Chapter 13

Vanessa's P.O.V

I approached Vince and he called me. "M-mama." Once he approached me I took him and hugged him. I approached Mommy. "Mommy, Daddy what happened?" I will ask. "B-baby Van." Only Mommy spoke and burst into tears. I don't know what's going on, but I have a bad feeling. "What's going on?" I asked again.

"Baby Van .......... your Daddy sold our house." Mommy said as she cried in Daddy's arms. This time I turned to Daddy to see if what Mommy had said was true.

"Is that true?"

"Vanessa- I'm sorry, I just did it for you."

"For me?" I asked confused. "Because you have brain cancer." When he said that, I couldn't seem to move. I slapped my face three times but I felt pain. "Baby Van why did you do that?" "You mean it's not a dream?" "Baby Van, I'm sorry if we just told you that you have amnesia, because that's for your safety." "B-why?" I couldn't continue what I was going to say when my head suddenly hurt. "Baby Van you're ok-" "I'm Okay." I stopped Mommy. "M-mama." I heard Vince's voice as he approached me. I knelt down to kiss him on the forehead. "Vince, it's ok Mama ----- so don't worry ok?" He just nodded, I hugged him. "Mama has to leave first ok?" I turned my back on them and- "Baby Van where are you-" I heard Mommy's voice but the voice of a car horn predominated. I turned around and saw a car, I couldn't see who was driving it but it seemed familiar to me who it was -------- I just couldn't remember where I saw him.

"Baby Van!/ Vanessa!/ M-mama!"

***** ***** Someone's P.O.V

I am here now in my room walking back and forth in anticipation of the person I am ordering. A few minutes later there was a sudden knock on the door. I immediately opened it and was exposed to a figure of the man I had been waiting for. "Have you done that yet?" I will ask. "Yes." He replied. "Are you sure she's really dead?" I asked again. "Yes." The answer is this. "Good." I said. "You can go." When I said that, he bowed to me and turned around, he was about to open the door when I stopped him. "Wait, you forgot my bribe to you." He immediately approached me and took the money. "Tssss." 'Get ready for my return Vanessa. I will make sure you have a hard time with my revenge.

Rhea's P.O.V

We called Vanessa several times but she did not answer. Until now he still doesn't answer so I decided to text Tita Danica.

To: 09675435624

'Hi Auntie, is Vanessa already at your house?' -Sent.

A few seconds later Tita's number suddenly flashed. I immediately looked at it and was surprised by what I read.

From: 09675435624

'She's in the hospital Rhea.' -

I immediately called Kesha and we went to the hospital. When we arrived there, our unconscious friend immediately exposed herself to us while lying down. "V-vanessa." Kesha said and it approached Vanessa. I saw Tita Danica, Tito, Hannah and Vince sitting on the bench next to where Vanessa was lying. I approached Tita and sat on the empty bench.

"Auntie, how is Vanessa?"

"Rhea's condition is stable, but she's comatose." I was stunned by what I heard. Comatose?

"W-when is she supposed to wake up?"

"The doctors don't know yet."

Marga's P.O.V.

I was sitting on the chair when Welfred suddenly approached me, he kissed my cheek and then he put his things on the side of the chair. "How's work?"

"It's ok, in case the salary is still low."

"Is that so, go ahead and eat first." I said and stood up to shoot him some food. Welfred became my husband because of my parents, they forced me to marry them because he was rich then. Until one of Welfred's parents 'enemies bankrupted their bank so we're catfish now, enduring the little blanket. "Where is Joshua?" He asked while eating rice. "Sleeping, he's done eating." Joshua is our only child, and Welfred has no plans to follow suit. Hehehe. "Are you done eating that?" "Y-yes earlier." I said, what I like about Welfred is that he is a kind person and he knows how to endure even if we are not very rich. But you probably know what my attitude is, don't you? I am a demon in this story, and will never lose any fight. And honestly mama didn't force me to marry Welfred --- hehehe sorry if I lied to you. Mama didn't force me, but I forced them to marry me to Welfred because he was rich. ----> Oh what can you say about my behavior?

"P-papa!" Welfred and I were both surprised when Joshua suddenly woke up and hugged his dad. "J-joshua son, how are you?" "Just ok!" "Did you know that papa will meet you?" "R-really, what is that ?!" I don't know why Joshua seems so energetic now. Whether it was because he saw his dad or because of the greeting his dad brought. "Haha, let's kiss papa first." Joshua immediately kissed his dad on the cheek and then held out his hand. "Hug first." As expected he hugged his dad as if there was no tomorrow. Haha I'm the one laughing at the two of them, it's like they haven't seen each other for a year. "Where is the toy?" Welfred immediately turned to me. Then he smiled, a smile that I already knew what that meant. Can not. "Tickle your mama!" He shouted so Joshua immediately approached me with a smile on his lips, he was only 7 years old so he couldn't reach my armpit but a part of my body was tickling. And that is my foot.

"Welfred!" I shouted at him but he just smiled at me, when he came home he would do this to me. She orders her own son to tickle me. When Joshua got close to me, I immediately ran until Joshua knelt down. "J-joshua are you ok?" I approached him to see if he was ok. When I got close to him I knelt down to talk to him properly. "Joshua-" I couldn't continue what I was about to say when he suddenly smiled and immediately came to my feet so I ran but I got stuck on the sofa so I fell on it. And the last thing I knew I was tickled, I kept laughing and turned around but Joshua still wouldn't let me go. I glared at Welfred as if about to faint with laughter. "T-that's right Welfred!" I shouted but nothing changed. "Ahahaha ---- Ahhhhhh ----- ahahaha! W-welfred!" "Later." "I hate you!" "Haha, why are you making me so excited Marga. I love you too." "Ahahaha ------- Ahhhhhhh!" ***** ***** I woke up to the sunlight from our window, I immediately got up to eat. I went to the kitchen to cook but I was stunned by what I saw. "Oh, Marga is awake --- is she hungry?" I can't believe Welfred is laughing? "Do you know how to cook?" "Of course I'm not like you." "Tsss. I can cook better than you!" "Really?" "Yes! No one has beaten me in cooking since I was a child." "Sus!" ***** ***** "I'm leaving Marga!" "All right be careful Welfred!" "Remember papa!" When Welfred left, I immediately washed the dishes, after which I did the work of being a house wife. Yes, I didn't have a job --- then I did, but since Joshua is already here in this world


I no longer work to watch over him, only Welfred works so my son depends on him. "Mom, let's play first." Joshua says goodbye while he is with Kristine, and Seth --- they are Joshua's friends. "All right as long as you go home early ok?" "Okay!" They left immediately and I resumed my work. ***** ***** When Welfred came home we ate but what surprised me was that he had been quiet all day since he came to our house and he didn't feel like meeting Joshua before. When we finished eating we went to sleep.

I woke up when I heard a voice. Welfred's voice.

"Yup ........ ok ........... ofcourse ...... ... no way ....... ok bye. " His voice sounded soft. He turned around and was surprised when he saw me, he couldn't seem to believe he saw me. "M-marga, why are you awake?"

"Who are you talking to?"


"Why does your voice sound so sweet?" "Shouldn't I raise my voice?" I forgot that his boss is a woman, I have to adjust because it's for our family so I have to understand Welfred. "S-sorry." "If you doubt me, you're just wasting time because you won't get anything." He hugged me and kissed my forehead. "Really sorry." I couldn't control myself anymore so I just groaned in his arm.

"Shhhh, don't cry."