21. Game Over

"Things are no longer pleasant when you look at me with such a sad look. It's like I treated you very badly. In fact, you are nothing more than new pleasures that I bring."

- Laura Chintya Bella


Laura's gaze, which was originally fixed on the wall in front of her, now turned to look at Angkasa as if she had guessed that the intense gaze that was on her was from her lover. Laura's eyes showed no trace of panic because Angkasa caught her having fun with Rangga.

Laura's eyes narrowed as the corners of her lips lifted into a smirk. "Oh, Angsa, you finally found me."

Rangga, who was busy kissing Laura's neck and hands squeezing Laura's hips, which were covered in a skirt up to her thighs, immediately stopped his activities. He hastily raised his gaze to see the figure who caught him making out with Laura.

Rangga was worried that the teacher would catch his lewd behavior, but it turned out that the person who witnessed his activity was Laura's new toy. Rangga chuckled annoyed, annoyed that his activities which were in the heat of the day had stopped for no apparent reason.

Rangga combed his limp hair with his fingers. "Heh, aren't you Laura's new toy? Why are you petrified there? Can't you see I'm having fun with Laura? If you want to join, just tell me before the teacher sees it. I'm not stingy about sharing the fun. You don't mind,' right, Laura?"

The grin on Laura's lips grew wider. Her gaze was still fixed on Angkasa. Laura placed her hands on Rangga's back, making movements as if she was hugging the man, even though she only put her palms on Rangga's back.

"That's up to Angsa. But, Bro, he's the type of person who doesn't want to share the pleasures that are only his own…"

Angkasa gritted his teeth. His hands unconsciously clenched so tightly that his knuckles turned white. The man's sturdy shoulders tensed and trembled with emotion at the sight that hurt his feelings.

Angkasa chuckled. "Heh, sharing the fun? From the start, Laura was only mine! Like Laura said, I don't like sharing what's mine with anyone!"

Rangga growled angrily when Angkasa glared at him with a death stare. He felt that his underclassman was very impudent. Even though Rangga had given Angkasa the opportunity to have fun with Laura, the man was actually very ignorant of his position, which was only Laura's toy.

"Idiot! If you don't want to share, then get out of here! Wait for your turn because now Laura is mine!" Rangga waved his hand, making an expelling motion at Angkasa.

Angkasa actually approached the two people without intending to leave that place. His wide steps allow Angkasa to quickly reduce the distance from Laura.

Angkasa pursed his lips when he clearly saw Laura's disorganized appearance due to Rangga's actions. Angkasa's chest stings as if stabbed by a knife.

Angkasa was gloomy, his eyes darkened with gritted teeth. "Laura, stop playing games. Just do whatever you want with me. I will fulfill all your wishes if you fulfill that one request of mine."

Laura observed the pitiful looking Angkasa. The man's eyes flashed a sadness he was trying to hide. However, as a person who had received various stares from those around her, Laura could certainly read someone's feelings through the look in their eyes.

An inexplicable feeling was now bothering Laura. She suddenly feels like a bad person even though as the employer of Angkasa, she has the right to do whatever she wants.

"Hm… It depends on your attitude." Laura considered Angkasa's wish that sounded difficult to fulfill, but not impossible to try.

The twinkle in Angkasa's eyes, that receded, slowly rekindled because of the little hope that Laura gave. "What do I need to do, Laura?"

"Do the same thing as Vikram has been doing all this time. If you succeed, then you don't need to watch me with other people." Laura thought of Vikram who had always clung to her. However, since the existence of Angkasa, it seems that Vikram's freedom is a little loose.

Angkasa, who has lived for a month at Vikram's house, must have learned all things related to Laura from that man. He knew that Vikram had been protecting Laura from the perverted men who were after Laura. Vikram even stopped each of their lewd acts because Laura would never take the initiative to stop these men's lecherous deeds.

It was not that Angkasa was not unprepared for the worst case that he would witness Laura with another man as Vikram had said, but when he witnessed the incident in person, his feelings were truly crushed.

"Okay, I'll definitely do it. So, can you end this now?" Angkasa grabbed Laura's index finger, holding it while looking at her, pleading for Laura to melt her heart a little.

Laura's eyes met Angkasa's eyes for a few seconds. Her mood to serve Rangga's mischievous attitude instantly disappeared when Angkasa fulfilled his role as an obedient pet.

Then, Laura's gaze turned to Rangga, who had been waiting for her to resume her delayed pleasure. Rangga seemed to raise an eyebrow, indirectly asking Laura's decision regarding the existence of Angkasa.

"Get out of the way." Laura cast a cold gaze on Rangga who was surprised to hear the words that came out of the girl's mouth.

Rangga's eyebrows pointed sharply. "What do you mean, Laura? We need to resume the game that was delayed because of your new toy!"

"Bro Rangga, get out of my sight now! The game is over. This is no longer fun to do."

Rangga pressed Laura's shoulder so that Laura's back hit the wall hard. He glared at Laura with anger radiating from his eyes. "Laura, I can't accept our fun ending like this! I'm just getting started, why did it have to end just because your new toy wanted it?!"

Rangga is angry. He had tried his best to have fun with Laura. Once he got the chance, Rangga again got the same annoyance but with a different person. This time it was Angkasa who interrupted his activities with Laura.

"Get your hands off Laura's body! How dare you hurt Laura!" Angkasa groaned. A frown formed on his forehead with a look in his eyes that looked dangerous.

Rangga felt a terrifying aura emanating from Angkasa. He swallowed hard saliva, feeling goosebumps with a bone-chilling chill. However, Rangga persisted in holding Laura to be with him.

"Damn it! Stop meddling in my business with Laura! Because of you, Laura wants to end the fun that has just begun!" Rangga turned towards Angkasa. His hands tugged at the collar of Angkasa's uniform, full of emotion.

The surrounding temperature suddenly dropped drastically. The cold air made the two men facing each other feel goosebumps. It came from Laura's figure, who seemed to be in a bad mood.

"Bro Rangga, who allowed you to touch him? Get your hands off him!" Laura's tone conveyed a threat without saying it directly.