18. Laura's Deadly Charm

"You're like an addiction that drives me crazy just to get you. Even though I know one day you can kill me, I still want to get you just for myself."

- Angkasa Ardiansyah


It didn't feel like time had passed, the first recess bell rang loudly. The mood of all the students who heard the bell slowly returned to enthusiasm. They had been waiting for the recess bell to ring for a long time because their heads were hot.

Angkasa has finished tidying up his school equipment. He shifted his seat into a leaning towards Laura. With great care, Angkasa held Laura's shoulder, who was still asleep on the pile of textbooks.

"Laura, it's time to rest. Didn't Mr. Satria tell you to go to the teacher's room?"

Angkasa's hoarse voice, that sounded soft in Laura's ears, pulled the girl's consciousness back. Laura's eyelids slowly opened with a fully collected consciousness. Laura really didn't sleep and just closed her eyes. She straightened her back while stretching her aching body.

Laura felt several pairs of eyes watching her every move. She knew that many of her friends gave bad ratings because Laura had become a regular, being called to the teacher's room every first break. I don't know what problem Laura is doing, they certainly feel that Laura is constantly making the school's reputation worse.

"Hm… Angsa, you go to the cafeteria first with Vikram. Follow me after ten minutes have passed in the teacher's room." Laura got up from the chair to go to the teacher's room. Her steps were suddenly halted when a hand gripped her white uniform that was protruding from the blue skirt.

"Laura, can't I come with you to the teacher's room?" Angkasa gave a pleading look to Laura to let him follow her.

Laura lowered her gaze, staring at Angkasa's sturdy hands for a long time, which seemed as if he didn't want to let her go. She shook Angkasa's hand roughly, leaving a red trail on the man's pale hand.

Laura's eyebrows pointed sharply, her eyes looked disapprovingly at Angkasa. Laura hissed softly, "Angsa, be an obedient pet! With your attitude that doesn't obey all my words, I'll soon get bored with you! Do you want me to throw you into that place again?!"

Angkasa's body froze, hearing Laura's threatening words. He clenched his fists with his head bowed deeply. Angkasa's shoulders drooped helplessly against Laura's absolute words.

"Don't throw me away, Laura. I'll be your obedient pet."

Laura snorted coldly. She turned her back to the man and walked away. "That's good!"

Angkasa lifted his gaze, observing Laura's back, which had disappeared from sight. Angkasa momentarily forgets his main status as Laura's pet. He was careless only because he was too happy to have a relationship as a couple with Laura. Whereas for Laura, the more important status for Angkasa in her eyes is as her pet.

Angkasa also feels fear when Laura mentions about throwing him away if Angkasa does not become an obedient pet. Angkasa clearly does not want to return to the cursed place where all the disasters in his life began. If he returned to that place again, Angkasa would never be able to meet Laura again.

"Hey, Angkasa! You don't have to put on that pathetic look. We'd better go to the cafeteria while waiting for Laura." Vikram embraces Angkasa who looks lethargic because Laura left him.

Angkasa, who seemed to have little life force remaining, followed Vikram with heavy steps. Vikram chuckled, not expecting that Angkasa would really depend on Laura's figure.

"Laura is like a drug to you, Angkasa. It's better for you to keep a little distance from her so that there is no dependence effect. One day, you will die because you are addicted to Laura." Vikram makes sarcasm for Laura's figure for Angkasa. He didn't want Angkasa to be too caught up in Laura's deadly charm. Until now, Vikram didn't even know what the real purpose of Laura's strange behavior was.

Angkasa blinked. He knows about drugs that have killed many people who are addicted to taking them. There's nothing wrong with equating Laura's figure with that thing. But,...

"Even if Laura is poison, I will still consume her, Vikram. Whether there is a dependency effect or even death awaiting me in the end, I will still hold on to her tightly to myself." Angkasa looked at Vikram seriously. There was no fakeness in the look in his eyes, making Vikram feel horrified because the man in front of him was really willing to die just to be with Laura.

"Hah, Angkasa. I know you're the same weird person as Laura. Make sure you hold on to Laura tightly to keep her under control. She has to stay under control because her presence is like a ticking time bomb that will explode at any moment." Vikram patted Angkasa's shoulder, encouraging him to stay strong in the face of Laura's fluctuating attitude.


Ten minutes had passed, Laura was getting ready to leave the teacher's room. She was called by Mr. Satria not without reason but to attend the lesson. The teachers gave leniency to Laura because the girl's achievements were able to uphold the good name of the school.

Laura had one problem. She couldn't follow the lesson during the first lesson, either because she was late or fell asleep in class. Therefore, the teachers provided the best solution so that Laura could continue to follow the lesson like the other students.

Every first break, Laura is always called to the teacher's room to get lessons from teachers whose subjects Laura has missed. It took only ten minutes for Laura to get the lessons she had missed. Because she was smart, Laura did not take long to understand the material briefly explained by the teachers.

"Wait a minute, Laura. I have something to ask you." Mr. Satria stopped Laura, who was about to leave the teacher's room.

Laura turned to Mr. Satria while frowning. "What question, sir?"

Mr. Satria observed Laura's chaotic appearance. The white uniform, that should have been tucked into the blue skirt, was instead taken out. Not to mention that the top two buttons of Laura's white uniform were untied, adding to the girl's mischievous impression. Mr. Satria regretted Laura's attitude like this, even though the girl had good achievements.

"Laura, a student named Angkasa Ardiansyah, was he brought by you?"

Laura nodded her head. The fact that Angkasa can easily enter Dove High School is of course thanks to the help of Landi, the school's biggest donor. Landi's influence made the school not to ask many questions about Angkasa's educational history, which seemed odd.

"That's right, sir. I brought him. Is there a problem?"