Just 'Acquaintances'

WooHyun sighed heavily rubbing his eyes together. The scent of a bored and exhausted alpha visible in the air.

"Lee SeoHee, What are you doing here? Didn't you say you have to attend an event". He faced her frowning.

Avoiding his eyes the girl named Lee SeoHee cleared her throat, "it's not today... I mean, it got postponed until further notice. What about your art classes or you were just lying about it", she asked him saddened at the thought of it.

Lee SeoHee a sub-alpha, met WooHyun few years back in her middle school when she was getting bullied for her fat and chubby appearance. That's when the alpha named WooHyun saved her and befriend her despite her chubby look.

From then on they both were good friends. But as they both grow up, Seo Hee developed feelings more than a friend could. After confessing her feelings in high school what she got was only a humble rejection.

This made Lee SeoHee mad but she asked for three months. In those three months if she wouldn't able to make him fall for her, she will quit at her own. Agreeing to her conditions, he gave her a chance which he regrets every now and then.

"Is she your type?" asked Seo Hee weakly, when she looked the girl standing beside him. The girl looked at her smugly as if she was challenging her.

Grabbing her hand, he took her a little bit away from the girl.

"Seo Hee. What is it that you don't understand? I only saw you as a sister, so please spare me", said WooHyun defeatedly but a little softly. It's been already three months and he didn't feel an ounce of romantic feelings towards her.

Seo Hee looked at him with tears in her eyes, lowering her head she suppressed her tears by closing her eyes tightly. She breath deeply, "I just caught up in the moment when I see you with that girl," forcing a smile she propose the idea for a meal together as if nothing happened between them a few moment ago, "So, are you free. I want to eat something."

looking at her face with her every word he tried to find any discomfort but none. Sighed. He can't abandoned this long time friendship just from a mere confession. Smiling a little he nodded.

On the other side, Nuwa and XuanLu were watching everything but they couldn't see the face of the girl named Seo Hee as she was back facing them. Being the mischevious she was XuanLu stated, "Ha! Is that a love triangle?" Looking at her side she asked Nuwa, "What do you think?"

"Whatever is it, it ddoesn't matter to us? Is it?"

"But to think of it, that back looks a little familiar," XuanLu mumbled in her deep thought. Humming, Nuwa nodded in agreement when she suddenly got a call from the lady before, Mei Ling. Seeing the caller ID she smiled in excitement.

Sensing the excitement of her friend she peek at the screen and her eyes widened, "Pick up! pick up! I thought she forget about us already in these three days," she chant excitedly.

Taking a deep breath Nuwa recieved the phone call and greets Mei Ling warmly, "Hey Aunt Mei."

"Hello My little one. How you doing? Did I disturb you? And how's that buzzy bee with you?" Mei Ling asked sweetly with a little tease in the end. After her departure from these two girls she felt a bond with them but she felt more with the orange-haired girl.

"No you don't aunt Mei, we're fine and that Buzzy Bee of yours too," she said glancing towards her friend. "How are you doing?" Asked Nuwa stressing on the word 'you'.

Hearing the name Buzzy Bee XuanLu's ear perked up and looked towards the phone in anticipation. Was she calling me Buzzy bee?

Seeing her expression Nuwa put the phone on speaker.

"After hearing your voice, I'm feeling more better." Like a mother to a child. They talk about things for minutes when Mei Ling stop suddenly. Feeling her bothered Nuwa asked her in concern, "Everything's okay aunt Mei."

Breathing deeply she started, "I'm leaving in three days Nuwa and before leaving i want to meet both of you at the same cafe same time. How's that?"

The both girls shared a look and nodded together as if the person on the phone can see them. Mentally slapping herself, Nuwa spoke smiling widely at the thought of it, "Sure, You can text us whenever you're free."

Mei Ling chuckled, "I have a request. I want to take a souvenir with me, can you help me little one."

Confused, Nuwa trailed her sentence, "Okay..." but after hearing her complete request, her eyes widened in shock.

"Uhm.. I'll do my best. Thank you for beleiving in me." she said warmly. Not beleiving she accept it like that. After little talk with both the girls Mei Ling hunged up.

Both freinds sat in silence. Breaking the silence XuanLu squealed with her dreamy eyes, "we're going to meet my idol again. Oh god!"

Nuwa chuckled at her fangirling and smirked, "More like you're going to freeload her again."

Gasping dramatically, XuanLu deadpanned, "You're mean. No need to rub off on my face." That's when they also heard the little argument. Or they thought.

"Is that girl peeping tom's girlfriend. Heheh.. geez look at him, questioning his whole existence." XuanLu nudged Nuwa while saying it. Nuwa looked at them intently, to think of it that back do look familiar.

Standing from her seat, she start to marched towards them leaving her friend in her daydreams. "Hey! wait for me, Nuwa!" XuanLu catched up on her while rounding her arm on her shoulder.

Reaching upon them, they saw how the girl from their studio was standing a little far staring smugly and the girl named Seo Hee with her head down with closed eyes in front of WooHyun. Huffed, Nuwa looked away from them. After waiting for them to end it they approached them.

"Aiyyo~ Look at that, Peeping tom got himself in a love triangle", XuanLu giggled. Hearing this Seo Hee immediately turned around, her jaw dropped seeing the same two girls from the café. Oh, Her fate is surely playing with her when these two saw her in her miserable state.

"Omo! Isn't that the bratty, spoiled rich, daddy's princess from before, Nuwa," exclaimed XuanLu in surprise with her wide eyes pointing her index finger at the girl.

Looking at the girl, Nuwa remembered how she tried to pour hot coffee on Mei Ling which now angered her more. Tilting her head she said blankly, "The world is sure small," she moved her gaze from the girl to WooHyun and asked, still in her blank voice, "You know her?"

Seeing the blank look on her face, WooHyun stuttered a little, "Uh-ye-yeah. She's my childhood friend, more like a sister to me." He cursed himself internally at his stuttered self. 'Damn a single girl made you nervous' he thought.

Seo Hee looked away at 'sister'. Don't want to show her pathetic weakself in front of these people.

Scoffing, XuanLu added in her despised tone, "Then why is she behaving more like a possessive girlfriend, you can't even reject her properly then why hang her around yourself."

Seeing the change in atmosphere, Nuwa sighed and stopped her friend, "Lu! Don't."

Seo Hee glared at her, nose flaring, her angry pheromones spreading all over the place. Nose twitching due to the sour smell of pheromones, WooHyun held her shoulders and tried to calm her, after all she was an alpha, sub or dom doesn't matter. Calming a little she looked through her shoulders and exhaled deeply, thinking it's not the right time.

"You three Know each other?" He asked confused by the reaction given by Seo Hee. Seo Hee dart her eyes around in panick, not liking where the conversation was going.

Afraid the girls might tell him about the cafe incident and ruined her gentle image, she nervously laughed, "Ahaha.. I-I bumped into them in the cafe. yeah cafe.."

Seeing the panicked look on her face, Nuwa glared at her coldly and huffed. XuanLu looked at her incredulously, What a hypocrite?

"No! Just some acquaintance," gritting her teeth Nuwa retort back. Composing herself she sighed while turning around and bid her farewell not want to breath the same air with her, "See You later. Let's go Lu." The both freinds walk away leaving the two alone.

Skipping her steps, the girl from their art studio walk past Seo Hee bumping her shoulders rudely to catch up on them, "Wait! Don't forget me here damn it. I'm standing there alone like ages."

The both girls rolled their eyes and ignored her. WooHyun shake his head and leave from there too. Walking behind them a little, he sighed deeply with his every step.

"Keep sighing and I'll kick you in the guts, you peeping tom." State XuanLu frustrated.

WooHyun looked at her surprised, this small looking girl sure has a big mouth. Smirking, he walk fast and leaned a little closer, "Sure, if your short legs can reach them." Satisfied he walked away ahead leaving a stunned XuanLu behind.

Coming back to the reality, she realized what he said and her face change instantly in a furious one, not ignoring the fact how he invaded her space.

Nuwa raised her left brow questioningly, feeling her gaze XuanLu raised her palm in front of her to stop asking anything which she herself didn't understand. Nodding slowly, she let go of the matter and continue walking towards the studio.

Meanwhile, Seo Hee looked at the retreating back of him sadly but glared when he leaned towards the other girl to say something. And watching this, now realized how much she hate those both girls from the cafe to the core.

'Just you wait, I'll make sure you regret everything happened here.' She thought with an evil glint in her eyes.