Maroon Corridor I

Maroon Corridor: Amelia Holmes.

Amelia Holmes. 8.3.2018

AmeHOM is live now.

"And here's another story happened in White Book's Pigeon--my school. Ah, many say that this school doesn't fit me, like always: wrong. Ever since I enrolled there, oh god, you can't imagine how excited I was to hear how many students I found believed in absurd things! Now, usually, students are not dumb, few of them are, but for them to accept things like ghosts, legends, and magic had made me thinking, either they just want to be young people or…someone makes them believed it. But who and why? Say no more, it was that time I started investigating…you know the rest, like that love bushes case and blank papers case--all leads me to him. The shenanigan!

"Oh, he was handsome at the moment. Your typical evil CEO guy. Hmmm, maybe if I never exposed his act, he'd be a politician or lawyers…or detectives--but a corrupted one, unfortunately. I guess his position now would make the world…a little better. But he became my assistance, you guys know that? How? Well, I found him at his nearest death moment, clinging on one thing. I took the advantage of it and tada, my personal John H. Watson! Jenna would be jealous, ahaha! but not so, this is nonJohn H. Watson. He is the shenanigan. He's a good thinker. I don't think he likes me though. Just those girls he stalking…oops, I don't think I was supposed to say that but oh well.

"Well enough of the back story, here's another thing happened in White Book's Pigeon as always.

"I was at the class, bored, and dying--my pocky stick was just between my fingers. Not my lips! But I can't disrespect the maths teacher at the time so I decided to be patient. Oh you know me, I can't do that. Waiting sucks. So I raised my hand.

"'Young Lady Holmes?' said the teacher

"'With all due respect sir, you have to dismiss me. I have…another business to do.' I told him

"The teacher nodded and with a low voice, "then I'll permit you. You're not just an ordinary student, that I could understand. But you have to tell me where and how long you'll be out

"I thought, shit! My business was only want to eat pocky outside while watching the school's camera footage with Lo. As you know Lo, my cameraman and video editor had applied to be the security for the White Book--got accepted and now I have the access to monitor any suspicious behaviour of any student! But not always, because the student council looves to get in my way. Not that their little investigation team could do any better than me. I don't think so.

"I was about to lie when the door opened, and a familiar bald person appeared. It was Mr Hahahahahaha. Oh, I mixed his name with my laughter. Ehem, his name is Mr Haha. My theory is people make fun of his name too much making him stressed to bald.

"Mr Haha said with his fat lips, "excuse me, but I have to call for Miss Holmes.'

"I stood up immediately, thankful for Mr Haha great timing, 'I am here.'

"Mr Haha nodded and I followed him outside. He brought me to the teachers' lounge. 'Miss Holmes.'

"'Oh, come on. Call me Ame.'

"He frowned, 'I don't have time for your formality preference, Miss Holmes. But we like the help of your…'

"I stared at him and then, 'aha! Your little student council investigation unit is in great peril yet again. Oh, don't worry--I will help you only if it fulfils my terms and policy.'

"I could tell by his tight reaction that I've offended him. Mr Haha was one of the advisors for the student council, anyway. But you couldn't also blame me, I only say a fact! Murder someone, then you're a murderer. And an organization that needs help is…well, hopeless.

"'Miss. Holmes,' he said in warning.

"I take a pocky to my mouth, he continued: 'our student council is not unable to cope with this case--but know that we also are managing the five departments of White Book. Our students had to take their responsibility and studies seriously. And the student council only have a hundred members! We are overwhelmed. So, seeing you're in our White Book Pigeon and there's a case that needs to be solved here--fast, we decided to ask for your help."

"I reply, 'well, okay. Excuse and justification accepted. As long the case is not simple as butter and boys. And let me have the freedom to investigate. Those two, then I 'll happy to help."

"He nodded, 'then I'll start--'

"And then I heard it…

"'Wait!' I shouted, taking out my gun like…this. I prowled to the door and opened it only a gap. I looked at the hallway.

"'YOU!' Mr Haha gasped, 'IS THAT A GUN?'

"'Shh, don't you hear that…we're in a great danger!'

"Yes, I've heard steps--steps too familiar I couldn't possibly miss. Gentle. Sneaky. The perfect technique to stab the Holmes family!

"There it was, I opened the door and the black shadow was stalking around the hallway! I shot. Bang! Mr Haha stepped back, almost tried to hide behind me. But when he saw my bullet was only a neft dart he cried, 'what the hell are you thinking?'

"'Scaring a possible murderer of mine.'

"'But it was a black cat you're shooting!'

"I looked at him with a hint of, are you an idiot? 'who said the cat couldn't be a murderer! One time, a sudden rabies cat tried to eat me--I don't like cats. They are suspicious!'

"He didn't like my logic and began to advise me like an advisor he was, telling me I shouldn't scare an old man. But he was no old man, the wedding ring on his finger shone bright with a carve saying 2016 my beloved Marie. His forehead had only two wrinkles. And by his talking gesture, his teeth all perfectly 32. He was only bald! And easy to be made fun of.

"When it all receded he told me to sit and began his case, 'What I was about to tell you, Miss Holmes. This happened on the second floor. There's a corridor that for some reason is not famous, I believe the corridor is called Maroon Corridor because the floor is maroon-painted.

"'And in it, there's a toilet. Now you should know that there's another toilet on the second floor, near the student's class, and it was popular that no one wants to use the Maroon Corridor's toilet of our crime scene. Yes, it happened in the toilet. We've got a report that one of the toilet doors was breached two times in a week!'

"'Interesting. I say there's no surveillance camera monitoring the maroon corridor.'

"Mr Haha was silent for a while, 'well yes, there's not one. Ask me why and I tell you I don't know the reason. Maybe because there's no demand, why'd installed a camera where people are not usually are?'

"I laughed so hard I almost choked out chocolates, 'well, ordinaries thinks in border anyway. Had this happened before?'

"'Never, if you refer to a door breached two times in a week. Toilet properties are always vandalised anyway.'

"I asked, 'then what gives this case? I don't think because it only got breached twice in a week.'

"'Well…' Mr Haha scratched his baldness, 'rumours are spreading. These naive students thought the ghost in a boy form had went rampage, kicking the door. They're posting it on social media and all. Of course, not many people believe in such a thing. But when a certain daughter of our teacher got scared of this little rumours and refuses to go to school, his papa--'

"I interrupted him, 'so it's your daughter.'

"Mr Haha blushed. A make-up egg. 'Yes! It's my little princess! I don't want her grade to fall behind, so please help me. I advised the student council to investigate the case but they said my daughter only making excuses not to go to school. They don't know her like that!'

"Uh Oh, boiled egg. I smiled at him, 'Oh, Mr Haha, that's really a hahaha performance from you. All right then, I'll get you an answer tomorrow.'

"Mr Haha had his eyes widen, 'tomorrow? That's rather quick.'

"'Yes, of course! But you have to tell my class teacher that I will skip the whole class today. Tell them, 'Ame Holmes is on the case!'

"He nodded and got up, fixing his suit, 'very well.'

"'You'll permit me to the security office, yes?'

"'But I just told you there---'

"Before he could say there's no need to check because the corridor had not a camera, I shushed him, 'please, think twice. I have my way.'

"'Okay then. Remember that you're not alone, our fifth investigation unit will prove to be a help for you.'

"I smiled, 'yes, I will remember that.'

"We went our way after that.

"Well, here I am waiting for tomorrow. I only have to check a certain thing then I'll make Mr Haha daughter crying back to school! Ghost, psst. Like I say, I am very much confident. If tomorrow I come back without any victory story then…I'll delete my channel. Oh yeah, thanks for the ten million subscribers! I am going to be richer than my sisters now. Instead of proud they'll be jealous. Hah!

"Buh bye."

AmeHOM lived just now.