22. Laura, Are You Crying?

"I don't want to frighten you with the madness that lies within me. Therefore, I try to hide my ugliness as good as I can so that you don't have thoughts of leaving me."

- Angkasa Ardiansyah


Rangga's anger was getting ignited. He was offended by Laura's attitude that seemed to side with Angkasa. "No! I'm going to beat him up now, so he knows how to behave in front of his seniors!"

As fast as lightning, Laura's hand gripped Rangga's arm, which did not let go of the grip on the collar of Angkasa's uniform. Laura's cold eyes focused on Rangga. "You don't need your hands anymore? Get your hands off him, or I'll break the hand that presumptuously touches mine!"

Rangga grimaced in pain where Laura gripped him tightly. He had underestimated Laura's physical strength because she had a slim and sexy body. Unexpectedly, that slender body had this strong strength until Rangga felt that Laura was really going to break his hand.

"Tch, I'll let him go this time, Laura!" Rangga threw Angkasa's body when he released his grip on the collar of the man's uniform.

Angkasa didn't say much when Rangga intimidated him because it was better than Rangga venting his anger on Laura. Angkasa tried to stabilize his body that had been wobbling. He observed Laura's actions, now releasing her grip on Rangga's hand.

"Then get out of here! Your presence is no longer needed!" Laura returned the words that Rangga had addressed to Angkasa.

Rangga's face reddened with anger. He swallowed hard his anger and his pride, which had been trampled by the two people who gave him sharp gazes.


"You bitch! I originally wanted to play with you a little longer. But, a cheap girl like you acts a lot! Tsk, wait for my revenge!" Rangga hit the wall right next to Laura as an outlet for anger. He rushed off with his chest heaving with emotion.

Laura did not budge at all to Rangga's behavior. There was no trace of anger when she heard the abuse directed at her. She lowered her head while covering her face with her palms.

Angkasa stepped closer to Laura. He stared piercingly at the direction that Rangga had gone, who hurled bad words at Laura. Angkasa clenched his fists until his fingernails stuck in his palms. Blood seeped from between his fingers.

Currently, Angkasa was desperately holding back the madness that was pounding on his consciousness. He had the urge to tear Rangga's mouth and cut the man's tongue, so he couldn't say bad words to Laura.

( "Hold on, Angkasa… Laura will be scared if she knows what you're thinking…" ) Angkasa suggests himself to hold back the madness that resides in his mind.

Angkasa closed his eyes and took a deep breath to calm his racing mind. After feeling quite under control, Angkasa turned his attention to Laura. He was stunned when he saw Laura's shoulders shaking.

Anxiety immediately swept through Angkasa's heart. "Laura, what happened to you? Are you crying? Please don't mind the words of that bastard. You're not what he says. To me, Laura is just the best, no matter how many good girls there are!"

Angkasa held Laura's shoulder, reassuring the girl that Rangga was just saying baseless nonsense. The man suspected that Laura was crying because she was hurt by Rangga's insults, which sounded outrageous.

"Heh, who's crying? I'm not crying, Angsa." Laura lifted her head, which had been downcast. Her palms were used to cover her mouth, with amusement flashing in her eyes.

Angkasa was surprised to see Laura who actually laughed with satisfaction after being scolded by Rangga. The man was confused about what response to give. To be sure, Angkasa felt calm knowing Laura did not cry because of Rangga's words.

"Sigh… I thought you were saddened by his words, Laura. Thank goodness, otherwise I would have…" Angkasa stopped when he realized that he was currently wearing a terrible expression on his face. He almost said something crazy about what he was going to do to Rangga.

Laura raised an eyebrow, feeling strange with Angkasa's agitated attitude. Nonetheless, she reached out and patted the top of Angkasa's head.

"Good, Angsa. You did your part well. Unexpectedly, I've also shown you something fun in front of you." Laura chuckled coldly, her eyes showing satisfaction.

Angkasa's ears reddened, getting a pat on the top of his head. However, he did not know the meaning of Laura's words. "Huh, what's that?"

"As you saw earlier, what a hypocrite your upperclassman named Rangga is. He comes to me sweetly with burning lust. Once his lust is unfulfilled, he reveals his true color."

Angkasa blinked a few times. He didn't know why Laura looked happy about such a thing. He actually felt worried about Laura's attitude, which did not refuse if any man touched her body.

Angkasa's face turned somber, imagining that there were many men queuing up to touch Laura as they pleased. He clenched his fists tighter and tighter without noticing the pain in his bloody palms.

"Laura, stop laughing… I really don't like seeing you with other guys…"

Laura's laughter stopped. She looked at Angkasa, there was no joke in his eyes. It seems, the words that Angkasa said when arguing with Rangga were the truth. The man disliked to share his possessions with others.

"Angsa, this will be difficult because in the future, there will be more men surrounding me like flies. So, prepare yourself if you don't want me to fall into the hands of other men." Laura turned her back to Angkasa without intending to see the look on the man's face in response to her words. She only heard the sound of Angkasa's gasping breaths before finally responding in a low, determined voice.

"I'll definitely get rid of the flies, Laura! You won't fall into any of them!"

Laura snorted. "Well, don't say too much. I just need proof for the future. Ah, one thing you need to know about me, I find pleasure in exposing other people's hypocrisy. It's so fun to tear off the masks they put on and make them have to reveal their own true colors."

Well, another fact about Laura's figure, apart from having a strange hobby of seeing living creatures dying, she also seeks other pleasures to arouse her passion in life by exposing the hypocrisy of the people around her. Their facial expressions, when revealing the rottenness they are trying to hide through a 'holy' mask, deserve to be enjoyed by Laura.

Laura glanced briefly at Angkasa's bloody fist. Laura's hand grabbed the tie that Angkasa was wearing. She pulled the tie and walked, followed by Angkasa who tried to follow Laura's footsteps with difficulty. Laura acted as if she was holding her pet's leash. The difference is, the bridle is not attached to animals, but a human.