Naive Chaol

Ah!! No doubt, his brother doesn't want him out of the palace. This person is too cute and naive for his own bad. His brother has protected him well. Very well. Haha. No doubt, his brother was worried. Anyone would be. After all, this guy just believed her words, just like that. Then, if she sun rises from the west, then will he believe it, too. Ah!! This cute creature needs to be preserve safely from this dangerous, corrupted world.

[ Author : If you say, the sun rises fom the west. Then he won't believe it, obviously.

But he will for sure, change the movement of Earth, to make the sun starts

rising from the west for Earthlings. After all, at current the Earth revolves

clockwise. And it would cost nothing for this guy, to turn it anticlockwise.

As the Sun remains fixed in his place. ]

" So, what do people do, here?" He asked next, with lots of curiosity in his eyes.

Well, that's how this guy was. She still remembers the funny experience when she teaches this guy how to use ATM Machine or how to use vendor machine. How to enjoy in the Gaming Zone. What to do and what not to do? How to use the toy-claw machine and so on.

It's like, if she say, people watch the horizon from the place. Then he will start doing that, be it boring or not. If she says people shop things here, which he has to explain further, like picking the things you like, then he started his shopping spree. Well, he just saw and everything seems unique to him. Plus, he wasn't sure he can like anything. So, he flex his luxury by buy everything., which again was stopped and taught well by Sara.

Almost every attention were on them. When this guy buy 98% of the things in the mall. And Sara has to suppress herself from exploding out at that moment. They gave them the look of disgust, when they thought guy doesn't have any mony. But then came his fool guardians to rescue, which was just another mess for Sara, as they suggested to buy the entire Mall.

It was at that time, when she finally understand, what ' naivity' truly means. Not just Chaol but the driver and guide were profusely scolded by her. She had given them a full hour long lecture, on what to do and what not to do, like an irked mother hen.

After that, everyone were starring at her as if starring at some goddess. If this highly rich guy,actually listened to the girls curses, scolding so innocently and guiltily. Then, no one needs to know, just how important she must be for him.

So, after that little embarrassing scene. The trio would stare at her, when they encountered new things, making her feel like babysitting them. Well, that's what happen, when you protected someone too very well.

She remembered, Chaol starring at her, when he saw something in the men's department, as if to ask her on whether to go for it or not… She stare at the product and she blushed red.. Running out of the department altogether, with Chaol and the duo in row.

Well, it was an undergarment section. And this guy, who for sure, never shopped, he was starring at certain underwear, unsure on whether he should buy it or not.

So, from that moment onwards, she cuts all shopping malls or areas from the tourism list. As she doesn't want to babysit these three idiots. Come on, her first reaction was these guys are dangerous, cold , aloof. At least at the time of hijack it was.

But now… sigh.. The trio completely ruined their masochist image in her mind. Turning her into elder in the group, despite being the youngest in the group. But today, it was just this guy. This Princeling. Who was again asking on what should he do.

" Oh! O. Well, people mostly swim in sea-water or play water games or do surf…" Her speech of explaination was cut-short, when she saw the guy running towards the seashore and jumping in the icecold water, most porbably trying to swim with waves, rendering her speechless.

Well.. she wanted to explain… that all these things are done in the noon time. That.. right now.. they shouldn't do it. But, as if the over-excited kid has the patience to listen to her. He was already njoying in the icy cold water, while motioning her to join, making her to feel like another day of babysitting this guy.

Another day of headache.

" What happened, Miss Rajput?" The guy who was trying to balance with the tides, asked her in confusion.

" Can you listen first and act later?" She asked in visibly angry tone. Making the guy who was planning with tides, as he was told, to abruptly sit like stone, with waves crashing on him from four sides. But then, he stand up and walk towards her side.

Only he was standing in the sand, did he lower his head, for another round of scolding. But how could she have the heart of scolding the cute, shivering guy, with his head hung low.

" Do you have any spare pair of clothes?" She asked him with seriousness.

" I have many." He replied sincerely. Well, he knows this travelling isn't his domain. So, he let her lead as she likes.

"Here?" She asked, trying to act stern. Earning a confused look from him, then he stare here and there and shook his head.

" Sigh! I mean, do you bring any spare pair of clothes with you in the car?" She asked while explaining what she meant, clearly this time.

He ponder for a moment, making her hopeful, but then he shook his head, throwing water over all her hopes.

"Fine. Firstly, go and sit in the car. You need to change hurriedly or you might catch cold." She said in strict tone, while removing one of the overcoat.