19. Laura's Weird Hobby

"In this world, no matter how hard the struggles are for survival, in the end other people will still find loopholes to trample all the struggles that are put in place."

- Laura Chintya Bella


Mr. Satria sighed tiredly. He had been observing Angkasa's figure since in class. The man seemed to have the same oddity as Laura. Although, from the look in the man's eyes, Angkasa looks like a diligent student. Unfortunately, there is one thing that bothers Mr. Satria's view.

"The tattoo on his neck, shouldn't it be removed? Laura, the students will definitely file a complaint with a Counseling Guidance because of the tattoo on Angkasa's neck."

Laura's eyes darkened. "Mr. Satria, I don't want any complaints from the teachers about the tattoo on his neck. Just accept his presence at this school and don't even ask about his past. In exchange, I can guarantee that he will not give this school a bad reputation because he will be a student who is as smart as me."

Mr. Satria swallowed hard. The atmosphere in the room became tense whenever Laura was in a room. He could feel the gazes of several teachers who were quietly listening to his interactions with Laura. Without looking back, Mr. Satria also knew that the teachers were giving a signal for him to stop starting an argument with Laura.

Mr. Satria waved his hand in resignation. "Alright, you may go. I look forward to the achievements that Angkasa will give."

"Okay sir." Laura again continued her steps to get out of the teacher's room.

When Laura had fully exited the teacher's room, her eyes caught something lying on the ground. Her feet stepped closer to the object that caught her attention.

Laura crouched in front of the object with dim eyes. The object lying on the ground was a small dove. His white feathers were decorated with bloodstains. The little dove's body trembled between the pain. The little dove's eyes were tightly closed, as if waiting for death to come.

"Little dying dove." Laura muttered as she observed how miserable the little pigeon was in waiting for its death.

Laura reached out her hand, grabbing the dove's drooping wings. It seems that his wings were broken from hitting a tree and badly injured. "Looks like you're learning to fly for the first time. It's a shame you have to meet such a sad ending when you're just starting a new beginning."

Laura's gaze darkened as she stared at the dried blood on the ground. "Should I... I accompany you until you really die?"

This is fun. Seeing living creatures dying before her eyes was Laura's strange hobby. The feeling of emptiness that has always been lodged in her heart will disappear little by little when observing the process of death of a living being.

Not infrequently, there are thoughts that tell her to do the same thing as experienced by living beings she witnessed. Laura sometimes has thoughts of ending her worthless life. Honestly, she had no passion for life. She didn't even hesitate to slash her hand with a cutter to make sure she was still alive.

Instead of feeling pain, it made Laura feel at least a little zest for life. She doesn't even know, what is she actually living for? Therefore, she needed someone she could use as an excuse to stay alive.

"Hey Laura, long time, no greetings with you! Did you miss me?" A male voice rang in Laura's ear, along with a hand wrapped around her waist.

Laura glanced at the man beside her, who was an upperclassman at her school. She narrowed her eyes with a lopsided smile etched on her lips. "Bro Rangga, long time no see."

Rangga smirked, his eyes peeking at Laura's uniform, the top two buttons were open. His eyes gleamed when he saw the two mounds imprinted on the open buttonhole of the uniform.

Rangga swallowed his saliva with difficulty, making his Adam's apple look up and down. "Laura, you are as hot as ever. I heard you brought another guy with you besides Vikram. Is he your new toy?"

Laura had no intention of getting rid of the arms wrapped around her waist. She actually felt happy toying with her senior's mischievous attitude. "Bro Rangga, why are you curious about the man I brought? You're not here to find out about that man, are you?"

Rangga grimaced, he felt a chill run down his spine. It seemed Laura didn't want Rangga to bring up the man. "Ah, I don't care about that guy. Of course, I'm here for you, Laura. Can you give me a chance to 'play' with you? This will be fun for both of us."

Laura chuckled. She turned to Rangga and met the man's eyes that radiated a burning passion. "Play what? I hope it will be fun…"

Rangga licked his lips in a sensual motion. His lips came close to Laura's ear and whispered in a low voice. "Any game that won't be boring for us, Laura…"

Laura stood, followed by Rangga. Rangga's hands wrapped around Laura's waist again, pulling the girl closer to his body. Rangga sniffed Laura's scent in the crook of the girl's neck like a dog in heat. His flushed face accompanied by swallowing movements really showed how hard Rangga was holding back his desire for Laura.

Laura looked at the little dove that was dying on the ground. The dove was not dead, like Laura, who was still alive but felt like dying every day. She who wanted to accompany the little dove until death came, unfortunately she couldn't do it.

( "In the end, the helpless will always be left behind." )

Laura turned her attention to Rangga completely. Her hands touched Rangga's back, making movements as if hugging the man. When her lips parted to say something, Laura's gaze caught a familiar figure approaching from a distance.

Laura squinted, a hideous chuckle escaped her mouth. The familiar figure walking down the corridor to the teacher's room was none other than Angkasa. The man walked alone while looking at every room he passed to make sure he wasn't mistaken in finding the teacher's room he was aiming for.

Angkasa has not yet realized the existence of Laura, who is not far in front of him with Rangga. This made a wide grin appear on Laura's lips.

"Come on, let's 'play', Bro. It will be very fun to try it…" Laura turned her back to Angkasa not far behind her.

Rangga walked with Laura to a quiet place. The man actually did not expect that today, Laura would obey when invited to play with him. Usually, the girl just looked at Rangga with a cold gaze without giving the slightest response to his perverted invitation. However, Laura strangely did not refuse every time Rangga or even another lewd man touched her body.

Unfortunately, every time Rangga wants to touch Laura's body that shouldn't be touched, someone always gets in the way. Vikram, a man who always clings to Laura wherever she goes, will thwart Rangga's plans to take advantage of the opportunity when Laura shows no resistance to his touch.



Counseling Guidance is an agency where there are teachers who deal with students who have problems at school. For example, punishing students who do not comply with school rules, such as being late for school, or fighting between students. In Indonesia, Counseling Guidance are usually found in senior high schools and beyond.