The Vampire and The Witch

Sounds of steps can be heard in the quiet corridor of the company. People were whispering , while a figure in a blue skirt and white off shoulder collar shirt walks briskly. Not minding any whispers, the figure walked away smoothly glancing at everyone, but halt suddenly when a line caught her attention.

"Did you hear, they say there is a spy found in our company." Said one worker surprisingly. Gossipping was normal daily deeds that could be found in any place. But the 'spy' thing awoke an interest in every worker.

Hearing that, the figure leave the place silently.

"Yeah? But what I heard was that, someone tried to get their hands on Mr. CEO. God who can be this fool to dig their own grave." Said the other one, while shaking his head in dibeleif.

"Do you really think that someone can melt that icy devil," snorting, exclaimed a lady joining in between the conversation.

Nodding their heads slowly, the other two hummed, "What about the Vice- Chairman? He's too bubbly, I like it. I never greet him before so don't know".

Not noticing someone approaching them, they continued, "I bet that man is virgin. But to think of it, I heard that vampires can choose their mates. And on top of that, no one saw Mr.CEO how he looks-" stopping in middle gasping surprisedly, he continued, " Is he hideous. That's why he didn't show-"

Cutting in middle of the conversation, the approached figure whispered, "-Show up in the company. He's very very hideous," he sang the last part and smirked. Oh, How much he was going to tease his brother about this but first he has to teach them some ethics.

"Really!" asked the lady worker turning around, but her eyes popped out and jaw drops after looking at the intruder. The other two men also turned around but regretted immediately. Flustered, they rushed to bow, "Mr. Vice Chairman!"

Pale faces, cold sweat breaking on their foreheads, the three pray every deity to spare them. Every one knows how cool- minded their Vice Chairman is but once he's temper take over no one can survive his wrath.

"Oh! No pleaase don't. I'm just a bubbly naive person, how could you bow to me. right?" The man state sweetly but the sweetness was absent from his face. Blank face was enough to give them goosebumps.

"Well are you not going to continue, I was enjoying it, much unexpectedly." The Vice- Chairman said sharing the meaningful looks with the three people standing with their pale faces.

Not getting any response, frustrating he spoke in a bone chilling voice, "I think we give you enough money for the time being that you all are being idle now. This is a working place not your fish market, and if you're tired, then be my guest for leaving this place. we need competent people not gossippers."

Bright red cold eyes, glaring at front. He leaves towards a certain office room. 'People are getting more and more idle now-a-days' he thought. Without knocking he barged in the dark room and slumped on the couch.

"What crawled up to your ass in the morning?"

Huffing he replied, "Some people are enjoying their gossips more, than the works they should be doing." Annoyed by the today's encounter.

Seeing the familiar figure of a girl he greet in fake excited voice, "Hey bitch! What are you doing here?"

Recieving a glare in return, he exclaimed innocently, "oops! My bad, 'Witch'. When did you get here? I thought you were still training there."

Snorting, the girl squint her eyes and fire back, "Oh my! Am I seeing frustrated blood sucker mosquito here or someone trampled on you taking you as a trash. huh?"

"Wanna die, witch. Watch your mouth." He retort rolling his eyes.

"Keep rolling your eyes, maybe you can find a brain there."

And the glaring contest began between the two. The Witch and The Vampire. What a weird pair?

"Why don't you get out of my face? You Witches are seriously sneaky shit people." He mumbled annoyed.

"Aiyyo~ You do remember what I did to you back then. Then why don't you shut that ugly mouth of yours." Said Xiao Qian smirking at him.

"Like heck I'm afraid of that, and I didn't even settled my score of that time. Wait when I get my hands on you". He said sitting straight and frustrated with the fact that she used magic on him to sealed his mouth, stopping him from speaking.

The humiliation he felt in front of the students was enough to provoke him to get back on her.

"Ooohhh~ I'm scared." She acts as if she was really scared. Oh, how much she was enjoying the annoyed expression of that man.

And this verbal fight goes on for minutes.

On the other hand Zhang Wei, who was witnessing the scene in front of him couldn't hold back and shout from frustration.

"Will you both shut up!".

"Oh You shut up! you grumpy old man". They both yell at the same time and looked at each other.

Surprised, Zhang Wei lean back. Not to forget how they both team up against someone third party and left them with their bickering. Work can wait, not their suppressed feeling from years.

Back to the bickering pair.

Zhang Jun gritts his teeth and approached her swiftly and slammed her body on the wall. More like caged her between his arms.

The sudden act left Xiao Qian startled. She looked straight in his eyes and saw conflicting emotions in them.

Confused by his behavior, she tried to speak but her voice came more like a whisper, "You! What are you-".

Eyes wide, surprised by his own actions he stepped back immediately. 'What the hell was he doing?' he screamed internally.

The both Witch and Vampire pair stopped in middle of their bickering moments. What? Looking at their awkward position, Zhang Wei rubbed his face.

These three were friends from childhood but the two in front act more like enemies. They were always at each other's throat. Xiao Qian, a Witch from the Mage clans, but keeping aside their clans hatred these three always stick together. Qian and Zhang Jun were older in the group than Zhang Wei.

Being younger, Qian always adored Zhang wei and treat him as her son, but Zhang jun always annoyed her in their childhood which always made them quarrel like lovers. Lovers? That sound more like it.

"If your lovers quarrel stopped then should we continue what we're doing?" Asked Zhang Wei with a meaningful expression.

Hearing the fight quote as lovers quarrel, both Qian and Jun came back to reality and made disgusting faces at each other.

"Eww~ He's not good enough for my love".

"Like heck I'm going to love you, even if you're the only girl left. I have many other options than this witch." huffed Zhang Jun. The audacity to match him with this witch.

Ignoring his rants Xiao Qian focussed on the man behind the scenes enjoying their misery.

Frowned at the thought of it, she pout, "My adorable Zhang! You're enjoying it too much for your liking. And what lovers quarrel, he didn't even know..." she murmured her last words.

Raising his left brow, he said as he put his chin on his left hand, "Firstly, I'm not a kid anymore. I'm Twenty. Second, you should figure out what is going on between you, then I don't have to witness this every time whenever you meet each other".

He continued ignoring them both, "Vampire Zhang Jun and the Witch Xiao Qian, weird but nice pair."

"I'm your brother brat, why don't you call me Ge?" Zhang Jun whined more like tryied to divert the attention somewhere else from the current topic. 

"After the headache you left me with in the name of the company, a definite no." deadpanned Zhang Wei.

Getting the hint Qian joined in sounded hurt, "He never called me Jie too. Why Zhang Zhang? am in not your sister."

Looking at them both acting oblivious, Zhang Wei smirked. They always ignore their feelings towards each other and covered them with their bickering unknowingly.

"You're not my Jie, Qian. No offense." said Zhang Wei observing every little change in the expressions of the both pair.

Gasping, Xiao Qian held Zhang Jun's shirt subconciously, "Offense taken you brat. How could you say that? Give me back my love I gave you all these years."

She faced Zhang Jun and jokingly smacked his shoulders repeatedly and act like a mother hurt by her son, "Look! Look darling, What is this happening? My adorable Zhang turned into ruthless one not even caring about us."

Zhang Wei open his eyes more wide, shocked. 'Did she just call him darling' even if it was an act she did call him.

Dazed at the moment, Zhang Jun glance at her and speak slowly as if afraid to confirm it, "Did you just call me darling?"

Halt in her act, Xiao Qian frozed. This tongue surely can get you in trouble. Waving, she smacked his head hardly, "You just heard that, nothing else you moron." And hit her forehead later, where did she get herself into.

"That's why, how can I call you, my own sister-in-law jiejie." Answered Zhang Wei cockily.

Frozed on their spots, both Zhang Jun and Qian cleared their throat, ears turning red.

"Do me a favor. Confessed already, you don't need to think about the clans and other unrelated things. How long can my brother hold up. Right?Sister-in-law." And he continue to do his own work, left the pair in awkward silence with red faces.

How much they want to hide their flustered state, but things needed to be clear at this moment.
