This Is Real

"An old man was beside a Hawaiian stall, carefully reading a rare Bible that sold for one million yuan. He exclaimed that this was…"

There were many bloggers on Twitter.

Naturally, they did not want to miss out on spreading such news.

They secretly took a picture of Mary's father.

Then they added a detailed picture of him beside it for comparison.

In the end, he took a picture of the front side of the Dindall Bible and posted it on Twitter.

Naturally, Ron wouldn't stop this.

Regardless of whether it was good or bad, come on, no matter how you advertise, true gold is not afraid of refinement through flames.

He was also prepared. It was indeed difficult to sell this Bible that cost one million M dollars per book.

But if they could not sell it today, wouldn't there still be a tomorrow? Those who knew what was good would not let go of such a rare Bible.

The most important thing was that the Dimension Merchant City would refresh new goods tomorrow. If they could find them and replace them, wouldn't that be great?

One Bible for one million.

At least, he had never seen such a thing in Hawaii.

As more and more people gathered around, they also started tweeting.

"Hawaiian stall, shocking debut of the first edition of the Bible. The owner is actually him…"

All kinds of headlines were being posted on Twitter.

Who cares if you have any actual meaningful content, they just wanted to attract some traffic first.

After that, they took many pictures of beautiful women and handsome men.

Anyone could find information about the Dindall Bible, but how many people would buy a copy of it, let alone pay a million dollars?

"Father, let's go."

Mary was embarrassed by the discussion that was going on around her.

Hearing the woman's voice, it attracted Ron's attention.

"Eh, it's you—"

Mary smiled awkwardly and said, "It's me."

Ron smiled but said nothing.

If it was any other day, having someone speak to his daughter in such a manner would have already attracted De Long's attention.

But today, all his attention was on the Dindall Bible.

"How is this possible?"

He muttered to himself, "Isn't there missing pages in all copies of the Dindall Bibles? How can there be such a perfect copy in existence?"

He had basically seen most of the Dindall Bibles that he knew were still in existence, and most of them were incomplete.

Either it was an illustration that was absent or the cover was missing.

In short, this thing had been through the baptism of war and was no longer complete.

The worst kind, and the kind that were poorly put back together

The prices for those were not cheap either.

However, the book before him was brand new. No matter how he looked at it, it was authentic.

"That's impossible!"

Old De Long kept mumbling.

Ron watched anxiously. Are you buying or not?

Get lost if you don't buy it?

At this thought, he said, "Sir, I have an invoice here that can prove the authenticity of this item. Do you have to be so conflicted about whether it's genuine?"

De Long snapped back to reality. "What? You said you had a certificate for it?"

Ron nodded.

De Long was visibly relieved.

"I knew it. This thing is a really good imitation."

Drakon said with relief.

Ron didn't want to. Frowning, he said, "Sir, did I hear you wrong? I said I had an invoice, but you said it was a good imitation?"

De Long rose and said, "Young man, I don't know where you got your copy from."

"But your imitation is really good. I was almost tricked."

"Ah—F*ck, isn't this the ancient book collector 'De Long'? Isn't he commonly known as Mr. De Long?"

Someone in the crowd recognized the old man.

"Who's De Long?"

Some people were still confused.

"Of course. The internet is so advanced."

Most of the people pulled out their phones.

De Long:

21st century, ancient book collector.

He was from one the four most respected families in Country M. He had many rare collections and was known for keeping them while they appreciated in value.

Babysitter's Home…and a bunch of famous paintings in the world.

He also has a collection of rare religious books such as the limited edition Koran, and Sangharama Book...

Seeing the long introduction that was posted online, everyone was stunned.

Looking at the picture posted on the internet, there was no difference from the person in front of him.

The blogger who had posted the tweet and the photo of De Long's profile turned pale.

He could use pictures of normal people or actors as a side-by-side comparison.

But he definitely could not simply use a real master's picture.

If he were sued, would he even have anything left of himself?

When he wanted to delete it, it was already too late.

Below his tweet, there were continuous replies.

"What the f*ck, is there really someone who will inspect such a scam item?"

"I've heard of the Dindall Bible, but shouldn't this thing appear in a museum? When did it start appearing on the streets?"

"There are people selling such things at the stalls? What a joke. If it's true, I'll eat sh*t in public."

"Hey, don't you guys think that the old man reading the book looks familiar? I think I've seen him somewhere before?"

"An actor. Of course I've seen an actor before. An actor in this kind of trashy commercial would act in anything.

Today, he might be the appraiser, but tomorrow, he might be the main character of the advertisement for men's adult products. "

The blogger's face darkened when he saw the comments.

They were defaming a famous person? If this was publicized, he would be sued for defamation.

The crime was serious.

At this thought, the blogger deleted the post regardless of the traffic.

The internet exploded.

"What happened? Why did you delete the post?"

At the scene, Ron handed De Long a certificate.

De Long took the certificate with contempt.

This was the reason he suddenly believed that the Dindall Bible was fake.

That was because such things could not have any proof of authenticity.

This was something from a hundred years ago, so how could there be a proof of authenticity?

But—the moment he took the certificate from Ron, he couldn't take his eyes off it.

It was as if he had lost his soul.

"How is this possible?"

The so-called proof of authenticity was written by hand.

Furthermore, it was neat and tidy, which was different from contemporary English grammar.

He studied ancient books, so how could he not know the difference between Gothic English people used a hundred years ago and the English that modern people used?

When he read the Dindall Bible earlier, he wanted to see the difference between the lines and the words in the Bible, but there was no trace of any modernity at all.

But he had never heard of the Dindall Bible having a complete version of it, so he instinctively believed that it was impossible.

Until Ron said there was a certificate, he thought it was a modern certificate, but it turned out to be a fully handwritten one.

All the Gothic English words were handwritten.

"Father, what's wrong?"

Mary asked in confusion.

De Long looked at her and said, "Is this the real deal?"

"Is it really an original?"

Everyone was stunned.

Even Smith, who was watching from the side, was stunned?

Is the Dindall Bible legitimate?