Love Grows Unexpectedly

It's my 3rd day in the company today. I've never thought that I can have everything I needed here but even that's the case, I still need to go home because I miss my parents so much.

I checked the time on my wrist watch...

It's 1pm.

If I can finish this quickly until 7pm, I can eat dinner in our house tonight. I sat down comfortably on the chair and start analyzing every piece of word written in the manuscript so I can decide which design it'll suit.

Click .. click.. click..

I stretched my arms freely and took a break for a while. As I'm going to stand up, an email pops up on my window.

HateEveryPieceOfMe, we haven't heard from you. Log in now and build your own team to win against the zombie apocalypse.

Oh right, I haven't played this game for a while now because I'm too busy in my work.

I've decided to logged in since it's my break time right now.

Bam!! bam!!! bam!!

All that sounds you can hear inside the office was made by the gun I'm using to kill all the zombies I approached along the hallway. I need to reach the basement successfully so that I can continue to the next level.

Zombies scattered everywhere that made me hard to pass all through that pile of enemies. In order to successfully pass that, I need to create a team so that I will have a backup. Instead of searching a team, I clicked on the other tab and continue the work I'm doing lately.

I'm not that kind of person who will approach strangers just to create that kind of stupid team. I'd rather die and squeeze all my organs into pieces in the hands of that zombies than to play together with the other players.

I turned my focus in the project again. I'm so close in finishing this. I just need a few reviews for the layouts and designs when suddenly the vice president knocked on the door. But instead of looking at him, I'm still focusing on what I'm doing.

He walked towards the table and spoke.

"You need to finish that as soon as possible." Mr. Davey said.

"Yes sir, that's what I'm doing." I said without looking at him and just facing the monitor.

"Okay but first, can you make a coffee for me?" he pleaded while making a puppy face.

I stopped what I'm doing and headed to the coffee maker to make him a coffee. I was just about to grab the cup when suddenly...


A notification pop up on the screen.

He sat down on the chair and clicked the notification. He read it loud and clear that made me froze for a while.

"HateEveryPieceOfMe, do you want to continue to the next level?"

"....." I run to the desktop that made him looked surprised. I immediately closed the tab.

"Are you playing that game?" he asked even though it's been so obvious.

"....." I went back without saying a word and not doing any glance.

"Such a weird username you got there." he added. I didn't answered him instead I just handed out the coffee. He accepted it and took a sip.

I paused while paying attention to the man beside me. I looked all over his face while he's sipping that dark hot coffee I made. My eyes went down on his throat as he gulps the coffee making it looked more sexy. I came back in my senses when my phone vibrated inside my pocket.

I checked my phone. It's just an Instagram notification.

ClydeKRoss posted a story.

I slided the notification to the right and turned it off. I stared again to the man beside me who's enjoying the coffee I've just made.

I looked at him with all gaze. How come he's more handsome when you look closer. I didn't noticed that I stared at him for too long that he just touched his face and asked if there is any dirt on it.

"There's nothing."

"Okay." he replied while continuing to enjoy his coffee.

(Soundtrack: Beside You - Keshi)

I guess he really don't recognize me at all. He just said that day that he's so tired of seeing that kind of incident almost everyday.

But I personally want to hear that from him, if he recognize me or not. My heart is beating fast whenever I'm with him maybe just because he saved my life once.

"Uhm can I ask you something?" I said to broke the silenced between us.

"You're asking me now, Mr. Dela Cuesta." he said and smirked. What a sarcastic person right? But I didn't focus on that instead I took a deep breath and gathered all the courage I have to ask him.

"Have you- uhm seen-" our eyes met that time that made me froze and unable to ask him directly.

*thump* *thump*

My heart beats so fast that made me hard to breathe. I hold my chest and squeezed it tightly. It's beating too loud that I can clearly hearing it.

"Are you okay?" he asked while touching my shoulders that enable my body to faced him.

I just nodded and forcingly make myself to calm down. I was just about to say what I needed to when someone knocked on the door.

My world turned gray when I saw who's the one standing at the door. It's his secretary.

"Mr. Davey, can I talk with you for a minute?" she asked while looking at us and making all the fake smiles.

"I should go. Let's talk again later." he said while smiling at me as he put down the cup of coffee.

I just nodded and looked at them walking towards the door. The girl crossed her arms on his but he didn't insist.

I let go a deep sigh and grabbed the cup he used lately. It's empty. He finished the cup of coffee I made for him. That every single detail means a lot to me and it flows towards every senses in my body that made me smile without noticing it.

But that girl, I don't like her.


7:30 pm.

I grabbed my bag and walked towards the elevator. They'll be surprise when they see me tonight. I'm so excited to go home.

I'm on the main lobby right now when my phone vibrates in my pocket. I checked my phone and saw a message I've received a minute ago.


"Where are you going?"

"I'm going home, sir." I replied back.

I've waited for almost 10 minutes standing there but there's no reply so I decided to go out of the building. I don't know why but my heart feels like I'm being stabbed I can't breathe.

I'm so piss, I don't understand myself. I clearly saw him and that girl on my mind. They're doing the things that only a couple should do. Am I imagining things or hallucinating? My vision is so blurry because tears keep rushing in my eyes.

I walked as fast as I can. I bumped into a guy but I didn't care. He keeps on talking to me but I can't hear a word not until...


I came back to myself when he slapped me so hard that his hand leaved a mark on my face. Heat lingers in every inch of my skin that made my face feels stiff that time. I cried and cried not because of the pain but because he let me wake up in the reality and made me realized that I'm falling inlove to a man who shouldn't be the one I should love.

Kent didn't say any word since then. He just hugging and comforting me. He doesn't care what people see. It's my feelings that matters.


He brought me to a cafe infront of the company. My eyes turned red and my vision is a bit blurry because I kept on crying for almost half an hour but I'm all okay now.

"Okay, now spill!" he said uncontrollably that made people stared at us. He noticed what happened and covered his face with the coffee menu.

"I'm okay. Don't worry about me." I whispered.

"You cried for so long that your eyeballs are so ready to come out yet you're going to say infront of my f*cking face that you're okay? No, you're not." he said straightforwardly.

I just bowed down my head after what he said. Even I, don't understand this feeling.

"If you are not ready to talk, it's alright. Just look at that face. Wow.. did I really did this?" he said while touching my cheeks where the mark is still noticeable.

I grabbed the menu on his hand and hit his head lightly that made him did a fake groan. He blew my cheeks that made our faces more closer with each other but I didn't felt the same feeling I felt whenever the vice president is with me.

I texted my mom that I'm going to go home. Right now, we're infront of the cafe and it's time that we will separate ways with my friend so I hugged him tightly.

"You know that you can always count on me right. I'm just a few steps away from your office." he said and chuckled softly.

"Yes, and thank you for saving me tonight. Thank you so much." I said and hugged him again.

I was surprised when he grabbed the phone in my hand and made a call. His phone rang and he turned it off.

"That's my number. Save it." he said and waved goodbye. He walked towards the other lane and I walked through the opposite and we parted ways.

I saved his phone number and luckily when I reached the bus station there is a bus arrived on time. I quickly took a ride on the bus and sitted near the driver. I opened the window beside me. The cool wind blows lightly on my face reminds me of our first meet on the lake.

I should hide this feelings when it's just starting to grow. I should let go of that memories of him. I should learned from my mistakes. Aside from my parents, I should not trust anyone else. Because I might end up hurting myself again and the people that loves me, my mom and dad. I took off on the bus and walked inside the subdivision. I fixed myself and run towards our house.

I immediately opened the door but there's no one home. It's so dark. Maybe they went outside so I turned the lights on and to my surprise...

"Surprise!!!!" they all shouted that made me in tears. Dad popped a confetti in front of me and mom walked towards me while holding a hotdog in a plate with a message written on it "welcome home" using a ketchup. I laughed loudly when I saw that. Seriously, I love these guys so much.

"Mom I can't- breathe." I said when she hugged me that made me almost choked into death.

"Oh dear, I miss you so much. How are you sweetie?" she said while hugging me and caressing my hair.

"I'm okay. I miss you too. Both of you." I said and hugged her back.

"If you've said much earlier that you're going home tonight, this must be a cake not a hotdogs." she said while handling the plate to me. Dad can't help but to burst out laughing until he's in tears.

"It's okay. Even there's no hotdogs or anything, I'm so happy to see you both."

"Oh my god, you're such a sweetheart. W-w-wait, before I forgot there's another one who misses you." she said while smiling.

I frozed for a while thinking who it might be.

One person came out from the kitchen holding a small cake and wearing a party hat.

"Hi. Welcome home." she said while smiling gorgeously and all the happiness I felt a few minutes ago turned into anger.
