11. Picking up a Beloved Pet

"Just hearing her voice makes me feel like I'm the happiest person in the world. Is happiness coming this easy? Or am I too weak for something small?"

- Angkasa Ardiansyah.


"He just happened to be at home. I didn't bother going to his office." Laura hissed with a sinister smile. She got up and walked into a room.

Without knocking on the door of the room, Laura barged in without the slightest hint of fear. This was because the room Laura was entering now was none other than her father's study.

Hearing the sound of the door closing loudly, Landi's figure who was reading the files on his desk had to avert his eyes. He looked straight at his daughter, who was approaching him with a cold expression.

"What's the need for you to bother me, Laura?" Landi asked patiently. He had to hold back all the emotions that were running through his mind when facing Laura's figure.

Laura held out her hand. "Wallet."

Landi frowned, not understanding what Laura meant. "What-"

Before Landi finished speaking, Laura cut him off in an uneasy tone. "I want your wallet! Where's the wallet?!"

Landi closed his eyes tightly. His brows were already pointed sharply, trying not to get carried away by the emotion of Laura's impolite attitude. "Laura, how many times has I told you to behave politely to your own father?"

Laura raised an eyebrow. Her eyes flashed disgust at Landi. She really doesn't have the slightest respect for Landi's figure, who is her father. What else can we do? Laura's respect has been completely lost to Landi due to the actions of her own father.

"Stop asking me to do things that make me even more disgusted with you! Shamelessness has its limits, but you don't even have those limits. You cheap bastard!" Laura increasingly dared to insult her father bluntly. Her mouth really didn't filter every word that was uttered.

Landi decided not to argue further with his daughter. With Laura's strange personality, Landi had already predicted what Laura's response would be. Laura would be very happy if Landi was provoked by his anger because of the insults given by Laura.

Landi opened his desk drawer and took out his wallet. He held out the wallet to Laura, resigned to what his daughter would do to a wallet filled with important cards and a large amount of cash.

"It's been a while! I'm just asking for a wallet, it's really hard! Using a talk show isn't important! It hurts my ears, you know!" Laura grabbed the wallet that Landi held out roughly. She opened the wallet and took all the cash until the wallet was empty.

Not only that, Laura took almost all existing transaction cards and only left one card with a small limit. Most importantly, Laura also took Landi's Black Card.

"Well, I've got everything I need." Laura reached out her hand to return Landi's purse, which was almost completely dry.

Landi could only try to stock up his patience in dealing with Laura. He was about to take his wallet back from Laura. Her name wouldn't be Laura if she just handed over the purse. When Landi's finger almost touched the wallet, Laura threw the wallet to the side.

"Oops… On purpose…" Laura grinned widely. Her eyes looked down at Landi. Her attitude was truly impudent. "Come on, get angry… You don't usually just sit around without getting angry at all… It's not fun if there isn't a big fight like you've ever made!"

Landi massaged his temples, which were throbbing in pain. Laura's behavior really gave him a headache. "I'm tired, Laura. Don't provoke my emotions any further. Hasn't everything you needed from your father been met?"

Laura snorted. "Tsk, you're not that fun. But, yeah, I've got what I need."

Laura turned to go to the door. She opened the door. Before leaving the room, Laura turned to leave a few last words.

"Ah, there's one more thing I forgot. I want you to take care of someone's enrollment in my school! Must be in the same class as me. Otherwise, I'll be even more resentful of you! Vikram will send information about that person."

Landi doesn't know who else Laura wants to put with her through his help. "Male or female?"

Laura smiled lopsidedly. This was the moment she had been waiting for. "Male. In addition, I will bring that person here and live with me in this house! If you don't agree, then get out of this house!"


The door closed so loudly that it vibrated for a few seconds. Laura left words so ignorant. Even though the mansion she lives in is Landi's property, the girl actually tells Landi to leave his own mansion.

Landi couldn't take it anymore. He really couldn't tolerate Laura's actions when it came to personal life. Bringing a man home and living under the same roof?! How could Landi allow that?!

"Laura Chintya Bella! Come back here! What do you mean by bringing a man to live in this mansion?! LAURA, DON'T MAKE ME MORE ANGRY!!!"

Laura burst out laughing after hearing Landi's angry scream. She walked out of the mansion, ignoring her father's response later.

"He's angry. I'd better go to Vikram's house to pick up my beloved pet! Sweet Angsa, wait for me!" Laura excitedly got into the car and drove fast towards Vikram's house, which was still in the same complex as her.

A few minutes later, Laura had arrived at Vikram's magnificent courtyard. Actually, it's not something surprising because Vikram is the only potential successor of one of the conglomerate families. His house is located in an elite housing complex like Landi's mansion.

Laura got out of the car and ran into Vikram's house without permission. The workers there already know about Laura, who is Vikram's best friend. They were used to Laura's cocky attitude, regardless of the reactions of the people around her.

"ANGSA! WHERE ARE YOU?! I COME HERE TO PICK YOU, MY DEAR PET!" Laura shouted loudly upon arrival in the living room. She roared shamelessly at people's homes as if it were her own.

Such a loud scream certainly attracted the attention of the whole house, including the figure of Angkasa who was in Vikram's room. Angkasa's heart rumbled, he, who was previously in a prone position in a pile of thick books, immediately straightened his body.

"That's Laura's voice!" Angkasa shrieked a little, his chest heaving with happiness. Angkasa immediately stood up and ran out of the room, ignoring Vikram who was now pale.


The door opened with such a loud bang that it shook for a moment. Vikram growled annoyed with Angkasa's behavior which was becoming more and more like an animal. Totally wild! Maybe this was due to the fact that Angkasa had been confined to a dark room for too long without knowing how humans should behave.

Vikram's nose was itching. "What's this smell? Ah, I know. This smells like a bigger problem and a heavy burden for me."