
Arian decided to show me the nearest village, he wanted to show me the life I'd live if we stayed here.

That's when I heard a fate sentence "well well well, look whos come back into my sights"- unknown voice. We both turned to see where the voice had come from, to my surprise it was from a female who had short brown dull hair, her body was covered in what looked like marks, some of them looked like mine and others looked like other animals, from a lion to a leopard and so on. This woman looks to be about 30, maybe she's younger who knows in this place if females look older or what not after they give birth. She walked straight into me as if to intimidate me, no way is that gonna happen,

"hmpf… are you stupid you just walked right into me, what's with that? I'm clearly right here you can see me, if your picking a fight with me you'll be the one to lose."

She started to smirk and ignore me, she ran over to where Arian was as if to show off how cool she looked doing this to another female, instead she received the shock of her life.

"What do you think you are doing to my female?!"

He sounded so masculine, it made me feel all hot to know he was protecting me.

"That's right she's my female." Pointing right at me, I felt a bit flustered. That's when he walked right up to me and picked me up, as he walked back towards where we came from, the crowd that gathered around us parted into two. It made me feel really happy that he was on my side, with females like her I'm glad he's the one that found me. Looking at him, I began to blush he wasn't just a guy I met, he was my mate, and I was so happy to be his female, I snuggled into him.

After a while we found a place in the middle of the village what looks to be like a garden of sorts with massive trees dotted around the centre of it, it was beautiful, those luscious green leaves, trees as tall as the ones back home, but this place looked like a place only in a story book, there was a pond off to the left side, there was a couple of females around with their cubs, I said to Arian that I was going to say hi and see if I could make some friends here. To my surprise one of the younger females there, got up to greet me as if she could sense why I came over.

"Hi my name is Lilly, whats yours?" She smiled.

I smiled back. "My name is Celeste, it's nice to meet you, I'm new here".

That was the moment I knew we could be friends, it made me so happy.

We chatted till Arian came to get me. We didn't see each other for a while.