Morning teasing

She was talking about something else, they were thinking and replying back about something entirely different making him to sigh deeply. How problematic it could be, to know both the species language and then knowing they are just making a fool out of themselves, in front of you. Yet, you can do nothing, but just laugh at their stupidity, it was the same feeling.

After trying harder to not to take their conversation clearly and just enjoy the scene at front, from his balcony he just lost at the bliss of her face. She is really very easy to apease. But it seems like, this easy task will gonna be very difficult for him to perform.

Soon, the time kept passing by, but the girl doesn't seems to have any plan of leaving this swing or this place.

But after long time, with very much reluctance, she left the garden place, then went to the door, which was actually like Magic Shop by BTS.

Remember the lyrics ;

[ When I was hating all of me, wanting nothing what to fade away

A door was left ajar, i saw you in my hear-ar-t

If you cross that small divide, this will be waiting for you

on the other side, It's okay to believe

They will comfort you in the magic shop…

So show me… I show you.. Show you..

You gave me the best of me, so you gave you the best of you

Just belive in yourself, we are the stars in this galaxy …

So show me.. I show you… Show you… ]

She felt the same feeling while staring at the door, as if this door was like the door of the magic shop, which make her feel like, never going back home, just stay there, forever and ever.

With much reluctance, she opene the door to find Miranda, who then took her to the so-called room, which was no less than presidential suit of the hotels liks The Taj and Oberoi's. The only thing was the architect, it give the feeling of being ancient, the feeling of carrying tones of secret in it's walls, the feeling of bravery, feeling of terror, feeling of danger altogether.

She always dislike places like this, even she doesn't know why, though. It was as if, there's something, something in her that just wanted to get entrapped in the layer of carelessness and never come out. But this place, it was irking that something, as if it was pushing that something to it's limits, to show up, to unlock all the mystery, to uncover all the suspense of her lives. Making her feel very uneasy once again.

She went to the balcony area of her room. Luckily, she got the glimpse of moon and stars on the sky and the waterfall and the garden at the ground. So, without wasting a second, she brought her pillow, adjusting it at the swing, made of jute and palm tree and while facing the sky and ground, she finally fell asleep.

Making Jacob who was watching her each and every gesture from his balcony, without her knowledge to sigh once again. She really dislikes this place. Otherwise, why would she sleep in that hard swing, rather than sleeping in the comfy bed, nearby her. Soon, he busied himself in the work again.


Next morning ;

Jacob was busy staring at Sara, who was still sleeping, from his balcony while enjoying his morning tea. Chaol was staring at the duo from time-to-time, with a long sigh as if saying ' My brother is bound to be doomed in this case.'

After all, it hasn't been less than 24 hours. Yet this guy spent his all night watching her, something that hadn't happened in the span 1450 years of his existence and definitely the rest 50 years of his brother's life. It was the first time, when his brother had looked at the girl for more than 1.57 sec. Hell, he had broken all his previous records of starring at a girl.

What's more, he will just stare and do nothing. Finally, when the sun started to rise in the east and it's rays started sreading in the horizon of the skies, colouring the white sky with it's reddish, orange and yellowish colours. Slowly, slowly those rays find their way to Sara's balcony, where a cute angel was lying on the swing, lost in her dream world. But as if these mischievous rays wanted to show Sara the beauty of this World, of this Universe, they started teasing her.

When, she would turn right, the rays will follow her, when she turns left, the rays would turn left, too. Thus, after playing hide and seek with this cutely sleeping beauty for 2 minutes, finally they become successful in snatching Sara away from the dream land, bringing her back to the present, to the reality.

Her eyelashes fluttered again like the wings of butterfly and with little down-heart she finally wake up from her sleep. Ah! Why is it always like this, why her sleep always broke, when she and William were about to share their intimate moments. Just why? Couldn't these rays stay away , at least for the few more minutes, from her?

And she sighed once again. Then, get up and sit in the swing, as if she knows she can't blame the rays who just came to remind her, 'it's morning already, sleepy head.' Then, she look at the view in front and even forgot all her complaints, all her resentments, everything. All that was left in her life, in front of her eyes, was the mesmerizing view of sunrise in the sky, along with the birds chirping in the trees of the garden.

Before she knew, she got lost in the daze of the mesmerizing view upfront. For some moment, she even forgot to blink. All that was left was her breathing and the ethereal view upfront.

Finally in lost voice she greeted ; " Good morning, Maiya."

And all that she got is a gush of cool breeze as a reply, which make her messy hairs to blew out. She knows her Godmother listened to her greetings. Thus, she smiled sweetly and then left to follow her morning routine. After all, it has become her habit, as an air hostess, to get freshen up, dress up and make up the first thing in the morning.