Second Meeting

"Dindall Bible, one million for one."

Smith picked up the Bible and said with a look of disdain, "You're selling this toy for a million per book? Are you crazy?"

His words caused the crowd to burst into laughter.

Ron laughed too and said, "Put it down, you can't afford it.

This is not something you can just touch. "

"I'm not letting go. What can you do to me?"

Smith paid no attention to Ron's threats.

He usually had the upper hand in arguments.

Anger welled up from his heart, and courage came from his brain.

Ron got up suddenly, went to Smith's stall, and said, "Smith, I'm telling you, if you don't put it down, I'm going to burn all your junk—believe it or not."

With that, he took out a lighter and started to pull on the fabric.

Smith did not expect that to be the case. His lips twitched as he said, "Go ahead and burn it. Do you think I'm afraid of you?

If you burn it, I will also burn all your goods. As he spoke, he took out your lighter as well. "

Ron was exasperated. Why was his luck so bad today?

When he thought about how aggrieved he was earlier, all that was left was anger and courage.

"Good, very good. I'll count to three and we'll burn it together.

If you don't dare, you're a grandson.

"Also, let me tell you, your male dolls are much more valuable than my ducks."

Smith felt something was wrong with Ron today.

However, with so many people watching, how could he lose face?

He had expected Ron to be stubborn.

This was all he had, and it was enough for him to survive and not starve.

Does he have the ability to fight me?

Thinking of this, Smith said, "You can count."



Ron had just counted a number.

The onlookers gasped as Ron poured the kerosene directly onto Smith's stall.

The next moment, he threw the lighter on the stall.


The fire spread.

'Ron, you're crazy.'

Smith's eyes widened in disbelief.

Ron's eyes were red. "Burn it, damn it, burn my stall? If you do, I'll burn all the packages you brought."

Ron picked up the kerosene again, walked over to Smith's tricycle, and poured it over his head.

"I'm counting now, three times. If you don't dare burn it, I'll burn yours."

Ron looked at the stunned Smith.

Smith reacted immediately.

"Ron, are you crazy? Don't you know it's a joke?"

"Please, help me put out the fire. He's crazy."

Smith ran to his stall and threw sand at the items that were aflame..

The onlookers also started to get busy.

"Hmph, if you don't have the ability to, then don't provoke me everyday."

Setting the sign, Smith cursed as he put out the fire.

The fire had just started and burned two puppets.

Before Smith could say anything, Ron cut in. "I'll pay you the original price tomorrow. If you don't want your whole stall to be gone, you'd better shut up."


Smith felt as if he had eaten sh*t.

But he really did not dare say anything in the face of a stranger like Ron.

Didn't he admit defeat when he counted to two?

This guy was good. He counted three words and directly threw the lighter.

This was too ruthless and decisive. Was this still the same Ron from yesterday?

Smith couldn't figure it out either.

"Could it be that his business hasn't been doing well, and he's under a lot of stress, so he had a mental breakdown?"

Smith widened his eyes.

"This stall owner is quite ruthless."

"That's not the only problem, right? Will you sell a Bible for a million dollars?

Is he crazy? "

The whispering customers took three steps back.

They were really scared. They were afraid that the next moment, Ron would be on his feet, slashing around with a knife or a gun.

Things like this happened a lot in Country M.

"Could he be a fanatic?"

"Hey, don't tell me this Dindall Bible has some secret to it?"

A young man held his phone and looked at the large sign that Ron had made.

"What kind of secret can there be? What bible is worth 1,000,000 USD?"

"Look, this Dindall Bible was indeed auctioned at a sky-high price of 1 million yuan two years ago."


If one person said that, another person would investigate.

More and more people started to gather.

"This stall owner must have some mental problems?

It was impossible for the real thing to appear in this stall.

"Also, look, the existing 'Dindall' Bible is half damaged. Those auctioned in Great Britain are also missing illustrations. Look at the dealer's book, it looks like it's new.

It's a hundred years old. Do you think that's possible? "

Some people even went forward to read the Bible to verify it.

Ron didn't care.

"I read it just now. It's indeed intact. 208 pages. That's impossible. It must be a replica."

"It's not as simple as a replica. The stall owner was easily agitated earlier, so when we were discussing, we should keep our voices down."

"Mary, we're just here for a vacation. Can't you save us some time?"

An old man and a blond beauty strolled along the beach.

The old man was a master of collections, and he was especially fascinated by ancient calligraphy and paintings.

Lady De Marie was the woman who had just saved Ron from danger.

"Father, look, there seems to be something interesting ahead."

Mary said, "Father, Father, there are so many people around there. It must be something fun happening there."

De Marie was probably only so lively in front of her father.

De Long shook his head but was unable to reject her. He was pulled along by her.

Walking into the crowd, he heard people talking about the stall owner.

And what about the items on the stall.

"This is crazy about money. One lousy Bible costs one million."

Pushing aside the crowd.

Mary was shocked. "It's him?"

Seeing the focus of the discussion, he recalled Ron's crazed laughter when he had faced the five black men.

Thinking of the stall, one Bible cost a million.

Mary came to the conclusion that this man called Ron was really a lunatic.

"Father, a madman. Let's go."

She looked to the side and saw her father frowning. He squatted down and held the Bible, looking left and right.

In the end, he took out a pair of glasses from his pocket and put them on. He looked around again.

"This is…"