24. He Who Can't Live Without Me

"Actually, what problem did you face that left only the will to die? Please tell me the truth so that I can prepare to accompany you in your death."

- Angkasa Ardiansyah


"Laura…" Angkasa called out Laura's name when he sensed that Laura wasn't in a good mood. He tightened his grip to get Laura's attention to pay attention to him.

Laura felt something rough wrap around her hand. Her eyes rolled to stare at her hand which was covered by Angkasa's hand which was wrapped in a bandage. A frown formed on Laura's forehead when she was disturbed by the presence of the bandage, which was an eyesore.

"This bandage… Is it necessary?" Laura pulled the bandage in Angkasa's hand. Her expression looked disturbed, as if she did not want the presence of the bandage in Angkasa's hands.

Angkasa blinked. He lowered his gaze, looking at the bandage in his hand. "Uhm… I don't know. But, I don't think without this bandage, the wound on my hand wouldn't get any worse."

"Then remove the bandage. The presence of the bandage is very disturbing." Laura gave instructions to Angkasa to remove the bandage wrapped around the man's palm.

Angkasa certainly will not refuse Laura's wishes. After all, during the incident where Angkasa caught Laura with Rangga, he had decided to fulfill all of Laura's wishes as long as the girl would comply with his request.

Angkasa's fingers that were not wrapped in bandages prepared to release the bandages on his hands. His fingertips touched the surface of the bandage, but a voice forced him to stop what he was doing.

"Don't even think about taking the bandage off! Laura, didn't you see the wound on Angkasa's hand before it was bandaged, or did you pretend you didn't know?! Angkasa's fingernails have punched holes in his own palm until it bleeds profusely! Do you think it's a minor wound? Unfortunately, the wound is not as trivial as you think because the hole in his hand is very deep! I couldn't stop the bleeding from the wound, it was so deep! Tsk, it's like he's digging his own hands for something!" Vikram shouted angrily, warning the two people behind him who arbitrarily decided without considering him.

Since earlier, Vikram was angry, not without reason. He was very emotional when he saw Angkasa was the one who was injured until he bled profusely. At that time Vikram came as quickly as possible to class carrying a first aid kit as Laura had asked in the message the girl had sent.

Arriving at the class, Vikram saw the class tiled floor that already had a large amount of blood dripping on it. Upon closer inspection, it turned out that the blood was coming from Angkasa's tightly clenched hands. Vikram was immediately angry because Laura who was beside Angkasa had no intention of asking the man to loosen his bloody fist so as not to aggravate the wound.

Vikram could hardly believe that the person who sent the message seemed worried because of the sudden emergency, just like the person in front of him, who seemed to have no concern whatsoever in her eyes. In the end, Vikram had to treat Angkasa with the help of Susan, who tied the bandage.

"Tch, you've been angry for a long time! I'm tired of hearing your unpleasant ramblings!" Laura squeaked while glaring at Vikram.

Vikram gripped the steering wheel tightly. The expression on his face was ugly, without the slightest hint of a smile. "Laura, I wouldn't be mad if you didn't make Angkasa do that uncontrollable act! He must have clenched his fists tightly because you did something that made him angry. But he can't express his anger because he's afraid of your threat!"

"If you end up taking him just to be a victim of your madness, please stop your intentions! It's enough for me to be sacrificed." Vikram lowers his voice. His tone even sounded somber, with the atmosphere in the car turning gloomy.

This time Laura was completely silent without a single word to reply to Vikram's words, which were like sharp knives that could cut her heart. She looked thoughtful, then a memory suddenly flashed through her mind.

( "Was he angry when I was with Rangga?" ) Laura wondered in her heart in disbelief. Was it really possible that someone Laura had brought from the asylum like her? He looked very displeased when Laura was with Rangga without any intention of joining their hot activity.

If it is true that Angkasa is angry because Laura is with Rangga, then this is a reasonable thing, as Vikram said. Thus, the reason Angkasa clenched his fists so tightly that they bled was because he was angry but couldn't express his anger. In short, it was caused by Laura. Not surprisingly, Vikram was furious.

"Angsa, next time you're angry, there's no need to hold it in. I really don't like people who can't express their own feelings." Laura looked into Angkasa's pitch-black eyes, as if drowning her in darkness.

Angkasa thinned his lips. He actually didn't know anything about the things Vikram was discussing. What did Vikram mean when he said that Laura intended to sacrifice him? Then, why did Vikram willingly make himself a victim for Laura? More than that, what happened to the person who was sacrificed by Laura?

Angkasa tightened his grip on Laura. Anxiety ran through his heart, making Angkasa unable to calm down. "Laura, if I get angry, won't you throw me in that place?"

Laura shook her head. "I'm not going to throw you into that place as long as you obey everything I say."

Angkasa breathed a sigh of relief. At least he knew which limits Laura had set for him. If he only obeys Laura's words, Angkasa can do it.

"Okay. I'll be honest about my feelings, if you don't mind, Laura." Angkasa gave a faint smile so that only Laura who was nearby could see that smile.

Laura's mind suddenly went blank when she saw the gentleness in Angkasa's eyes directed at her. She really didn't expect that there would be a day when someone depended on her. Angkasa's act, as if he couldn't live without her, made Laura feel that the man would also die for her.

This is very tempting.

Laura has a desire to use Angkasa as a victim of her madness, as Vikram said. However, seeing the bandages wrapped around Angkasa's palms, dislike actually gnawed at her heart.

( "I'd rather have the bandage on me than on him." )


"Angsa, get ready! I want to go have some fun somewhere." Laura threw down an outfit she had chosen for Angkasa to wear.

Angkasa swiftly caught the clothes Laura threw at him. He looked at the clothes in his hands and Laura, who was seen making up in front of the mirror in turn.

"It's getting late, Laura. Where are we really going?" Angkasa asked with a confused face. Even so, he still walked to the bathroom to change clothes.

Laura, who was applying lipstick on her lips, looked at Angkasa through the mirror. "Don't ask too many questions! Hurry up and get ready, or I'll leave!"

"Okay, I'll get ready!" Angkasa hurriedly closed the bathroom door and changed clothes because he didn't want to be left by Laura at home alone.

Laura snorted coldly at Angkasa's behavior. The man always asked every time Laura asked him to do something. It seems that Angkasa is very curious about all things related to Laura.

"He's really a pet who can't be away from his master," Laura muttered as she continued her delayed activities.