Saviour from the past

A night before the Auction Party…..


Zhang Wei stood erect before the art museum, his expression impassive and hands nonchalantly tucked into his pockets, the venue for tomorrow's Art Exhibition.

Surveying the location, he directed a calculated smile towards his secretary. "Tang Yue, is everything prepared for tomorrow?" His resonant voice filled the air.

Tang Yue, who was positioned a short distance away from Zhang Wei, stepped forward, relaying every detail about the upcoming meeting with the same stoic tone as his boss. "Yes, Sir. The Vice-Chairman and Madam will be in attendance. Our allies are already present, awaiting a subtle cue to proceed."


Satisfied with Tang Yue's report, Zhang Wei nodded approvingly. His gaze swept across the exterior of the art museum, where preparations were underway for the prestigious event.

"Ensure the security is tight, Tang Yue. We can't afford any unforeseen complications," Zhang Wei instructed, his tone firm and authoritative. He can't take any risks regarding those shrewd minions of the Elders.

Tang Yue acknowledged the directive with a nod. "Understood, Sir. The security detail is on high alert, and all necessary precautions have been taken."

As the two men conversed, a subtle tension lingered in the air, hinting at the significance of the impending art exhibition, more like the hidden agenda at the auction party which was going to be held in night.

Zhang Wei's blank face revealed little, but there was a shrewdness in his eyes that spoke of calculated decisions and strategic moves

Zhang Wei let out a hum, casting a glance at his secretary of two years. Despite the fact that the man was a wolf, an Alpha no less, he remained steadfastly loyal and dedicated in his work with vampires, dispelling the misconceptions surrounding their species.

The notion that 'Wolves and Vampires can never be in the same room' seemed absurd to Zhang Wei.


Drawing in a deep breath, Zhang Wei pivoted to depart alongside his secretary, only to come to an abrupt stop as he recalled a certain headstrong girl. 'She's eighteen now.'

Exhaling a sigh, he resumed his stride, his expression instantly softening. "Tang Yue, let's go somewhere first."


Sensing the shift in his boss's demeanor, Tang Yue swiftly grasped the situation. The imposing and overbearing aura that his boss typically exuded seemed to soften, a rare occurrence that only transpired for two reasons—first, when it involved his family, and second... Tang Yue shot a subtle glance at his boss and gently shook his head.

That girl might very well be the prospective future Madam, capable of transforming his formidable boss, who was akin to a dragon, into a delicate butterfly.


Amused by his own foolish musings, Tang Yue chuckled, clearing his throat to conceal his laughter, and began driving once they had settled into the car.

While at the wheel, Tang Yue failed to notice the subtle smile that graced the handsome face of the man seated in the back of the car. Continuing to scan the road as they cruised past various shops, Zhang Wei abruptly commanded Tang Yue to halt.

 "Sir, is everything in order?" inquired Tang Yue, who had been unexpectedly instructed to come to a stop.

 Seated in the back, Zhang Wei offered no response, choosing instead to dismiss his secretary and fix his gaze on two young girls playfully pushing each other while engaged in animated conversation.

However, his attention focused intensely on a specific girl with vibrant orange locks, appearing even more beautiful than he remembered. Her features seemed more pronounced than they were two years ago.


Observing his superior gazing outside, Tang Yue shifted his attention to the same direction and noticed two girls engaged in playful conversation. Perplexed, he glanced back, only to find his boss settle back on his seat.


That night, Tang Yue got his first surprise of the day, cause his boss, who never even twitched his mouth ever, was having that one look on his face, Contentment. 

 Tang Yue opened his mouth but couldn't form the words, so he just asked politely, "Shall we leave, sir?"

 Zhang Wei, take a one last look at the girl, who appeared to be a little taller than before and exhaled, "let's go". 

 'We'll meet again' With the prospect of meeting again in mind, he eased into his seat, allowing himself to fully relax.


Art Exhibition Day 


Upon entering the venue, Zhang Wei observed his surroundings, paying no heed to the stares and hushed whispers that surrounded him. Swiftly, he navigated through the crowd, avoiding the individuals emitting various unpleasant scents that filled the hall. 


Scrunching his nose slightly, he looked around for any signs of the bright-orange locks, sensing a burning stare he looked back only to see the crowd admiring art pieces. 

Wrinkling his nose in a slight displeasure, he scanned the surroundings for any indications of the vivid orange hair. Feeling an intense gaze, he turned back, only to find the crowd engrossed in appreciating various art pieces.


Exhaling audibly, he retrieved his phone, scrolling through his contacts. His thumb lingered over a prominent contact. After a brief moment of contemplation, he summoned his courage and resolved to send a message to the girl who was expected to be here an hour ago.


Don't inquire about how he obtained the number; it's one of the perks of being a CEO. 

Even though Zhang Wei acquired the girl's phone number, he refrained from reaching out – not because he couldn't, but rather, he found himself unable to muster the courage.


As he received no response, his expression swiftly turned cold. Slipping the phone into his pocket, he sought out an isolated corner, standing there like a poised hunter ready to strike.

Facing the curious and suspicious glances from passersby in the corridor, he clenched his jaws, responding them with an intimidating glare.


Little did Zhang Wei anticipate that, right in that isolated corner, Nuwa would unintentionally bump into him, their worlds colliding in an unexpected encounter.


As Nuwa collided with Zhang Wei in that isolated corner, she stumbled back and mumbled something frustratedly, softly knocking her forehead. 


Witnessing her face undergo a range of expressions, shifting from frustration and confusion to amusement, he couldn't help but feel it amusing. Shaking his head he contains his composure.


"Are you finished?" Questioned Zhang Wei, as she looked up surprised a spark of recognition flickered in both their eyes. Startled by the unexpected meeting, Nuwa stammered an apology, before she could dwell on her embarrassment, she took a closer look at him making him retreating in his steps. 


'Too close' He frowned a little.


Nevertheless, Zhang Wei observed her with an inscrutable expression, a trace of curiosity evident in his gaze. As he observed the girl's transformation into a beautiful woman since their last meeting, a subtle spark flickered in his eyes.

"It's you!" the girl's loud voice shattered his reverie. Sensing the volume was excessive for his usual demeanor, he stared at her with an inscrutable expression, causing the girl to freeze in her tracks.

The echo of that loud exclamation lingered in the air, creating an awkward pause between them. His unreadable stare held a mix of surprise and contemplation, while the girl stood frozen, uncertain of how to proceed. 

A subtle tension enveloped the moment, as if the volume of the voice had disrupted the delicate balance of their surroundings. 

The room seemed to hold its breath, the atmosphere charged with an unexpected intensity. He finally broke the silence, his voice low and measured, "What do you mean, it's me?"

The girl's initial boldness wavered as she stammered, searching for the right words. "I... I thought you were someone else. Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." Her eyes fluttered while she looked away, dodging Zhang Wei's piercing gaze.

His inscrutable expression softened, revealing a hint of curiosity. "Someone else? Who did you think I was?" He tilt his head, amusedly. But from where he stood, he could see a tattoo behind her right ear looking elegant on her white slender neck. 

Caught off guard, the girl struggled to find an answer. "I don't know. It's just, I saw you from a distance, and you looked like someone I used to know." Her eyes fluttered while dodging Zhang Wei's piercing eyes.

A complex emotion flickered in Zhang Wei's eyes, as if memories long-buried resurfaced. The room, once charged with tension, now held an air of mystery. The girl's initial boldness transformed into a genuine curiosity.

'What to do?' She thought while nibbling on her pink lips. 

she coughed nervously and extended her hand with a polite smile as she introduced herself, "I apologize once more. I'm Nuwa, waiting for a friend here," who resembles you a lot, she continued in her mind. 

The awkward pause evolved into a moment of shared intrigue, Zang Wei smirked a little in response to the girl's audacious introduction before casually strolling past her.

Nuwa was taken aback by the man's seemingly cold demeanor, thinking to herself, 'Huh! of course, what were you thinking stupid Nuwa?' 

"Aren't you coming?" 

Nuwa Turned around to gawk at the man. She blinked, Was he talking to me,...or, looking around, not finding anyone, she stared at the man. 

Feeling the girl was dazed again, Zhang Wei smiled a little, "...Little Omega?" 

Nuwa gasped, her hand instantly covered her mouth. 

"She's a fine one, look at her hair.." 

"HEY! Stop touching her. we're hunters, not some people in lust." shouted someone.

"What are we waiting for then? We're in the middle of the road, kill her already."




"What was that? shit there's someone here," 


"heek! let go,"


"You okay! Can you hear me,"

"Little Omega!" 

"Little Omega!"



"Little Omega!" 

"Huh!" Nuwa blinked her eyes rapidly, her mind still playing those fragments.

That day, due to her pre-heat symptoms hunters get their hands on her. After loosing too much blood from running heavily on her injured legs, she fell, exhausted. She could only heard some muffled voices, and the handsome face of her savior. 

Shaking her head, she glance at the definition of handsomeness.

"It's really you, and you're looking more," she pause to check him out from top to bottom shamelessly and whispered, "... handsome," still in trance. 

Zhang Wei raised his brows playfully at her remarks.

He chuckled, "Then you do remember, what are we here for? Don't you?"

 She rolled her eyes, 'Oh! how could she.'