
she has analyzed this young princeling. He is just hungry about freedom. He is as crazy as her. And he never cares about anything, while focusing on the things he needs and wants. Somehow, just like her. Making her to open up with him,fully within 3 hours of bringing him out of the palace yesterday.

" Hey! Are you coming?" Chaol finally asked, the lost creature, who just stare at him, who was standing at her door, holding the handle, most probably to act like a chauffer for her. Then she stare at the front on to saw… sand.. Sand.. sand… and … sea…

"Beach!!!" She asked, earning a cute smile from him.

" Oi! Princeling! People visit beach in the after noon or evening. Not in the night. Do you want toe freeze to death?" She asked confusedly. Then, stare at her outfit. Ah!!! She didn't even bring any warm clothes. She will surely gonna freeze to her very death.

Chaol stare at her, then at beach, then he sense the cold breezes of wind and gave a look at her clothing, then like a cute embarrassed child, he scratched the back of his neck.

"I didn't know." He replied, making her to giggle at his cuteness. Fine, the guy was embarrassed, but he was looking so damn cute, like a 5 years old. Even more shy then that.

" It's alright." She finally said, not being able to broke the heart of the guy, who practically flew her all the way to the beach. After all, she could tell something was up. But she doesn't know, whether she should ask or not. So, she remained silent, while disembarking from the car, to enjoy the chilliness of the breezes.Ah!! If there's anything, she has problem with, then it has to be this coldness. She just can't tolerate coldness. And as expected, her body was already giving her goosebumps.

He just gave another smile. Then, remove his two overcoats and gave it to her to keep herself, earning an amusing smile from her. Well, if she said she was expecting this, then that would be a lie. For god sake, the guy in front of her, is a princeling. Repeat. A princeling.

Yet, this guy was helping her to cover her coldness with his overcoats, while he, himself was just in a white-shirt and his royally tailor-made trousers. Ahhhh!! She evn forgot to disguise him. Indeed, this guy was in great hurry. But why?

But again, she opted to stay silent.

" Here, take it. Miss Rajput They are heavy to hold on for any longer." He said, while bringing the girl out from her trance, who giggled soundly at his explaination.

And daeng, the moment she hold the overcoats, she felt like she was weightlifting most probably something worth 500kgs or more. She almost touched the ground, all no-thanks to the weight of the two overcoats. Almost. Only when, he hold her from her arms, which were holding the coats, did she get balanced.

"They are really very heavy." She said with utmost seriousness, earning a pleasant chuckle from him. He hold the coats back, then help her like a maid-in-waiting, to help her wear both the overcoats. Well, she thought, she won't be able to wear them and stay still. But to her surprise she was. Because, the two heavy coats has turned as lighter as quill of birds. What's more, the warmth, along with the masculine scent of man came running to her body, creating another layer of goosebumps.

Only after few minutes, her body turned back to normal, which was busy adapting to the sudden coldness and hotness.

"What about you?" She asked with concern. After all, it won't do go if she remain warm and this guy died from cold, right. After at this time, the cold wind blow more severely.

"Oh! I am happy. This is my first time experiencing these cold breezes. Don't worry, i will borrow the coat from you, if i felt cold." He replied back, not even bothering to look at her. As his arms were open wide, his eyes cold and h was greedily inhalling the cold breezes. As if this guy has been staying in the hellfire, till now. Ahem..

But, when she saw the tensionfree and carefree face of his, she smiled back and did the same. Fine, she wasn't the only crazy soul this time. Acting like,her lungs need oxygen, lots and lots of it.

Only after few minutes, she finally opened her eyes. Then stare at the guy, who was starring intently at her. She bring her outstretched arm back and give him 'What?' look.

" Are you copying me, Miss Rajput?" He asked with curiosity and amusement.

" Hey! Princeling! Don't flatter yourself. That's what, any person coming to this place, do." She replied defending herself.

" Well, then why can't I see that?" He asked in confusion, starring at each and every variety of species present at the beach, including human. No one was doing it. Was this girl lying? She also stare at everyone then at him, who was giving him ' You lied.' look.

" Look, the thing is. Whenever a person came to visit a new place, then they do it. But, just look at them, mot of them are locals. And some might have been here from god knows how many hours. So, i didn't lie. Plus, i don't lie." She said with seriousness.

And The Great Divinity of Destruction stare at her intently, then analyze her words, and nodded. As if what she said was the fact and there's no other fact in this Multiverse. Making Sara to smile at his cuteness.

Ah!! No doubt, his brother doesn't want him out of the palace. This person is too cute and naive for his own bad. His brother has protected him well. Very well. Haha. No doubt, his brother was worried. Anyone would be. After all, this guy just believed her words, just like that, haha.