Danger at the Ocean Floor

When Mary came to her senses.

The only sound that could be heard was the surfboard scraping against the sea.

In less than half a minute.

Ron was nowhere to be seen.

Ten minutes later…

"Say, the wind tonight seems to be very strong."

"That's right. I heard it's a Level 5 or 6 gale. If it's on the surface of the sea, it's at least a Level 10 gale, but the waves are probably more than ten meters tall."


Everyone was stunned.

Because they couldn't see Ron anywhere.

The searchlight flashed across the sea from time to time, but there was no one there.

Where was Ron now?

Of course it was still in the sea.

However, the place where he went to was rather deep.

Because he realized that even though the wind was strong, the surrounding light should be very dark.

However, in his eyes, it was as bright as midday.

"So my eyes have evolved."

His feet were on the surfboard. There were hooks that made it look like the soles of his feet were hooked and stuck firmly on it.

Ron might roll with the surfboard, but he would never leave it.

The waves around him were at least ten meters tall.

His body weaved through the waves.

Even a world-class surfing expert could not compare to him.


Ron punched the wave as hard as he could.


The wave was forcibly split open from the middle into a large circular hole.

Ron was dumbfounded. What kind of power was required to do this?

What Ron didn't know was that although the genetic pill was in the plane system,

However, no one had ever successfully fused their genes. They had either died or turned into monsters.

However, he had succeeded, and his body had undergone an unknown transformation.

The strength of an ant could lift four hundred times its weight.

Roan had fused the power of the ants, which meant that if he had a hundred and fifty gold coins, he himself would have nearly fifty thousand pounds of strength.

However, due to the unknown changes, the value was not fixed.

Which meant that if Ron was a sportsman. This power would increase greater exponentially.

Then Ron kicked again.


The friction between his legs and the air created an ear-piercing sound.

The waves exploded.

He could only unleash his power freely in the pitch-black sea.

"I can see at night, so how long can I last underwater?"

With this thought, he jumped into the sea without hesitation.

It was different from what they saw on television.

The seawater was not another beautiful world.

At night, the bottom of the sea was an abyss, and there could be hidden dangers at any time.

The starlight outside could be barely seen into the water.

Only a few specialized predators could see things in this environment.

Ron could see everything underwater.

He easily dove about ten meters into the water.

For normal people who had never dived before, their eardrums would hurt.

If it was more than 20 meters, for normal people, there would be eardrums perforation or cardiac arrest.

Currently, humans still had to wear diving suits. The deepest dive was 117 meters, which was already a world record.

Ron entered the water, feeling incredibly relaxed.

Although he could not breathe.

However, he felt like the time he had to hold his breath had been extended.

Based on a conservative estimate, two to three hours was not a problem at all.

"In that case…"

Ron had no idea how fast he was paddling in the water.

In short, it felt like the surrounding rocks were passing by him.

Moreover, there were many bubbles around him.

This was because the speed was too fast, causing the surrounding people to be pushed aside, creating a vacuum.

Ron remembered the movie, Sea King, that had just been released a while ago.

"Right now, my swimming speed should be about the same as the Sea King.

I wonder if there are any unknown creatures underwater. "

After some time.

"Hmm, am I swimming in the wrong direction? Why is there a light?"

Ron stopped in the water and looked toward what he thought was the source of the light.

It was a source of light that swayed in the sand.

When he looked closely, he realized that under the light bulb, there were not pillars but things that looked like logs. They were swaying in the water.

There were many ugly little fish under the light.

Some fish had three heads and two eyes.

Some fish had their facial features on one side.

Some had four tails, and the tails were still black.

"This underwater ravine is not like television. It's not as beautiful as the movies describe it to be!

If the ground is a normal world, then this deep sea is no different from an abyss or hell. "

Ron did not approach the source.

The sea was just like the land. Beautiful things were dangerous.

On land, if one met something with colorful looks, they would definitely be the most 'poisonous'.

The light source of the deep sea was definitely not a good place.



Ron jumped and hid behind a boulder.

He saw a huge shark that was at least fifteen meters long.

This was a super great white shark, the overlord of the ocean.

It was attracted by the light source.

When the great white shark approached the source of the light,

The sand was rolling and the sea was surging.

Suddenly, a super monster appeared from the sand.

It turned out that the light source was all the fur on the monster's back.

This monster was about the same length as a whale. It was at least 25 meters long.

It looked like a devil fish, but it was a monster that gathered all the ugliness in the world.

The Great Devil Fish opened its mouth wide, and with a single bite, it cleaved the great white shark.

The smell of blood permeated the seawater several hundred meters away, attracting all kinds of ugly fish.

Ron looked pale.

Before coming to the bottom of the sea, he was still looking forward to it.

However, when he truly arrived at the bottom of the sea, he realized that this place was practically hell on earth.

Any one of the monsters here, if they could live underwater, would be a nightmare for all creatures.

Ron wanted a quick retreat.

He could not guarantee that he had the ability to defeat these monsters.

Just as he was about to swim upstream, he froze.

He floated in the water and looked around. His expression was extremely ugly.

"F*ck, that's the top, that's the bottom…"

At that moment, all the lights on the strange fish were extinguished.

The surroundings fell into darkness.

Even Ron could not see his surroundings clearly.

It was too dark to see anything clearly.

Suddenly, he felt his waist being tied by a huge rope.

His heart sank.