Other side of Chaol

It's not like, she become pilot directly, she has to go throw lots of milestone to achieve everything she has today. Firstly studies, then crack the air-hostess interview, then becoming an air-hostess and doing the graduation side-by-side, then after 3 years, she applied for pilot program, offered by Air Asia. Then, within the age of 24, she becomes a pilot.

And now, at present, at the age of 25, she is a proud pilot of Air Asia, an all-star and many more things. But one thing, that had engraved deep in her core is the daily routine, schedule taught by the trainers at Air Asia. So,despite knowing full well, she can act like a lazy sloth, she just can't.

And all thanks to years of parctise, within half an hour, she was done with skincare, face care, haircare, dress up,make up, hairstyle and everything. Bringing back her noble,dignified, calm, serene aura of an All-star with her. But, when she opened the door, then she find something strange. It wasn't her room. It wasn't the hotel she was staying in. And then it took a moment for her to realize, she was in the palace, then she couldn't help but return back to her room.

Only to find her suitcase, her daily necessities, everything lying on the wardrobe, from which she used the needed products,clothes earlier. Her passport, all the necessary documents and diaries were arranged nicely on the bedside table. And she definitely wasn't pleased by this.

So, she decided to have a good conversation with this people, who were already taking decision on her behalf. The only thing that she hates the most in her life, is being controlled by others. She always wanted to be a free bird. She doesn't want anyone or anything to bind her down. Even if the person in the concern is royal family.

Thus, with clenched fist and determination she went outside the room, to find those princelings. But as if Gods doesn't want it to happen any sooner, she got lost in the paths of the Royal Palace.

Thus like a lost soul, she kept walking and walking, without getting any end of the path. What's more, there was no one to guide her out, or show the way out, or something like that, making her to feel like abandoned, lost puppy.

After walking for what seems like an eternity, he finally heard some voice and decided to follow it, to ask for help or something. After reaching at the source of sound, she was stunned, by what she saw.

A man and a woman were making out, in the broad daylight. No idea, whether the woman was forced or willing in this. But she felt the surge of blood gushing out from her body, reaching to her face, turning it red like ripe tomato. Well, as an intelligent person, she knows she should just avoid it. But, she was already lost here. And if she let these two go just like that, then only god knows for how long she has to walk in uncertainity.

" Ahem! Ahem! Excuse me, Sir." Thus, before her reason defeat her, she interrupted the couple, making a guy to get extremely pissed, while the look on the girl's face was that of staring at the saviour.

Sara understood within a minute, the girl was forced into it. Well, the man in concern was one of the knight of the palace, while the girl was just a lowly maid who has no power or option to object. Sara could understand that. After all, that's how, this World is, where the lowly figures get treaded by the slightly powerful one, who get treaded by little more powerful one, who get treaded by more powerful one and the cycle just goes on.

"What do you want?" Knight asked in a scowl. After all, after the pesturing and pressurizing of month long period finally this girl was willing to submit to him. Yet see, when he was about to take things seriously, this c*nt came to ruin the moment.

" Sir, Can you tell me which is the way to the Main Dining Hall?" She asked with respect, even when her eyes were blazing with killing intent. After all be it India or any other Country of this World. For a girl, being forced definitely isn't the thing she wants.

She still remembers Tina's case. Only god knows, how she was trading with the post-traumatic effects.

" Main Dining Hall! Who do you think you are, to go there?" The knight asked in clear irritation. After all, the humans can't enter few places of this Palace and Main Dining Hall is one among them.

" A guest." She replied politely, with a sardonic smile on her face. Fine, she might have wanted to just leave before, but the girl's pleading gaze was irking something out of her.

"A guest! A human at that! Little girl, do you have any death wish? Or are you dissatisfied, that I didn't choose you? Then, I can fulfill your desire.I can play with you two side-by-side. Come." Knight said, showcasing the lecherous smile of the pervert, making her stomach to wrench tightly. Luckily, she hadn't eaten anything yet, or she must have vomitted it out on this guy's face.

" You dare!" Before the knight could either step forward to catch the little girl in front, he heard the thunderous, intimidating, cold, authoritative voice making him feel the chilly creeping feeling all over his body.

The trio stare at the source of voice, only to get stunned by the creature in front. It was Chaol Bluethorn Arrhenius. The young prince of Aurelia. The very person who was supposed to be very jovial, fun-loving, easy going personality. 'Never judge a book by it's cover.' That was the only thing which echoed in Sara's mind. She really thought this princeling was harmless, but see just two words from him and the knight was already on his knees, begging for mercy, pleading to spare his crime and his life.

"Prince !!! I don't dare. I don't dare. Please forgive me. I didn't mean to. Please forgive me. Please forgive me This bitch seduced me. I didn't force her into it. Even that bitch came on her own. I didn't invite her. She wanted to join. She interrupted us on purpose. She said… said.. She was a guest here. She lied. Yes. She lied. I just wanted to teach her a lesson. That's it." The knight kept spouting nonsense, while begging for mercy at the same time.