The Pregnancy

A month had just passed, it felt very long like the days just seemed to continue. Days here were nearly always light at every hour, it seems like it's what we would call summertime, If this is what summertime is like I wonder what wintertime will be like. The land surrounding us was beautiful like the gods themselves had made an art piece, each hill was full of emerald green grass, each pool of water was shimmering like crystals in the light, it was so beautiful here.

I told Arian that I wanted to go for a walk, he asked if he could accompany me, I nodded. During our walk, the local villagers gasped hysterically as if amused by what they saw and then once after taking another look went into shock, bickering with those around them, I felt so many eyes on me, Arian put his hand over my waist as to comfort me, I beamed at him, so much that I was smiling up at him with joy. A young female, whom I had seen a few times while my short stay here, approached us with caution, I heard stuttering, the sound was coming from this young female.

"uuhhmm my name is Quyin, I'm 17 years old, m-m-m-may I ask you a question?"- Smiling towards her I said, "of course". She wanted to know if I was pregnant, as she pointed towards my stomach which had started to round. "Oh! Yes I believe I am ." she beamed up at me like I was an idol, someone to look up to. She wanted to say more she started to stammer "m-m-my partner is a doctor would, y-you please allow me to take you to him, it's the mo-oo-st I can do on such short notice", she started to go red in the cheeks. I noticed her anxiety and asked, " please show us the way".

We started to talk on the way there, it was another person I could talk to, she was sweet and a similar age to me. We had some of the same interests, it was nice to have someone to talk to! By the time we finished our conversation, we had just arrived at their home. She opened the door, and inside was a male, who looked a similar age to Arian, but had a different body structure unlike Arian, he was smaller and slender, like he didn't go hunt, he used books instead of a weapon, it was certainly like I was back home. The only huge difference was that the men could transform into animals.

He turned to the doorway, which we just entered, shocked he said "Quyin, whose this you bring to our home..?" but before he finished asking the question, he looked and realised what they were doing here. "please come in and take a seat!" looking at me as his hands suggested to where I needed to sit. We walked further into the home to where a chair was placed, he asked "Is this your first?" "oh um yes." I answered". "How long since your cycle?"- he said while writing down everything. "cycle?" looking confused Arian stepped forwards and said, "a month ago". The doctor looked at me and said " may I examine your stomach?" I nodded.

After several minutes, he took his hands off my stomach and felt my pulse for a few minutes after this, he wrote down some notes on the paper. he looked towards me and Arian who had come to my side to make me feel more comfortable, he exclaimed "congratulations your just over a month pregnant with... Twins,". Before I could utter a word he turned away and looked at his partner "Quyin, please help her with her everyday chores..." Before I let him finish his sentence "Oh um that's okay, I won't need help." I saw Quyin's face become upset "but I could use a friend every day, I and Quyin get along very well and I would love to spend more time with her!"- She beamed with a smile "I would gladly do that".