10. I Miss You

"I miss you so much that I feel like I'm going crazy if I'm even a second late to see you at the limit of my patience."

- Angkasa Ardiansyah


Unknowingly, a month has passed since Laura found Angkasa in an abandoned Mental Hospital. Angkasa is placed in Vikram's house temporarily to study all the remaining subjects.

During that time, Angkasa did not meet Laura, which made him feel sad. He could not meet the figure of Laura who saved him from the darkness that surrounded him.

Fortunately, Angkasa's efforts in studying all subjects paid off. He had digested everything learned in his brain.

"Hm... Unexpectedly, you turned out to be fast in mastering the lessons. In just one month, you have mastered all the subjects studied for 12 years." Vikram exclaimed in amazement at Angkasa's intelligent brain. He is in charge of giving questions to Angkasa, testing the man on related subjects.

In Vikram's hand, there is a test paper that gets a perfect score after being done by Angkasa. This makes Vikram believe that Angkasa will soon be allowed to leave his house and be brought back by Laura.

Angkasa's eyes shone brightly. He was eagerly looking forward to the days Laura would take him away with her. Angkasa had missed Laura so much and wanted to see her.

Angkasa asked hopefully, "Does that mean I can meet Laura?"

Vikram straightened his gaze, staring at Angkasa with a complicated look. A few weeks ago, Angkasa was able to speak fluently and not mumble incoherently as before. His vocal cords have improved and his throat doesn't hurt. Angkasa's voice, which tends to be low and hoarse, makes Vikram feel that it suits Angkasa's figure.

"Wait a little longer. You will definitely meet Laura after I send your test scores this time." Vikram takes a picture of the Angkasa's exam paper which gets a perfect score. He sent the photo to Laura and waited for the girl's response.

Vikram lay down on the bed, then glanced at Angkasa who was sitting on the floor which was covered with a furry carpet. Angkasa looks forward to what response Laura will give for his hard work.

Vikram rolled his eyes lazily. He had enough of being placed with Angkasa who was Laura's pet. Whereas Laura picked up the man, but Vikram was the one who had to take care of him.

Vikram changed his position to lie on his side with his back to Angkasa. He does not stop grumbling every day because of the existence of Angkasa. "Tsk, it's really disgusting! When will Laura pick him up from my place? I really can't stand his behavior that keeps wondering when will he meet Laura!"


Vikram feels the vibration of his cell phone in his hand. The phone screen is now on, indicating an incoming message. On the screen, Vikram found Laura's name listed as the sender of the message. This made him swiftly open the message.

- Laura, The Crazy Girl

I really didn't wrong to choose you to be in charge of Angsa's education. He got a score that even exceeds mine. I'm jealous, but as my pet, it's clear that he has to outperform his master!

Vikram squeaked after reading Laura's message. He really was forced to become the person in charge of Angkasa's education at Laura's coercion. There was no other choice but to obey that crazy girl. If he disobeyed the girl's wishes, something terrible was bound to happen. No, something terrible was not going to happen to Vikram, but Laura who didn't hesitate to hurt herself to the point of making other people cringe with her actions.

- Vikram

I had to! It's all because of you, Laura! Don't procrastinate anymore, pick up your pet from my house or I'll throw him out on the street! I do not care!! Hahahaha!

Vikram laughed out loud imagining Laura's reaction, who must have been pissed off to death after reading his message. Vikram could only be this bold with Laura through texting or phone calls. If confronted directly with Laura, Vikram's guts would immediately shrink.

"Huh... I'm really satisfied with Laura! She must be really annoyed with me. Possibly, did she reply to my messages or not?" Vikram caught his breath which was gasping for laughter. He muttered as he scanned the chat history with Laura.

Vikram's message was already seen by Laura. The man waited anxiously for Laura's reaction. Unfortunately, after a few minutes passed, Laura didn't reply to his messages and instead was inactive.

Vikram swallowed hard. Panic flashed across his eyes. "Anjir! Really didn't reply? Could it be that he was furious with me? Oops, I'm dead!"

Angkasa, which had been observing Vikram's movements, could only conclude that Vikram seemed to be bothering Laura again through the message the man sent. As far as Angkasa knew about Vikram, the man seemed really forced to accommodate himself at home because of Laura's will.

Even though Angkasa was not treated badly by Vikram except for the man who kept complaining, Angkasa was more comfortable with Laura even though he had to be hurt.

Angkasa lowered his head, surveying the thick books and stationery strewn on the furry carpet. He chose to clean up the mess he made while waiting for clarity on his whereabouts.

Angkasa turned his face over the thick books that had been neatly piled up. The expression on his face was gloomy with a look that was not eager to live life. "Laura,... I miss you. When are you going to pick me up and put me by your side?"


Elsewhere, in the mansion where Laura lives, the girl is now lying on the sofa in the living room. The reclining position was really unsightly because one of her legs dangled on the floor and the other leg was on the back of the sofa. Her straddle position really did not reflect the figure of a good girl who should be elegant.

Laura's gaze fell on her cell phone which displayed the image Vikram had sent about the value that Angkasa got. At first, Laura did not have high expectations about Angkasa, which was clearly behind in his education from other children his age.

Unexpectedly, Angkasa actually got a more perfect score than Laura's usual score. For a moment Laura's eyes narrowed sharply when she saw the number one hundred written on the picture. She caught a glimpse of an image that overlapped with the image Vikram had sent. In the picture that Laura saw, there was a test paper that scored a hundred like that obtained by Angkasa.

"Ah, again I remember the past..." Laura closed her eyes to get rid of the image she saw. She opened her eyes again and sat down.

Laura glanced at a clock on the wall and confirmed that now was the right time to decide on her next move regarding Angkasa. With Angkasa's intelligence, at least Laura wouldn't be at a loss if she put him with her.