Chapter 12

Oliver's P.O.V

I woke up because of the knocking coming from outside. I wonder who is knocking at my door, I don't know that anyone knows me here.

I immediately went to the cr and washed myself first. After I washed up I immediately went to the door. Before I got to the door I heard my cellphone ring.

I approached it and looked at who it was. As I see my cellphone the name of Lia flased on the screen, I immediately answered it.

"Hello babe?"

["Babe where are you? Olivia is looking for that."] "I'm here at the Blue Moon Hotel. I'll be home tomorrow, can I talk to my dearest son?" ["All right, just wait."] After a few seconds I heard a knock on my door. I was about to go when my son suddenly spoke. ["Hello Daddy"] "Oh. Hi sweety." ["Hello Daddy, where are you? Are you coming home?"] "No sweety, your Daddy will be home tomorrow." ["Why po?"] "Because your daddy still has work to do, sweety." ["Can't you do it here at home?"] "No sweety, because this is a kind of work that I need to be alone." ["If that so, say bye Daddy love you!"] I lough. "I love you too sweety, and tell your mother that I love her so much." ["Ayeeee"] I ended the call and went to the door to see who was knocking. I opened it and the figure of a woman was exposed to me. "Good Morning." I greeted at her.

"Tseeee!" I was surprised by his attitude so I frowned at her. "Hey woman working in the hotel, you knocked but you are still rude? And the worst is you woke me up for no reason. Are you crazy?" "You crazy face! I'm sorry if I made a mistake when I knocked on the door, I'm just a human being ------ I make mistakes sometimes. So if you can just stop being rude!" "You're so rude." I whispered and closed the door immediately. 'That Girl.'

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Vanessa's P.O.V.

My morning was immediately ruined because of that man. But I noticed something about him. 'Why doesn't he seem to know me? Why doesn't he seem to remember the person he hurt before? ' "Hey Vanessa!" I was suddenly taken aback when Hannah suddenly called me. "W-why?" I will ask. "Are you okay?" "Y-yes. I'm fine." "Then pack that. Won't you go home?" "A-ah okay." I immediately packed up to go home because I miss my son.

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After we packed, we immediately said goodbye to the boss because he had just come home. After we told him we were going home, I immediately left the hotel. The one inside was also let out, because the boss said he would close the hotel first because he had something important to take care of in another country so we all just went home. "Vanessa tara!" Rhea called me. "A-alright I'll be next." I immediately called Mommy to say hello. ["Hello Mama?"] I was shocked when a small voice answered my call. "Hello son I'm going home there."

["M-mama."] He said as if choking.

"Son, have you been picked up?"

["No mom, I'm crying."]

"W-why are you crying?"

["Mama our house is-"] "Why, what happened-" I hadn't finished what I was about to say when my cellphone suddenly dropped. "Ay!" I shouted and then bent down to pick up my cellphone, I looked to see if my son and I had answered the call but the screen of my cellphone did not light up. "Sorry miss." I immediately stood up and looked badly at the one who hit me but I was surprised to see him. "What did you do ?!" I shouted at him. "I hit you, I didn't mean that." Only now did I hear that he knew how to speak Tagalog. "You broke my cellphone!" "You're still blocked on the way, there you go!" "You know that's too much!" "I'm sorry miss but I need to leave. I wasted my time with you, my son is already waiting." I was surprised at the last word he said. 'A-son?' Tsss. What else can I think? Of course, Lia is their daughter. What does Vince mean by that? Tsss. Really animals!

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When I got home I saw Mommy and Daddy hugging while Vince was standing in front of our house. Mommy seemed to be crying because Vince handed her a handkerchief and she rubbed her eyes. I approached them but I was surprised to see people come out of our house with our belongings ...........?


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