Kissed The Day


"Are you two dating for real?" she asked.

"Uhm- Yes!" I replied while smiling wildly as my heart feels like I'm floating on a cloud nine.

"Omg. I'm so happy for you babe." she said happily and looked surprise as well. She hugged me tightly and we're laughing all the way until the sun goes down.

"You know what, all I want is for you to be happy then I'm all okay." she added.

"Eww.. so cheesy.." I chuckled.

"Look at us now all grown up, time flies so really fast. I remember when we're back in the middle school you put a gum on that bitch's hair, the one who bullies me everyday." she said.

"Yes that was so lit. She cried and looked for her mama. Mama! Mama! Hahaha."

"She literally doesn't have a choice but to cut her hair short." she said and continue laughing.

Laughter echoed all the way on that place and that day is such unforgettable.

"Promise me. Me and you, we will always be together no matter what happen. Sisters forever?" she said while offering his pinky finger to me.

"I promise. Sisters forever." we made a pinky promise underneath that mango tree on a park that day. Witnessed by the wind and the stars above us.


All the happiness I felt suddenly turned into anger when I saw the one who came out from the kitchen. I walked towards her and grab her wrist that made the poor little cake she's holding dropped on the floor.

"What's wrong honey?" mom asked confusingly as she looks on us.

"Nothing, uhm please excuse us first so we can talk things out." I replied as I dragged her out in the house.

Mom and dad left inside without any idea what's happening. I bring her at the parking lot and confronted her.

"What the f*ck are you doing here?" I asked her in a hoarse voice. I'm trembling because I can't stand her pretending everything's okay and acting all good infront of us.

"I'm just here to visit auntie Lilian." she said calmly like there's no chaos coming behind.

"We don't need you here. Don't you get it? Now, leave." I said firmly while pointing at the gate.

"Okay, okay." she said while raising her two hands and shrugging her shoulders.

"What's going on here?" mom suddenly came out from the house and asked.

"I'm going now auntie. Thank you so much for everything especially for the tea." she said while made a flying kiss to my mom as she walking towards the gate.

I glared at her until she's out of my vision. I let out a deep sigh and mom patted my back without saying anything.

"When did she came here? How did she know that I'm going home tonight?" I asked continuously.

"She's here since two days ago. Oh, she forgot her bag." mom said and ran towards the door.

"Wait, what? Two days ago? Why you didn't tell me?" I said in a loud voice.

"I can't disturb you while working of course. And it's okay if she forgot this, she'll comeback soon to get her things." she said while squealing.

"Mom are you serious? Don't you ever dare to step her in again on this house." I warned her.

"Sweetie, I don't know what's the problem between you two but I'm out of this okay? I treat her as my daughter, you know that. I can't just ignore her, more likely that you're acting like this without saying anything to me."

"No more questions."

"Okay, calm down now. Let's go and have a dinner. Your father probably continued what I'm doing in the kitchen."

I took a deep breath and followed her inside. When we reached the kitchen we saw dad already finished setting up the table and waiting for us to join.

"Let's eat." dad said while moving the chair backwards to make mom sit down comfortably.

We eat peacefully that night. Luckily, they didn't ask too much questions because I don't have the guts to talk about it.

I helped mom cleaned the table and do the dishes while dad watching a football match.

"Like what I've said before, if you're ready to tell everything you can trust me okay?" mom suddenly spoked.

I just smiled at her.

After I finished the chores, I climbed upstairs and went to my room. I throw my bag and jump on the bed. How I miss my room so much.


A notification popped up in my phone.

I reached out my phone in my pocket and checked the notification.

ClydeKRoss posted a story.

I was going to slide it left when the phone slipped through my hand and dropped on my face. It hurts af. I grabbed the phone and stand up. As I turned it on, I saw an Instagram story opened in the phone.

"Soon 💍 I love you."

I checked the username. ClydeKRoss.

Oh shit I literally throw the phone out of nowhere.

Wtf. I just opened his story omfg. What should I do?

I've decided to deactivate my Instagram account. I clicked on settings and was about to deactivate it when suddenly another notification popped up.

ZedddDavey started following you.

I clicked his profile so that I can follow him back. But when I saw his posts I've decided to just ignore him. Look how he smiles whenever he's with her. Compared to me, he'll probably disgust me if he knows what I truly feel for him.

But do I really love him? Or I'm just thankful that he saved me that day?

I'm so confused.

I turned off my phone and throw it at the bedside.


I didn't noticed that I fell asleep. I checked the time on my bedside table it's 12:45 am.


I reached out my phone and answered the call without looking at the caller's name.

"Hello?" I answered in a low voice.

"....." no one's answering yet it's so quiet in another line. I checked the caller's name. To my surprise, it's Mr. Davey who's calling in the middle of the night.

"I'm sorry sir. I didn't notice it was you who's calling. I-"

"Yes, you really can't noticed it. All you do is having a good time with that... piece of shit. Nevermind." he said with his voice trembling. He sounded like he's drunk or whatever.

"Are you okay sir? Do you need any-" he cut my words again.

"I don't need anything... or anyone... I just need-"

*toot* *toot* *toot* *toot*

I heard a deep sigh before the call was disconnected. I can feel he's crying and having a hard time right now. I can't explain why but I have a feeling that he's not okay. And who is that he mentioned lately? What does he mean by that? Is he talking about Kent? Is he angry because he saw us together lately? W-w-wait let's not jump to conclusions. No way he can be jealous. I'm just imagining things. Seesh.

I put my right hand in my chest. I can feel my heart is pounding very fast. I opened his Instagram profile to check his posts again. I'm confused. I can't believe I've fallen to this guy so quickly. He is so handsome and a very dominant guy no wonder he's the chosen one to be the next chairman of Davey Publishing.

I should avoid this feelings before it grows deeply. Tomorrow, i'll pretend that nothing happened. He's my boss and I'm his employee. In that way, I can forget him and this stupid feelings of mine.

I turned off the phone and went back to sleep...

F*ck! I rolled out in bed for countless times now doing every sleeping positions I can make. I checked the clock and it's 3:55 am.


Since the time he called until now I haven't get any single sleep. And my head, it freaking hurts.

After a few minutes of rolling here and there I fell asleep.



"5 minutes..."




"Sh*t. Why are you keep on ringing!" I held my phone and answered the call.

"Mr. Dela Cuesta, where are you now?" a familiar voice spoke.

"Uhm may I know who is this?"

"You still have the guts to asked who I am when you're going to be late? You still have 10 minutes left. Hurry! Before the vice president comes before you."

*toot* *toot*

I came back to my senses when I remembered Mr. Scary Man's voice, it gives me goosebumps. All the words he said just sink in on my mind so I checked the clock knowing that it's already 7:42 am. It feels like I just slept but I'm already late.

I ran to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. I'm going to take a bath in the office. I hurriedly grab my bag and ran downstairs. I saw my mother busy with her phone and kissed her forehead.

"I'm going to be late mom. I gotta go."

"Okay, take care baby." she said while smiling at me.

"I'm going to give you a call later, okay? Tell dad I love you both." I said while waving goodbye at her.

I ran outside but when I reached the next house I was nearly hit by a motorcycle came from the left side of the street. I almost fall but luckily I managed to stand up and fixed myself. He take off his helmet that made me saw his face clearly.

I was surprised to know who is this guy.

"I'm sorry. Are you okay?" he said while checking myself..

"I'm okay. Do you live somewhere near here?"

"Yes. That house next to that one with a red gate. That's where I live." he said

"Really? I don't have any idea that we're neighbors haha. Well, that is our house." I said while pointing the house at the other side.

"What a small world." he said while scratching at the back of his head.

"I must go first I am very late already."

"Are you taking a bus? If so, you should hop on so we can make it on time." he said while offering me his spare helmet.

"You probably can't make it for the upcoming bus so you'll need to wait for another 20 minutes for another bus to arrive." he added.

He has a point. We're on the same destination so why shouldn't I just hop on. I accepted his offer and ride on his motorcycle.

You'll probably wondering why I don't use our family car when I go to office. First of all, dad uses it when he goes to work. He's a surgeon. He can't drive me from our house to the company because he works from 4 am to 3 pm so we couldn't see each other not until we're both at home every night. And also, I can't let him ride a bus every 4 am in the morning that would be a hassle so I just let him used the car. At first, he insist. He wants me to use it but I won't allowed him so he ended up using it.

"Hold on to me so you won't fall." Kent said.

"Okay. If you say so." I said while I moved closer to him so he can heard what I've said. I put my hands into his shoulders. But to my surprise, he quickly grabbed my left hand and put it on his waist.

"There. I can't control this if you're going to held on my shoulders." he said while pointing to the motorcycle steering wheel so I've decided to put my other hand on his waist.

When we reached the company, I checked the time. I'm 5 minutes early. I took off the motorcycle and removed the helmet.

"Thanks again. You're such a saviour." I said.

"You're very much welcome. I can drive you anytime you want. It's much convenient that you can go home every night to eat with your family. Just call me if you need to. I'm at your service." he said while tapping his motorcycle.

I smiled and ran towards the door. I hurriedly went inside when I saw him came in just now. I smiled and greeted him good morning but he act like he didn't heard or saw me so I felt in that very moment that I was invisible to him.

Is it because of what happened last night when he called? I should asked him later so I can get a clearer answer and to avoid any misunderstandings.

I was going to enter my office when I saw Mr. Scary Man on the door waiting for me.

"Mr. Sca- Mr. Vargas how can I help you?"

"I called you earlier. Are you okay? Why do you look like you haven't slept for a day?" he seems worried this time. I thought he's going to scold me because I'm going to be late again. Thanks to Kent I made it on time.

"So that's you. Thank you but I just didn't get enough sleep last night so-"

"You should save my phone number and go to the vice president's office. He needs you to do something." he said while walking away.

I entered the elevator to go to Mr. Davey's office when I bumped to Ms. Lena along the way. I greeted her but she just stared at me emotionlessly. She walked out first before I went out the elevator. I headed to the vice president's office and knocked on the door.

"Come in." he said. My heart pound very fast when I heard his voice. I took a deep breath and went inside.

He looks okay so I think he's just drunk last night and made a wrong call to me.

"Mr. Vargas said you need me to do something?" I asked him.

"Make me a breakfast."

"Okay sir, what would you like to eat?" I wasn't informed that I'm going to be his maid right now.

"I want milk and a toast bread. Make two."

"Okay sir. Just give me a minute." I went to his kitchen and made what he wants. What's his problem really? He wants me to do his breakfast? I thought he's going to give me more orders for the project. But this is also great. This is a lot easier to do than to summarize a whole book.

I put his breakfast to a wider plate and walk towards his table. I was able to put down the plate when suddenly I caught him staring at me that made me lose control handling the plate. The hot coffee spilled on my hand and created a slightly burned.

He grabbed my hand and checked if it's okay. He looks very worried so I tell him that I'm okay eventhough I'm not. It's not because of the burned but because my heart is pounding like crazy.

"What a clumsy human being!" he said while glaring at me. This person, I can't understand him. Is he a bipolar? He suddenly changes his behavior.

He grabbed my wrist and drag me on the kitchen. He opened the faucet and let the water ran on my hand that having a reddish skin. It made a slightly burned from the coffee I've just made. I can't help myself but to stare at this very handsome man infront of me.

I didn't notice that I stared at him for too long. He just keeps the water ran on the burned. For the second time I looked on his face, our eyes met that made my face feel very hot. It's like heat flashing through it.

"F*ck." he murmured.

He grabbed my right hand and pulled me closer to him that made my body pressed against him. He put his left hand on my lower waist and leaned me towards the table. What's he going to do? I can't think properly. I let my body rest my case. It's like thinking on its own. His face is so close to mine that made me feel his breath brushing towards my skin.

I wonder if he can feel my heart that beating so fast. As he touches my face and caressing my hair leaves me unable to move. His skin lingers through mine makes me more crazy and made me hard to breathe. I wonder if he feels the same. He whispered to my ear that made me tremble.

"I don't want anything. Or anyone. I just want you."

Those words keep repeating inside my head that made me lose control. He lifted me up on the table and give me a seductive look from head to toe. He touched my cheeks and give me a peck on my forehead. In that way, he made me more dense and careless.

And that's it. He pressed a kiss on my lips. The sweet one. Then he kissed me again endeavouring every corner of my lips. My body reacts on what he's doing. It voluntarily responds on every single thing he does. I was too weak to oppose. I can't lied to myself that this man infront of me made me feel the feeling that I've never felt before.

I crossed my arms on his nape and savoring every second of this moment. We're exchanging salivas that made me unthinkable while drowning in his arms. He softly bit my lower lip that made me smell a blood but it doesn't give me a reason to stop. I just want this person to love me the way he wanted to.

(Soundtrack: Kiss Me by The Cranberries)
