Suprised as you are

A few days have passed now since I came here. Arian had caught a few animals since being here, he made me some furs to wear, as beautiful as they were I missed the real worlds clothing, silk blouses; cotton shirts; skirts; trousers; dresses, supermarkets for getting all your essentials

Thinking of period I'm sure I was due it so I started to count on my fingers "I'M LATE!" I'd forgotten of all the things something I needed to keep an eye on. I know me and Arian had talked about it but surely it wasn't going to happen right away, hmm speaking of Arian he's coming this way.

"Shit" those words murmured from my mouth, I forgot his hearing is amazing

"Late for what?"-in his confusion. Realising what he had just asked he remembered those nights they spent together as one, instantly blushing he turned his face away.

In the spur of the moment, my hand touched his way gently turning his face towards me "exactly what you are thinking right now is what I am thinking as well." I looked deeply into his beautiful amethyst eyes "Ii-uh think I'm pregnant."

His expression completely changed as if there was a different person in front of me... then he started to jump up and down like a little kid in a theme park shaking my head in embarrassment as if I'm the mother of her misbehaving child.

He announced to the world "I'm gonna be a dad! Woohoo!"

While he was doing that I came out yard in front of the house, sitting under a beautiful lushes emerald green-leaved tree. I shut my eyes as if imaging what it would be like to be a mother, what would they look like. Would they have auburn red hair like me or would it look like Arian's sliver hair... ooh it would look so cute if it was a mix between our hair colours, but I hope the child inherits his eye colour, not mine...I would never wish upon my child's life to be anything like mine was before I came here. -smiling to myself.

I didn't hear Arian climbing up into the tree above to my surprise he was hanging upside down when he whispered my name- "Celeste".

To my surprise, I jolted forwards from my position underneath the tree to see him hanging from a large branch. I began to breathe heavily from the surprise he'd just given me. He flipped off the branch he was on to see if I was okay.

He came and scooped me up into his muscular arms with ease as if I was just a pillow. He looked down at me as he announced- "I can't believe you are going to be having my cubs".

Thinking to myself yes I'm having your cubs..." wait I'm having your cubs?" he looked down to explain what they called their children here, not children but cubs, males were usually born in beast form and stay that way till maturity, whereas the females are born in beast form for the first few weeks till the transform into a female. We were both in a discussion about our different worlds, I explained where I come from we call male cubs, son's and females we call daughters. We exchanged a few more words before he said "here males are more likely to be born compared to females, usually two to three males being born at once to one female being born. There are more males than females in my world. Usually, females have something we call a cycle, it can happen once or twice a year whereas you explained to me that you have a cycle every month, you'd be taken away from me and be used as a breeder. I won't let them take you away." The discussion continued to where he said "most females here have at least five males at once, females aren't usually like you" he explained, "they aren't as beautiful as you are."

Before he said any more he asked me if he could mark me. "mark me" I asked tilting my head in a questionable way.

"Yes, it's a thing we males do, when we find a female we love and want to protect, might be easier to explain it as a spousal mark."

Thinking to myself for a bit, I came to the conclusion that this would be a great idea, he was the one who cared for me, was there for me, loved me for me nothing else, and decided to tell him it was a yes. In his excitement, he picked me up hugging me. At that moment I kissed his cheek, it was like we were made for each other. We both felt the same in the short time we were together, even still I knew in my heart that it was our destiny to meet.