Wished to be loved

When she looked at her hand that was being held back, her eyes widened. The lady from before stopped her from leaving the cafe. She looked up, her eyes held confusion in them, she smiled awkwardly at the lady.

"Um, Do you need anything Mam." Nuwa asked the lady, thinking every possibility of her birthday turning into a dramatic day.

The lady instantly released her hand and apologize, "I'm sorry, I saw you celebrating something there but due to the commotion you didn't. It kinda made me feel bad so I thought, how about i make up for it." She said with a warm smile present on her face. 

Nuwa and her friend stood there stupefied.

Not getting any answer, she hurriedly add, "Take it as my thank you. Hmm?"

Both Girls looked at each other and stared at the lady in front, reluctantly they both agreed to the idea. What's bad about it. right?

It's going to be a long day.

Taking their respectable seats the lady spoke surprised, " Oh! I didn't introduce myself. I'm Mei Ling. You can call me Mei or anything you want." She grinned brightly.

Gazing at her radiant smile, they resist the urge to shield their eyes from its brilliance. The glow is almost too intense for them.

Playfully nudging one another, they proceed to exchange introductions. "I go by Nuwa," she says, followed by her friend saying, "And I'm Xuan Lu."

Giving them a motherly smile she take Nuwa's hand in her hand, "You look like... someone I know before." Noticing their stiffness she gave them a lost look, "And please feel comfortable with me, no need to be so stiff."

They both chuckled at that. Relaxing themselves they start some random conversations. Unable to contain herself from blabbering like usual, Xuan Lu coughed, "Ah Miss Mei, do you have kids? You look too young to be true." She was looking at her like a fan at her idol with those little stars in her eyes.

Oh how much she was enjoying this God's creation.

Nuwa threw a glance at her friend, saying 'you better shut up'. XuanLu stuck out her tongue.

Mei Ling laughed at that, being a vampire that was a plus point too, "Yeah I have. I have two sons, one is 20 and other is 23. Both entirely different from each other." Thinking about her younger one she giggled, "You know my youngest one is totally living up to our kind."

The both girls awed, the lady in front of them was really a mother of adults, vampires are really something. Beautiful to be exact.

But the last sentence caught Nuwa's attention, she frowned not getting any meaning behind her words. She looked at XuanLu feeling she was maybe turned dumb, but looking at her she relaxed immediately, it's not only her than. Because like her, Xuan Lu was too frowning at her words, too confused to comprehend the meaning behind the words.

Watching their expressions she amused, and explained, "What I meant was my younger son is cold, he's a little introvert."

They 'oohed' at that. Cold-Vampire these both terms were like glued to each other.

Giggling she continued asking about them.

"So tell me, How old you both are? You look like High School students." Resting her chin on her hands she asked.

'Well that was a little straight.' Thought Nuwa,

"We're actually applying for university now. She's from china so she'll join there." Shrugged Nuwa looking over her shoulders towards Xuan Lu, who was literally in her daydreams looking at Mei Ling. She hit her on the foot under the tables.

Flustered, Xuan Lu blabbered, "Yeah that's true, that's true."

Arching her left brow, Nuwa gave her 'WTF' look. Mei Ling chuckled at her flustered state. But immediately turned towards Nuwa, "You're eighteen already."

"Yes Miss Mei, today is her eighteenth birthday." Xuan Lu sang and gave a smug look to Nuwa. 'Now Deal with it' thought her.

Nuwa, held herself back from cursing at her best friend of one day. She answered Mei Ling agreeing, hitting and cursing Xuan Lu can wait for a while.

Mei Ling gasped, "Ha!... You're turning eighteen today, dear. Now I get it what was that celebration was about. C'mon let's celebrate." She claps her hand excitedly.

Surprised by the sudden request Nuwa shakes her hand, "No! No please it's ok. You don't have to Miss Mei. We're going to leave in -"

Mei Ling cut her off in between and pouts sadly, "You don't wanna celebrate or am I making you uncomfortable."

Xuan Lu raised her brows amazed, this lady can change her expressions in seconds. But the sincerity was what she admired the most. Call her bubbly, silly or anything but she knows what is bad or not. She can feel black hearts, which the lady in front was far from it.

"Oh C'mon Nuwa it's your birthday, Don't be so shy. Right Miss Mei." She said innocently. Only if they knew her mischievious brain.

Nuwa's eyes twitched in annoyance, 'oh you're digging your own grave'. Well that's what friends do, pulling each other's leg.

"Yes, of course XuanLu. I should call you Xuan." Proud at her own nick name given by Mei Ling, Xuan Lu gave a big blinding smile. Looking at her smile Nuwa smiled unconsciously.

Back to the Birthday, they settled it with a little celebration.

After ordering some food and a medium sized cake enough for three, Mei Ling told Nuwa to blow the candles. Nuwa being dazed in the motherly love she get from a stranger, which she know merely from hours just follow her heart.

Mei Ling was sure that the girl in front of her was entirely different. She wasn't a wolf but she can sense things which they don't know.

The celebration was done and dessert was served, Mei Ling's ringing phone break the comfortable silence, looking through the caller ID she immediately answer it, "Hey My little Brat. How you doing? Mom miss you"

"Hey Mom. When did you reach there? Didn't even care to call me. You know it's not a vacation." A deep voice came from other side which turned from soft to pissed in seconds.

Sensing the pissed off mood of her younger son, Mei Ling spoke softly, "I'm okay baby. I just forgot to inform you because of a commotion here. I'm at café ri-"

"Are you ok?" came a concerned voice. Mei Ling smiled, he was just like his father. Both of her son were like him. Sighed, she calm him down and told him she'll call once she reached her staying place.

After hanging up the call she noticed the both girls looking at her somewhat perplexed.

"Well, that was my younger son. He seems to be a bit pissed off that I didn't called him after landing here." She said softly, tracing her eyes on the contact name.

Flipping her phone downward, she checked the time on her wrist watch. 4:15, she remembered the meeting was at 5 so she gathered her things, which was only her phone and a hand clutch.

Same with the girls they also tidy the table a little and gathered their bags decide to leave the café.

"Miss Mei, Thank you for this. I enjoyed a lot. And please be careful of your surroundings as you just arrived here." Nuwa spoke softly, somewhat different. She feels like doing it, so she step forward and hugged her.

Shocked by this sudden move, Mei Ling stood frozen but after coming out of her shocking state she hugged her back with the same intensity.

Nuwa thought what her hug would be felt like if her smiles are this warm. But was she wrong, she felt the same warmth after hugging her. She felt a motherly touch in her arms.

It's not like she never felt mother's love her grandma and noona made sure of it. but This was different from them, which she can't point it out. Her Noona was more like a friend to her.

Inhaling Her scent a little, she released her. Mei Ling pat her head gently, "We should exchange our numbers, maybe we can meet each other again." She excitedly took out her phone ready to exchange their contacts. 

"And yeah, both of you always remember to answer my call, or else. yeah." She reminds them, her aura changed from a gentle to scary one. Like a mother Scolding her kids.

Nodding their head continuously, they bow towards her a little and smiled back seeing her gentle smile again. Kissing their forehead, she leaves the café.

Parting their ways with huge smile on their faces, Nuwa and XuanLu decide to go back their own homes. Tired by the turns of the events, both were extremely exhausted but with beautiful memories too.

It was indeed a long day


In China things were same, just the mood of Zhang Wei was a little pissed. He felt somewhat disappointed when his mother didn't contact him after her arriving there.

Called him childish, but that's how he felt right now. So he took the matter in his hands and ring her number. After confirming that she was fine and all, he felt relaxed.

Releasing a deep breath he looked out the mirror wall, the sun was still up. What about his Moon?

He knows how everyone think of him as cold heartless-monster, and many more. He never show any emotion regarding this, like he despise the word itself. Love makes you weak, that's what he believes.

But he knows somewhere in his heart, how he sometimes wished to be in the arms of his other half.

He always felt envious about mate thing in wolves. 'They always have their soulmates' he thought. He saw how his parents love each other, their love was what people called ideal one. Their love was still increasing day by day.

Sigh, Life is not all colorful and rainbows.

Looking back at his phone he ignored all the thoughts and leave for his next classes.

In few days freshman will start their classes.

His new semester will also start form then.

Walking through the halls of the college, he saw a couple making out in the corner, scoffing he leaves the place thinking 'how love made you do foolish things'.

Failed to see their figure disappeared in seconds.