Priceless Goods in Parallel Worlds

"What are you doing? I've already admitted my mistake. Why are you still here?"

The young man hurried to the old man.

The old man's eyes lit up. He came to the main point and said, "Tonik, you're finally here. You're the judge. I'm going to park here, but he insists it won't happen.

He even said that his trishaw can be parked here.

The young man said nothing. Ron said, "Do you have a parking ticket here?"

"A parking ticket?Wouldn't I be carrying it if I'm in here?"

The old man said in disdain.

Ron walked up to the tricycle and said, "You can move the tricycle today, but it's worth millions. You better think twice before doing it."

"A few million, so what if it's tens of millions, I don't care."

Then, the old man moved the tricycle.

The young man stopped the old man and said, "Father, let's park somewhere else."

The old man widened his eyes and said in confusion, "Nik, are you kidding me? Why can't we take this spot?"

"Because of this."

Ron pulled out a parking ticket.

"Are you kidding me? Since when can a trishaw occupy a car parking spot? No, I want to report this. I want to complain."

The old man did not relent.

At that moment, the elevator door opened.

The two salesgirls were holding the purchasing documents for the house. When they saw Ron, their eyes lit up and they ran to him as soon as they exited the elevator.

Before he could speak, the old man said, "What are you guys even doing here? How did such trash enter your place?"

The old man pointed at Ron.

"Sorry, Mr. Ron."

The two salesgirls' expressions changed. They turned to the old man and said, "Old man, how could you be so rude as to try to take his spot?"


The old man widened his eyes, thinking that he had heard wrongly. "What did you say?"

"Say, how can you occupy someone else's parking spot? The owner of this trishaw is also a VIP."

Xiao Li said.

"What? He's a VIP?"

The old man pointed at Ron in a daze. "He's a VIP here. But can he afford a house?"

Another saleswoman took the house purchase contract and said, "Mr. Ron, sign this contract and that house will be yours. It's well-decorated and can be moved in anytime. I can take you there personally later."

The old man looked like he had eaten a fly.

He opened his mouth but did not say anything.

Ron waved the stop sign in front of him and said, "You're not automatically a VIP even if you're driving a Land Rover. I'm still a VIP on a tricycle. What's so great about a broken car? If I want to buy one, I'll get a Rolls Royce instead."

The old man was about to explode in anger, but there was nothing he could do.

"Come, take me to the house."

Ron came to the trishaw.

The saleswoman was stunned. Then, she smiled sweetly and got on the trishaw.

"What are you doing? You're so shameless. Is this how sales work? Didn't you say you were going to take me to see a house? You should be driving the trishaw."

The saleswoman blushed.

He smiled awkwardly and said, "Okay, I've never driven a trishaw before. It should be a good experience. Mr. Ron, please get in."

40 minutes later.

The two went to a large manor.

"Mr. Ron, we're here."

The saleswoman got out of the car and felt like her legs were no longer hers.

However, she had to do this. She had already offended the customer previously. If she did not fulfill their wishes and was complained by the customer, then she could forget about her current job. Perhaps she really needed to set up a stall.

The door was made of high-quality wood.

There were cameras at the corners of the railings.

"Mr. Ron—" The saleswoman took a deep breath and said, "There are a total of twelve cameras surrounding the entire courtyard. There are no blind spots. If anyone dares to approach unsolicited, call the police immediately."

When the two of them entered the yard, Ron was shocked. "It's indeed a mansion worth more than a million dollars."

In the courtyard, there was a fountain that was more than ten meters in diameter. There was a fountain that led directly into the villa.

"Mr. Ron, the water here is the real spring water from the mountain. It can be consumed directly."

"This is a vegetable greenhouse with a total of ten plots of land. Mr. Ron, you can hire servants to directly plant some vegetables and fruits here for your own use."

The two of them entered the villa. The interior design was not too luxurious, but it was exceptionally spacious.

There were three floors, two underground floors, and one underground floor. There were various entertainment facilities, a pool table, a music room, and two underground floors. It was a private garage.

Finally, the two of them walked to the backyard, where the saleswoman said, "Mr. Ron, this is a big place. It's the perfect place for a party."

"Mr. Ron, are you up to anything later?"

"Yes, I have to set up stall for tonight."

Female salesgirl:…

In the end, she cooperated with the customer who spoke weirdly and said, "Ah, it's really like that. Then I'll go and take a look tonight."


The saleswoman rolled her eyes and said, "It's a bit hot today, Mr. Ron. Do you mind if I swim in the pool?"

"I don't mind. You can use it."

Then the saleswoman took off her clothes and jumped into the pool.

The woman jumped into the pool, and within three minutes, she said, "Mr. Ron, help, help, my leg is cramping."

How could Ron not understand? He took off his clothes and jumped into the water, the two of them having fun.

Three hours later…

The sky gradually darkened. Ron lay on the bench by the pool and summoned the Dimensional Merchant City's interface. He took out a small notebook and recorded the data of the same item.

The goods in this store were complicated.

If he was not careful, he might miss the real good stuff.

But most of them were ordinary items too, so what Ron needed to do was pick out the truly cost-effective items.

"Mops, $1,000."

"toothpaste, $100."

"Toothpick, $200."

Ron saw many similar unusual and unappealing goods.

"What's going on? Normally, these things shouldn't be so expensive."

He opened it. The detailed introduction of these items had indeed found something.

mop: One for $1,000.

It was just an ordinary mop.

It was also just a mop from Earth.

However, it did not belong to this universe. It belonged to the parallel universe, World 2379, and it was also America's mop.

However, M Nation in Universe-2379 was experiencing the most severe financial crisis in history. Not to mention a mop, even a meal costs several thousand USD.

Therefore, a mop that cost 1,000 dollar per stick was considered cheap. Hurry up and buy it.

toothpaste: $100.

This was also a product from a parallel world. It was also a product from a parallel world, America. However, there was no inflation in America. Instead, the craftsmanship of making toothpaste was extremely complicated. Therefore, toothpaste in that world was more expensive than many other products.

Looking at the toothpick, that was probably the case.

Suddenly, Ron was distracted by a watch.

"F*ck, is this a fake?"

Ron saw that a watch, a Rolex, cost only $10.