We Are not Meant to Be

Seeing the old man appear, the middle-aged man's face twisted.

"Old Tom, why are you here?"

"Why? If you , Lin En, can come, why can't I?"

The old man lit a cigar.

Some of the onlookers gasped and quietly retreated.

"What's wrong?"

The man's girlfriend asked in confusion.

"Don't ask, just stay away. Something is about to happen."

The man said with an ugly expression.

After retreating some distance, the man said, "Look, does that old man and his subordinates have three tree tattoos on their arms? That's the symbol of the San Sen Group."

This was a gang

Old Tom might be the leader of the gang. "


The man's girlfriend gasped.

Why was this kind of person attracted to a stall?

How would they know? It was all because they had created a butterfly effect on Twitter, WeChat, and Weibo.

Otherwise, nobody would have noticed Ron's stall.

It was almost impossible to sell something so expensive.

It could be said that those who were present, whether they were here for the sake of attracting traffic, had been advertising Ron on the Internet.

Lin En was also the dark leader of a gang.

Hawaii was a huge cake.

There were too many visitors from around the world every year.

The nightlife here was rich, and it was basically the kind that did cease at night.

Naturally, there were many casinos, nightclubs, and bars.

These were all grey areas, so naturally, there were gangs to manage them.

"Old Tom, why are you here? I'm from the 1970s, but I couldn't afford this tape back then. It was my regret for many years.

As Lin En spoke, he stepped back. The two tall bodyguards beside him took out their guns.

The man also took out his gun.

Both sides were ready to fight.

Old Tom said, "I just want you to give me a set. I'm here to fulfill my wish. My dead son wanted this set of animated tapes ever since he was young."

At this point, Old Tom's expression darkened.

Obviously, something had happened to his son, and he might never see this tape again.

Ron looked stunned as well. I was just trying to sell something, how did it end up like this?

He knew that as long as the middle-aged man did not give in, he would offend him no matter how he tried to talk them out of it.

Even though he had obtained power, he did not want to become famous.

He only wanted to be a rich man and live comfortably in this world.

Therefore, he simply watched the situation unfold.

If they really fought, it would not be too late to persuade them to stop.

When Lin En heard Tom's reason for purchase, he looked at the two bodyguards.

The two bodyguards slowly lowered their arms.

The tense atmosphere relaxed.

Everyone sighed in relief.

If a gun battle were to break out, it was inevitable that they would be implicated.

"Boss, I'll transfer the money to you now."

Lin En came up to Ron and pulled out his phone.


Ron quickly took out his phone and the other party glanced at it.


Ron checked his messages and felt as though the sun had risen.

It had only been two days, but he had already earned over a million USD.

This was faster than stealing money.

"Since you both have the same past, why not make peace and try to benefit each other? Put your past and history aside. "

Ron said.

Old Tom and Lin En both looked at Ron. "The boss's right."

Then Lin En walked up to Tom with a set of videotapes and said, "The cat in here is also called Tom, but it's not as old as you. I won't accept your money."

"No—I have to pay. I'm not an old scum."

The two of them started to give way again.

Ron shook his head. "If you owe each other a favor, then let it be that you owe each other one. Like I said, it's different from what you're fighting for now. Why fight?"

Although the words were simple, they seemed to contain philosophy.

Lin En and Old Tom immediately quietened down. They suddenly felt that this stall owner seemed to be a little detached.

But Ron swore he really was blind.

Lastly, the two bosses made up, distributed the tapes, and left.

Everyone was stunned.

The person who had said that it was a show had their mouth shut now.

Is there anyone who wants to make a show with someone from underground society? Isn't that courting death?

If anyone recognized them, the television station would instantly shut down because of the reputation.

However, did that mean that the items sold by this stall were real?

In other words, the tape was really worth 600,000 USD.

Smith was dumbfounded.

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Ron packed his bags and got on the trishaw.

However, this time, he did not plan to leave immediately.

He leaned on the golden sands every day and looked at the clear water and blue sky every day, but he never felt comfortable or relaxed in the water.

At least, nothing would happen today.

Why not go into the water? It should be comfortable.

At this thought, he took off his T-shirt.


Look at his muscular body, abs, and biceps.

The crowd exclaimed.

There were even more women's voices.

"What the f*ck, this stall owner's muscles are pretty good? They give off a distinct feeling, and his muscles look as hard as steel."

"You can't tell from his appearance at all? This kind of muscle is honed through time. It's not something that can be trained in a day or two."

His muscles blinded everyone.

Ron picked up the surfboard and reached the beach.

"What is he doing?"

"Is surfing at night crazy?"

Everyone knew that the night wind was especially strong.

If an accident happened, the people on the shore would not notice it at all.

That was a suicidal action.

But Ron took the surfboard and went straight to the beach to swim into the water.


Suddenly Ron was stopped by a familiar voice.

Turning his head, he saw that it was Mary.

Ron laughed. "What, did your father buy a fake Bible yesterday? Did you come back for me?"

Mary had been watching from the crowd.

She thought that yesterday, Ron was just lucky to have gotten an extinct Bible somewhere.

She had come to find out where Ron had gotten the Dindall Bible.

However, she did not expect to see such an exciting performance.

Two hundred thousand dollars per set of tapes and three sets were bought by someone.

She was shocked. Was this still a street stall?

She wasn't so sure now. She thought that Ron might have a stable supplier who specialized in supplying certain retro items.

Her motive was simple. She wanted to investigate Ron's supplier.

"As a man, don't be petty—anyway, are you sure you're not selling fake products?"

Mary smiled as she came to Ron. For some reason, she blushed.

Her body was so perfect that not many men and women on this beach could compare to her.

This attracted the attention of many.

But Ron didn't have a bad body either, did he?

Seeing that Ron was silent, Mary gritted her teeth and said, "Can I get you coffee?"

Ron looked at him for a moment and said, "If you want me, just say it, but—I'm not giving you a chance to flirt with me."

With that, Ron paddled his surfboard into the sea.