In the Art studio

Sun rays peeking through the window, fall on the figure sleeping soundly on the bed. Her face was shining due to the sun light.

Nuwa shift herself to found some comfortable space but a loud ringtone broke her peaceful sleep. Cursing under her breath she tap everywhere on her bed to get the phone. Reaching, she swipe the green button without looking at the name of the caller.

"Hello!" she answered groggily.

"Are you still sleeping? Nuwa it's already 8:15, don't you have classes today." came a voice surprised. Looking at the table clock showing a big 8:15 Nuwa jumped out of the bed and ran towards the bathroom, only after keeping the phone on speaker.

"Shit! I slept late Noona. She's going to eat me alive", she mumbled at last.

"I left early because of the emergency call, so I made you breakfast before leaving. Eat before you leave for your class ok. I gotta go, Bye and take care. Love you~" said Yuna in hurry.

After replying back love you too, Nuwa hunged up the phone. Washing herself, doing her daily routine and after having her breakfast hastily, she leaves for her classes.

Arriving at her art studio, she took a breath of relief. Spotting XuanLu at their respective seat she walk towards her and sit down silently. The atmosphere of the studio was unusually silent and tensed. Glancing here and there she relaxed her nerves when she felt a tap on her back from behind.

Turning around she saw a girl smiling at her eyes turned closed by it, "Um, do you need something," she questioned the girl with a frown visible on her face.

Shaking her head the girl answered back, "Ah! No, I just need a favor if you don't mind." Nodding slightly Nuwa urged the girl to continue.

"You see I'm sitting alone here and you have a seat beside you. So I was thinking if I can take that seat," told the girl, scratching her head sheepishly.

Displeased by the fake act of the girl, XuanLu rolled her eyes and huffed. Nuwa kept silent and nudged her best friend secretly, both sharing a look. Before she even answered, her instructor entered the studio with some art supplies in his hand.

"I can see you're late today Miss Nuwa. Any reason for this behavior of yours." Her art instructor asked arching his left brow questioningly.

Embarrassed, she lower her head and coughed nervously and replied, "I slept late last night Mr. Shin. I'm sorry I'll be on time today onwards", after answering she slowly raised her head to took a glance at him. Seeing the beta instructor still looking at her, she forced a smile.

Releasing a sigh, the instructor nodded his head before approaching next student.

"Hey! What were you doing last night that you even forgot today's event here in studio?" Asked XuanLu suspiciously wiggling her brows, but regrets as she got hit by the eraser on her forehead from her instructor.

"Who the hell was that?" She asked furiously while standing from her seat, eyes glaring at everyone.

"I expect you to do your assignment Miss. XuanLu rather than whispering in each other's ears." Closing her eyes in defeat XuanLu slumped back on her chair embarrassed, mumbling incoherent words.

"I can hear the words you're mumbling miss Xuan".

"I'm sorry Mr. Shin but I didn't know what you are talking about." said XuanLu giving him a sickening sweet smile.

The atmosphere turned a little awkward. Stiff on their seats, both XuanLu and Nuwa look quickly at each other and turned away biting their lips to control their smile.

The class was suddenly interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Sorry for being late." Said the figure that enter through the door. The strong scent of alpha pheromones mixed with sweats were emitting from him. Looking at the boy anyone can tell he's an alpha.

From the Clothing to accessories, the boy was loaded. He was covered in brands from head to toe.

"Wow! He's a fine piece". comment XuanLu in Nuwa's ear, making her ear itched a little. Nuwa looked at her pointedly.

Pouting XuanLu shrugged and said softly, "I'm just enjoying the god's creation, and single life as well".

Shaking her head Nuwa smiled at her and craned her neck to briefly glance at the boy, he was indeed handsome with his sculpted face. But was she moved, Hell no. She was still waiting for her mate. Typical.

Thinking about her mate, sadness took over her beautiful face. She was too much excited for her mate in the end she didn't get a single scent of him anywhere. Maybe he's not here, that's how she convince herself all night thinking about all the possibilities. 

The instructor allowed him to enter and asked to introduce himself. Whole class was oggling at the new boy who just entered. Girl's admiring and boys envied him.

"I'm Nam WooHyun. Please take care of me". The boy named Nam WooHyun bowed slightly after that he raised his head and looked at the whole art studio observing each and every corner of it.

Continuous Gasps can be heard from the students after witnessing his features. His eyes were different in color, one was brown while other was pale brown which increase the beauty of it.

"God! What's with his eyes?" Exclaimed a boy from behind in disguist.

"He's both eyes are different in color," said someone, surprised by the fact.

"That's what make him different and unique morons," Nuwa murmured softly, not want to be heard by anyone. But a smile appeared on the face of the newly arrived boy hearing this.

WooHyun looked around the room ignoring the comments, darting his eyes everywhere and stopped at one certain person. Tilting his head, he frowned focussing on the face. Beautiful.

He felt something warm in his heart unknowingly when she described him as unique. Snapping back into reality he followed the gaze of his instructor.

"You can take your seat beside Nuwa. Miss Nuwa raise your hand, there". He pushed him ahead slightly. Nuwa and WooHyun immediatey looked at each other, staring for seconds until a cough breaks it.

The girl behind the Nuwa grits her teeth in annoyance, he was totally her type. But again the boy wasn't even sparing her a single glance. Jealous, she sat there quietly. This can wait she thought.

WooHyun sit beside Nuwa with an uneasiness in the pit of his stomach. He felt like he heard that name somewhere but couldn't remember.

Shrugging off his thoughts he focussed on his lessons, until he found a conversation more interesting than the lessons.

"God really blessed you people with beauty. That's why I'm going to enjoy my single hood with the one who wants me". Expressed XuanLu while checking her art supplies.

"You are beautiful the way you are, so chin up babe. Don't let those get you". Nuwa laughed afterwards. That's true, everyone is beautiful in their own way nothing can change that, she thought.

"But you do look at yourself in the mirror, right? How can we not even feel envious". Came a voice from behind. Although she was speaking in awe, but in her heart she was cursing her furiously.

XuanLu looked through her shoulders and scrunched her face when she saw the girl from before. Oh, How much she wants to smack that face of her. Pressing her lips in a thin line she retort sassily, "Or you can just suck it up and admire these creations to the whole. What'd you say?"

The boy named WooHyun giggled at that, stunned the girls looked at him with their wide eyes. Nuwa didn't meant to be loud but hearing these very preposterous idea, she couldn't hold herself.

"What is so amusing in it? Eavesdropping is bad manners, don't you know that Peeping-tom" heatedly XuanLu spat at him with her eyes narrowed.

"You speak so loud even the boy beside me heard it, then how it is eavesdropping," he told her arching his left brow cockiness visible in his voice and coninued smirking at her, "We wolf don't need to eavesdrop secretly, hope you don't forget your own ability".

Unable to refute him, XuanLu stomped her feets on the floor resulting all the art supplies on the floor. Tired from their behavior, the art instructor Mr.Shin held his nosebridge hard and sighed. Kids these days won't understand the human language. Oh! they're not Human, these little wolves, he sighed.

Frustrated he kicked the both girls out from the studio. This can save him some time and energy as well.

"Do you have to act this rudely with him".

"So what! I'm not like those who got swayed only by the looks. Watch it, you can act as much as you want in front of Nuwa but not mine".

"Huh! What're you talking about?" Asked the girl acting innocent. Glancing other side she frowned, there she saw Nuwa and WooHyun walking towards them together.

"Nuwa babe! That man kicked you both too." asked XuanLu surprisingly after following the gaze of the girl. Approaching them she dragged Nuwa along with her to a bench nearby available outside the art studio.

WooHyun looked at her sideways and turned away. He felt the urge to know her more. The girl from before step towards him, "Hey! What got you interested in art? An alpha like you..."

"And who are you?" He asked bluntly. Not liking the sudden closeness.

Embarrassed, the girl forced a smile and introduce herself. Waving her off, he look around taking the large botanical view increasing the beauty of the studio and the cafe's when a screeching voice interrupt his peace of mind.

"WooHyun! What the heck are you doing here? and who's this wench".