
The sun was going down slowly, just as stars blanket the entire sky. The venue was now in uproar, it was the time for the auction party. 

Zhang Wei and Nuwa treaded slowly through the hallways, preparing themselves for the upcoming and chaotic event.

"Where are we going actually?" asked Nuwa, nervous by the fact, how creepy these halls were turning by each passing minute. She hugged herself instantly feeling the goosebumps she got just by thinking. Stepping on the shiny cold floor of the corridor after taking a turn, Nuwa halt her steps suddenly, followed by Zhang Wei as well. 

Sensing someone following them, she turned around slowly, clutching her fists. Zhang Wei looked at her in alert as if sensing someone nearby, thanks to his senses of being a dominant Vampire. Not getting any whiff of scents other than theirs, he grabbed her hand and start walking, just in case.

Glancing at the dark sky through the windows, he released a breath. There is a full moon in three days, and today's moon is exceptionnally glowing brighter, illuminating the dark cloudy sky.

"Don't you think someone is following us, and that very long time." Questioned Nuwa curiously. Unable to digest the fact, how the Alpha in front of her was unbothered by the creepy feelings. She frowned, or is it only her? 

Feigning an ignorance, he casually answered, "That's just your mind playing with you, Little Omega."

Hearing his casual remark, she Looked at him in disbelief while gritting her teeth, her intuitions were never wrong. Not that day, not even at cemetery. 

"How could you say that? Don't you feel it? Even, I , an Omega can feel it and you can't, an Alpha at that." Her past events had made her learned some new lessons, never ignore your intuitions, mostly the bad ones.

Shaking her head she was about to open her mouth when a retorted question was thrown at her enough to make her shocked.

"And what made you think, I am an Alpha," Zhang wei smirked, coldness seeping through his eyes enough to send chills down her spine. His flickering eyes, from Amber to red was enough to tell his ongoing inner battle with in him.

The beast within him doesn't like someone to question his ability. Of course she directly didn't indicate it, but her words were enough to get the underlying meaning.

"What- What are you even talking about? How could you-" her stumbling words were making her more stupefied. Nuwa blinked, she looked around the corridor, if anyone was here at the moment, because she badly want to scream and fire some questions at the man in front.

When suddenly, four to five meters away, a large gate behind Zhang Wei caught her eyes, who freshly claimed himself not to be an Alpha. 

Nuwa looked at him, frowning hard, not getting any of his words in her brain. 'Or Am I turned dumb' missing every single change in his demeanour.

Gazing at her face full of curiosities, Zhang Wei smiled a little, "Curiosity might kill the cat," It's not surprising that she also thought of him as an Alpha, nothing new for him. But her various kind of expressions were making it hard for him not to bully her. 

Calming himself down, Zhang Wei motioned her to move forward. Seeing her not moving from her place, he sighed. 

On the other hand, Nuwa get this feeling again, but it was different tha before. she can't shake the feeling of being watched or followed, as if her all moves were being monitored. She looked up slowly, meeting the cold amber eyes but strangely a ripple of softness was visible in them. 

Strange enough, Nuwa felt secure with this man, and remembering her impulsive behavior a few minutes back then, she definitely found herself in her comfort zone around this man. And Now, it's again happening how she felt assured just being with him. 

So, now getting this look from him as if being mocked doesn't sit quite well with her.

"I don't think you'll be this paranoid," Zhang Wei teases.

Nuwa narrowed her eyes at the remark and scoffed, "get yourself attacked once or twice, then your brain won't think otherwise." Huh, paranoid he says.

Attacked, Zhang Wei felt his blood boiling in anger.

"What do you mean attacked?" Zhang Wei questioned gritting his teeth, his expression grave and threatening. How come he never get this report, then he remembered how he stopped investigating her afraid of invading her privacy more than necessary. 

Feeling a little intimidating from his aura, as an Omega Nuwa was slightly affected. Even though he said he's not a wolf, how come she can feel his scent everywhere around him. Only dominant race can have this intimidating aura, that you can feel just by passing by them.

Nuwa wrinkled her brows meeting them together, Why was he even angry and what's with that hidden concern she get from his angered voice. 

 Shaking her thoughts away, Nuwa looked away unable to answer that question which she herself didn't know. She don't know why she was a target of those vile creatures who disturbed her once peaceful life. They not only killed her mother but now they're hunting her down. 

And she won't sat back, until she get to know why? As promised to her mother, she will take her revenge and made them pay, tearing them into pieces. Looking at the man in front she was thankful of him guiding her through these obstacles. 

Seeing a faraway look in her eyes, Zhang Wei's anger turned completely into worry. He approached her, slowly raising his hands to touch her face which was slightly pale by now. But before he could even touch her cheeks, he stopped his hands and from the corner of his eyes he spot the black smoke erupting from one of those dark corners of the corridor, emitting a very scary sound. 

Hearing the sound, Nuwa snapped back into reality from her daze. She instantly turned around to look for that familiar scary sound ignoring their closeness as her back collided with the chest of Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei holds her waist by his right hand securing her in one place, slowly wrapping his hand around her, as if that hand was meant to hold her, just at the right place. 

Nuwa leaned back a little, unconsciously, thinking every possible way to fight the smoke that was taking a form of a creature in front of her slowly. Her eyes narrowed as she clenched her jaws, ready to strike whenever needed unknowingly releasing some of her pheromones due to stre

Looking down at her waist fitting perfectly in his hands, Zhang Wei felt satisfied by their close proximity. Ignoring his surroundings, he suddenly felt the need to lean down and took a whiff of her scent. Her lavender scent mixed with fresh fruity smell was driving him crazy and the the warmth coming from her body was not helping either. 

Alarmed by his sudden thoughts, he tried to step back but something in him stopped his tracks. He glanced at the view in front of him, the pale long slender neck and the crescent moon mark behind her right ear look so tempting in his eyes. He slowly traced the mark, very sensually taking his sweet time in it and felt the body shivered in his holds making him lose his control. 

So, he give in to his thoughts and rested his head in the crook of her neck, inhaling her heavenly scent.

Nuwa felt the hot breath on her neck, which made her froze completely. She couldn't comprehend the situation they were in. On top of that, Nuwa felt the mark behind her right ear slightly painful as if it was prickled by several tiny silver needles. 

She tried to free herself from Zhang Wei's hold, which made the said man to hold her more tightly, digging his fingers in her small waist. Gasping, Nuwa trembled by the force on her waist making her winced. 'Is he trying to break my waist?' She thought scrunching her face. 

Looking back at their position, her face turned deep shade of red, burning with embarrassment, heart thumping loudly in her rib cage. Nuwa feared if the man at back could hear it. Nuwa can't believe herself that she felt comfort in those arms not repulsed by his touch even a bit. She tried to imagine any other man instead of Zhang Wei and her face morphed into disgust, shivered just by the thought. 

Zhang Wei who was lost in her heavenly scent, forgot about the erupting smoke, which put them in this complicated position. He only wanted to taste that scent now even more after taking a small whiff, which increased his thirst for the scent more. He felt content but the squirming body under his hold was making a little difficult for him. 

"Stop moving," came his voice hoarse and low. Making all her hairs stand from the reaction of him. Hearing this, her mind went completely blank and her body was behaving weirdly making her feel slightly hot. 

"What are you even doing in the middle of the corridor?" she hissed, not liking the weird feeling she was getting from his touch. She raised her hand to remove his face from the crook of her neck only to get her mark more itchy and painful. 

Sensing her hands, Zhang Wei grabbed them folding "Shh~ You're smelling good," he paused and rubbed his nose at the side of her neck in a slow movement, whispering, "More like heavenly."

In the corner, the black smoke was slowly increasing releasing its menacing growls. 

Zhang Wei slightly raised his head from the crook of her neck, holding her in back hug, glancing at the corner from where the black smoke was erupting taking a form of creature.

His eyes glinting dangerously towards the Smokey creature, a sinister smile plastered on his face making the creature to whine lowly. And it took only a second for the creature to disappear left nothing but the spotless corridor. 

Hearing the lowly whine, Nuwa glanced back at the spot where the vile creature was taking its form but found nothing. Mouth gaped, she looked around blinking furiously still in the arms of the young man. 

"What the- Where did it go?" She inquired bewilderedly not finding any sight of it. She looked sideways to face Zhang Wei who was still hiding his face in her shoulders. She tapped his shoulder by her free hand only to get stunned. 

"Your eyes!" Nuwa whispered in her small voice, not wanting to be sound frightened and turned around to face him completely. Nuwa screamed internally, she didn't signed for this madness, how come his eyes were flashing forth and back from amber to black then red. She was terrified by the sight in front of her but the beauty of his eyes were no less, never in her life she saw something this captivating, this beautiful just like onyx and ruby. 

'What's wrong with you Nuwa, captivating, seriously.' she closed her eyes and smacked herself mentally. Her body felt sluggish suddenly. 

Zhang Wei stared at her closed eyes, he was looking very different from the Zhang Wei few minutes ago. Nowhere were his amber eyes, nor the smile on his slightly pale red lips. He leaned closer to her left ear and whispered in his unusually deep magnetic voice, "Are you afraid of me? Am I terrifying you." 

Saying this he smirked, his hands still on her waist grabbing her more close to him leaving no space between them. Nuwa felt something was wrong with the way he was talking. Thinking, she get a closer look and observe him, other than his weird expression and unusually low pitched voice, she felt everything same but not same at the same time. 

"Answer me, my dear Mate."