Getting Rich

Rolex Greenwich II116769TBR-74779B Starry Sky Watch.

He saw the name of the watch.

Ron quickly went online to check.

The Starry Sky wristwatch was designed with a diameter of 40 millimeters.

The 18k platinum material, watch plate, watch circle, watch strap, and watch chain were all densely embedded with diamonds.

At first glance, it looked extremely luxurious.

Furthermore, the Starry Sky had the special waterproof characteristic of a Rolex.

To be able to remain undamaged three hundred meters underwater, the craft of waterproofing not only represented waterproofing, but also increased the atmospheric pressure durability. Every ten meters of water depth meant increasing pressure too. The watch would be fine even at a depth of three hundred meters, that could only mean one thing—the craftsmanship of the watch had reached the pinnacle.

Ron's heart was pounding.

He checked the official price of the watch.

"Ah, how could—"

He looked at the price and jumped up.

The price of the Starry Sky was not any cheaper than the jade.

That was six hundred thousand USD.

$600,000 per piece.

He hurriedly looked at the Dimensional Merchant City. In the Dimensional Merchant City, the same watch only cost $10.

What was with $10?

Ron clicked on it quickly: Introduction to the Rolex Greenwich II116769TBR-74779B Starry Sky Watch.

Ten US dollars. With such a watch, you would definitely be worth more.

It was designed with a diameter of 40 millimeters and was made of 18kg platinum. The dial, dial, circle, shell, and watch chain were all densely covered with diamonds. At first glance, it looked extremely luxurious. Since the watch circle was filled with diamonds, the unique big numbers of the Greenwich series were gone. However, this secret diamond-studded wrist watch was completely a work of art.

Looking at the introduction, it was exactly the same as the one Ron had just read.

When he finished reading the introduction, Ron understood.

"They are indeed not from the same world."

It is also a parallel American world.

But in this world, the dollar was worth more than diamonds, and the dollar had an extraordinary status.

Therefore, $10 in this world is equivalent to $600,000 in the host's world.

Normally, people used gold, and there was a lot of gold in this world.

Ron sighed at the introduction.

"There really are all kinds of worlds."

What was there to hesitate about?

Ten US dollars was equivalent to nothing.

What about selling it for six hundred thousand USD?

No matter how much he sold it, he would make a killing.

With that in mind, Ron added it to his cart.

"Eh, not just one in stock?"

Ron's heart was in his throat.

He pressed the button again and again until he pressed ten before he could no longer press anymore.

Ron felt his palms wet.

He clicked on the payment.


The change in the account was sent directly to the phone.

Ron picked it up and looked at it. A hundred dollars had been deducted, leaving him about four hundred thousand dollars.

A white light disappeared, and ten watches appeared in Ron's hand.

"System, can I keep one for myself?"

"Of course you can, but if you want to sell it for money, you have to go through the stall method."

Ron chose a suitable one and wore it on his wrist.

Looking at his own clothes, it was indeed a little shabby.

In the system, he bought a set of clothes that were not expensive and changed into them.

He looked like a new person.

"When I have time, I need to buy a car and drive to the stall instead. It's much more convenient."

Ron thought.

Seeing that it was getting dark, Ron knew it was time to set up his stall.

Riding the trishaw he left the house and activated the security system.

This place was much closer to the stall.

Therefore, they arrived in ten minutes.

He walked to his stall.

Ron threw the cloth mat to the ground.

Smith sorted through his things.

"Ron, you said you're rich, why don't you change your job, or your method of making a living?"

Ron said without even looking at him, "Thank you for finding a boat to fish me out last night. I thought you hated me alot, but what you did made me rethink again."

Smith was stunned and said disdainfully, "Tsk, I was afraid that you would die without a corpse."

"Not bad, you finally have some humanity."

Ron laughed.

Smith looked angry. "Damn you, Ron, I'm asking you. If you're rich, why don't you switch careers?"

"Why do I need to change? If I set up a stall, I can still become a millionaire."

"In your dreams. The first two times were only because you're lucky. There won't be a third time."

They continued to bicker, but Ron wasn't angry at all.

He set up the stall and found a shoe box.

He placed the nine watches inside.

Then, like before, he made a big sign.


"Introduction to the Rolex Greenwich II116769TBR-74779B Starry Sky wristwatch."

Immediately, people surrounded them.

"F*ck, 600,000 USD for a watch. Is he crazy?

And it's even being sold at a street stall? "

"Isn't that too much? It's a total of nine pieces. How much does it cost?"

"I just checked. The Rolex is the Starry Sky edition. The official price is $700,000.

Furthermore, once the watch exceeded a certain value, it would become a collector's item. This item was a rare item, and it could only be more than 700,000, not less than 700,000 USD.

So I conclude, the watches are fake. "

Ignoring the discussions around him.

Ron said, "It's my stuff, I'll give a guarantee that they're real. If it's fake, I'll pay any amount as recompensation."

Ron's little stall had become famous over the past few days.

Many people took pictures with their phones.

"Hello everyone, I'm Mary. I bought the Dindall Bible from this stall. Everyone, would you like to see what rare goods the owner of this stall is selling today?"

At that moment, Mary suddenly appeared. She squatted down and picked up a watch. "Wow, look at this. This is a Rolex Starry Sky. The official launch price is 700,000 USD."

' What the fuck, Mary? Is this for real? This is a street stall, not an official reseller.'

How could there be something so expensive? "

"Hi, everyone. I'm Mary's good friend. This watch is authentic."

All of a sudden, Ron appeared on camera, startling Mary. "Are you looking for death? Who's your friend?"

"Yeah, we weren't friends to begin with. If not, why didn't you save me when you saw that I was in danger yesterday?

"In that case, you're not welcome here. You can leave now."


Mary felt wronged too.

He had seen Ron in danger yesterday.

But before she could call the police, Smith did.

She was livestreaming here on a whim.

If they did not allow the livestream to continue, then she really did not have the right.

"Mary, ignore him. He looks like a loser."

"Him? Thinking he can sell Rolex Starry Skies. Why doesn't he take a look at himself?"

"Yeah, Mary, if what you're saying is true and that the Dindall Bible was really bought here, then I can conclude it must be fake."

The internet was in a mess.

With a cold face, Mary approached Ron and said, "Tell me, how can I be allowed to continue the livestream?"

"Sleep with me, sleep with me…"