly shattered by the ringing of the doorbell.

Wiping their tears, they both separated and took deep breaths to compose themselves.

The parcel had been delivered, breakfast completed, and the two girls were now on their way to their respective destinations. Yuna glanced at Nuwa, observing her with care.

As time passed, Nuwa increasingly resembled her mother, albeit even more stunning. Yuna vividly recalled the day she made a solemn pledge to her sister, vowing to shield her daughter from any potential threats.

"Noona, I'm about to head out. Are you planning to leave as well?" Nuwa inquired, snapping her aunt out of a momentary daze.

"Yeah, I'm ready to go. Come on, I'll give you a ride," her aunt responded, releasing a deep breath.

Grabbing her jacket from the couch, Nuwa turned towards the exit. The two, sharing a mix of conversation and playful banter, left the house together.

Reaching the art studio, Yuna again kissed her forehead and wished her luck. Dropping her at the studio, she immediately left for her café.

After the call she received few days ago, things are not going well. The fear that she was trying to left past her was again following them. Shaking her head she drove to the café.

Nuwa stepped into the art studio, adorned in a knee-length dress with a delicate white floral pattern, her shoulders exposed, and paired with pristine white converse. Her flowing hair cascaded gracefully onto her shoulders as she moved.

Bathed in sunlight, Nuwa appeared almost angelic in her white attire as she explored the studio.

The entire studio was captivated. As she approached her seat, she suddenly paused. A new face occupied the chair beside her.

Nuwa dart her eyes in the whole studio and finally settled beside the girl. The girl was wearing a red T- shirt with black shorts paired with Black boots. She was looking all innocent sitting there quietly.

" Hey! I'm XuanLu. I'm new here." The girl beside her said excitedly.

Nuwa Looks at her surprised, but introduced herself, "Um.. Hi! Nuwa. Park Nuwa. I also joined three days ago. "

The short introduction effortlessly transformed into casual conversations, and an instant connection formed as if they had been lifelong friends.

"Ah, I completely forgot. You're from China or living here," Nuwa remarked.

"No, I'm just visiting my relatives in Seoul. I figured I might as well explore something related to my future major while I'm here," XuanLu explained with a nonchalant shrug.

"Oh, that's great," Nuwa responded with a friendly smile.

Following that, the classes proceeded in their usual manner.

When the class ended, XuanLu decided to visit the nearby Café also dragging Nuwa with her.

"So, tell me one thing. You don't have any smell. Which rank you belong to?" Xuan Lu asked curiously.

Nuwa looks at her calmly, "It's because I'm wearing Moon flower."

"Oh! You're an Omega, Don't worry, this sister will protect you." She boasts while patting her chest proudly.

"Then I'll be in your care, big sister." Nuwa mimic in a baby voice while bowing her head. XuanLu instantly glared at her with her puffed cheeks.

"Aww! You're looking cute like that." She punched her cheeks lightly before bursting into fits of laughter.

Their bonding moment was interrupt, when a girl started to shout at a lady just the second table from them.

The lady was looking calm and composed while the girl was throwing tantrums, exclaiming how expensive her dress was. Her angry pheromones were spreading and making some people hard to breathe.

Both the new best friend, as XuanLu exclaimed turned their attention to the commotion happening there. Nuwa, compelled by an irresistible urge, found herself unable to resist stepping forward and chose to approach the scene.

As she witnessed the alpha girl berating the Vampire lady, she let out a weary sigh. Well that's ...It was typical for their kinds to harbor animosity, but that didn't justify disrespecting elders.

Although the lady was looking no more than 30 years , but we're talking about vampires here, who don't age.

As the girl aimed to hurl the coffee cup at the lady, Nuwa intervened, succumbing to an overwhelming impulse. She firmly grasped the girl's wrist, relieving her of the cup and gently setting it down on the table.

With a glare that radiated anger, she scoffed at the girl, "Are you out of your mind? You were about to pour that scalding substance on her. All for a mere dress that barely provided any decent coverage."

The aforementioned girl grits her teeth in embarrassment, how can an omega humiliate her, the Alpha.

"Watch your mouth omega. You're not in any place to tell me. Now leave before I do something to you."

A wave of excitement swept through the entire café as everyone became engrossed in the unfolding spectacle. Whispers and hushed conversations filled the air, while some customers eagerly recorded the scene on their devices. The subtle scent of pheromones began to permeate the surroundings, casting a mysterious aura over the space.

In the midst of the spectacle, the dominant alpha girl locked eyes with her adversary, revealing her sharp fangs with an intense gaze, her eyes glowing a fiery red.

Nuwa held her ground, gazing unwaveringly at her adversary. The alpha girl's pride took a blow from the defiant stance.

The woman grinned, she was fully capable of holding her own, but there was something about the girl in the white dress that piqued her curiosity. Tilting her head, a glint of amusement concealed in her eyes, she found the situation quite fascinating.

Disregarding her presence, Nuwa approached the woman and assessed her condition. "Are you alright, ma'am? Is there anything I can help you with?"

The lady smiled at her amusedly. She looked behind her, a fuming face glaring towards them.

"Ah! No nothing everything's fine dear. I just bumped into her accidentally. I can handle it, thank you." The lady said softly, admiring the face in front of her.

Moving her face other side, she apologized "I'm sorry little one."

"Well you should be, You just ruined my dress that you won't be able to afford all your life even if you work day and night." She hissed.

Nuwa glared at the girl, how ridiculous she can be, "Well you got the apology, now its up to you. People like you, spoiled rich kids wasting their parents money every second. You won't be able to afford a single shoe without their money. So stop this." After saying that she stared at her red face smugly.

"Y-You, How dare you?" The girl growled.

The alpha pheromones were enough to suffocate the atmosphere but Nuwa was unaffected. She didn't even flinch when she growls at her. Seeing this, the girl got more angry and frustrated.

The lady standing behind them stared surprisingly at Nuwa. The people were leaving café due to the alpha pheromones. But this girl wasn't showing any reaction at all.

Without her knowledge, Nuwa's eyes turned Silver and purple at the same time. The girl flinched and stepped back with her wide eyes. Not believing what she saw, she stammered, "Wh-What the hell?" Those eyes, they were not normal for wolves. For an omega those eyes held authority.

Confused by sudden change, Nuwa took advantage of the situation and walk towards the girl. The table was now turned and the girl was stepping back as she got cornered between the table and her.

Not knowing what was happening, Nuwa leaned over and whispered in her ears, "Leave... before I rip your face." The cold voice sends chill in her spine.

Trembling, the girl turned hastily bumping in the chair, and rushed towards the door leaving the café.

Nuwa released a breath that she held unkowingly and closed her eyes. She looked over her shoulders, XuanLu looking at her shocked by the turn of the event, the lady was surprised not believing the Girl's change in demeanour.

Everyone flinch when she roam her eyes over the whole place. Snapping back to the reality the owner departed the crowd from there.

"Wow! that was so cool Nuwa. You just scared the hell out of an alpha. hahahaha" XuanLu exclaimed ignoring the fact how an Omega was unaffected from the pheromones of an alpha.

The lady looked at her and mumbles, "Nuwa, what a beautiful name. Thank you darling but you should stay away from alphas." Smiled when she got a smile in return from the girl in front of her.

"Oh no, it's okay Mam. And thank you my mama gives me this name." Nuwa replied with a longing expression.

"We'll be heading then, please take care mam."

They both turned around and walk towards the door but before she opened it, a hand held her back.

Surprised, she looked back and her eyes widened.