17. Justice For Everyone

"There is no need to demand justice because there will never be absolute justice in the world for people who are never grateful for what they have."

- Vikram Andreyson


The teacher gave a response to Grace's report. "Laura? Is she attending my class now?"

"Yes, sir! Laura often skips class during your lessons, but once she comes, she just sleeps in class!" Grace is getting more and more aggressive in revealing Laura's badness to the teacher.

Actually, all the students in the class already know Laura's habits. Laura often left for school late and came to class during the second lesson, so she always missed the first. So, not only do not attend the subjects taught by the current teacher, but all subjects taught by the teacher in the first lesson.

Satria, the teacher who is currently teaching in the class, immediately paid a lot of attention to Grace's words. He scanned Grace and Laura in turn before chuckling in amusement.

"Grace, don't mind Laura. Let her sleep as much as she wants." Mr. Satria resumed his activities, namely writing a summary of the material on the blackboard.

Grace stood in disapproval. She widened her eyes, couldn't believe, hearing Mr. Satria's unexpected response. Not only Grace, everyone who heard it felt that Mr. Satria's response seemed to give Laura special treatment.

"Sir, that's unfair! When we're all listening well, why is Laura only allowed to sleep?! She has to do the same thing we did!" Grace loudly demanded justice as if her words were representative of the rest of the class who did not dare to speak up like her. In fact, Grace just wanted to cause trouble for Laura. She really couldn't accept being humiliated by Angkasa just because of Laura.

"Tsk, noisy! You think I'm really sleeping?! You idiot! My ears are still functioning, so I can still hear all the explanations from Mr. Satria!"

Both Grace and the others had their eyes fixed on the source of the voice, which was none other than Laura. Laura was currently still in the same position, lying down with her eyes closed. However, her mouth still uttered words as if she had been listening to all the commotion going on in the class.

Grace snorted sarcastically. Obviously, she couldn't believe any of the bullshit that came out of Laura's mouth, who knows how many times she'd kissed trashy guys. "You think everyone who hears it will believe your bullshit?"

Laura was silent for a moment, making Grace feel satisfied because she thought Laura had lost badly after hearing her words. But not Laura, if she doesn't surprise in everything she does.

"Angsa, do you believe what I say?"

Angkasa blinked. Without needing to ask, he would always believe every word that came out of Laura's mouth. "I always trusted you, Laura."

"See, Angsa believes what I say. So, not everyone thinks what I say is nonsense!"

Grace growled angrily when she heard the arrogance in Laura's tone. She hated every time Laura acted like everyone under her deserved to be trampled on.

"Angkasa is still new. He probably doesn't know you well enough to believe everything you say!" Grace tried to corner Laura even more.

Laura's response was still as calm as before, as if she didn't feel the slightest threat from Grace's figure. "Vikram, do you believe what I said earlier?"

Vikram flinched at the sudden question thrown at him. He grimaced with a complicated look on his face. "Uh… Actually, I can't believe it. That's why I woke you up earlier, Laura."

Laura's brows pointed sharply. Vikram's response was so honest, it felt like Laura wanted to strangle him into telling a little lie. Laura hissed with a threatening tone. "Vikram, ... I'll kill you!"

Vikram immediately panics. He knew that his response had turned out to be the wrong one for provoking Laura's wrath. The man hastily refuted his words, which he didn't make until a moment ago. "Ah! I suddenly believed Laura's words! Ha-ha-ha…"

Grace was taken aback. Vikram's stiff-sounding laugh already showed that he was forced to trust Laura. Even though it would be good if Vikram didn't trust Laura so that Grace's plan to corner Laura went smoothly.

"Vikram! You clearly said earlier that you didn't believe Laura!"

Vikram turned his gaze the other way, trying to avoid Grace's piercing gaze. "Huh? Who said that? I believe Laura!"

"Stop arguing! You guys messed up the class!" Mr. Satria gave a stern warning because the class became chaotic. He cast a sharp glare at those who had previously been involved in the debate.

Mr. Satria's gaze stopped at Grace, who showed a face as if she didn't want to let this matter off easily. "Especially you, Grace! I let Laura sleep because even though she looks lazy, her grades on the subjects she always misses are never bad! She always gets perfect marks, even when she falls asleep in class!"

Grace gritted her teeth. Even Mr. Satria defends a rotten woman like Laura. "But, sir, this isn't fair!"

"Unfair?! You demand justice, Grace?! Okay, if you want justice, then I will do the same! I demand that you get perfect marks like Laura! Isn't that fair to all of you?!"

The faces of all the students turned pale. They find out that Laura is the only person who can get perfect grades in their class. Vikram was also eleven, twelve with Laura's figure because he too had a slightly lower value than Laura.

They don't know how hard they have to study to get a perfect score, of course it's a very heavy burden on the minds of those who are not as smart as Laura or Vikram.

"Oh, no need to be fair, sir! We're not going to make a fuss about Laura's behavior!"

"Yes sir! There is no need to listen to Grace's words! We are satisfied with justice for now!"

The other students started to raise their voices and stare, warning Grace to shut her mouth. They will be in trouble if Mr. Satria really demands a perfect score.

Grace was angry that no one was standing by her side. She finally gave in and sat back down with a growing hatred for Laura.

"Heh, you should have stopped demanding justice a long time ago! As for Laura, during the first break, go to the teacher's room to see me!" Mr. Satria coldly snorted, seeing the expressions of the students in the class looking confused. He glanced at Laura, who was still in the same position.