Alarming the Officials

Mary's eyes widened.

He did not expect Ron to be so bold as to say such a thing.

Mary rolled her eyes. "Sure," she said.

With that, she took out his phone and started filming.

Everyone knew that she was not serious about that perfunctory attitude.

What a joke, how could he be serious?

More and more people gathered.

There were three levels inside and three levels outside.

Because of what happened two days ago.

Soon, what Ron was selling was uploaded online.

The internet exploded.

Rolex Starry Sky Watches were actually being sold on the street. This was crazy.

"This is definitely fake. I don't support fakes."

"Look, on the signboard, it says' 1 to 10 for recompensation '."

"Hahaha, I just want to know, if this watch is taken to the official store for testing, if it's fake, will the stall owner lose his pants?"

"I want to see it too."

The online denouncement went viral.

This alerted Country M's Hawaiian branch for Rolex.

More and more people were gathering in front of Ron's booth.

In the end, even Ron felt uncomfortable.

"Such a thing shouldn't be so unsellable? There should be someone who knows what's good."

"Hmph, I think you've gone too far this time. Prepare to run."

Smith said.

Ron said, "My watch is real, why should I run?"

"You're just being stubborn. You're lucky to have met a fool the first two times…"

"Who are you calling a fool?"

Mary could not take it anymore. She lashed out at Smith.

Smith blushed and quickly shut up.

"Move aside, move aside."

Just as everyone was discussing, someone behind the crowd shouted.

Everyone moved aside.

Did someone really buy it?

Was someone really interested?

There were three people in front of the crowd.

None of the three wore white gloves and black suits.

The man with the cold, expressionless face came up to Ron, showed his ID, and said, "Hello, we're inspectors from the Hawaiian Rolex branch. We suspect that the watch you're selling is fake.

That would damage the image of our Rolex company, so we have reason to confiscate your product. "

"What? Confiscated? Are you kidding me?"

Ron grabbed the shoe box and said, "What makes you think my watch is fake? What reason? What evidence?"

The man sneered and said, "A loser like you can also wear a Rolex? Dream on."

The man from Rolex tore off his mask, and he did not hold back.

Ron laughed angrily. "Well, then, why don't you tell me what evidence you have to prove that my watch is fake? If you have any proof, I'll work with you right away."

"Okay, then I'll let you die knowing why."

As he spoke, the man took out a picture of the internet and circled around to show everyone around him.

"Watch carefully, everyone. Our Rolex Starry Sky does not have a Type 432 B. This model is definitely fake."

Ron was shocked too.

But out of trust for the system, he said, "Who can be sure if your picture has been altered or photoshopped? Can you prove it?"

The man smirked. "This is a picture that the netizens just uploaded. How can it be fake?"

The man showed everyone the upload time of the pictures.

Everyone nodded in praise.

"Quick, remove this tumor from the beach. He has been causing trouble for two or three days."

The crowd cheered.

But Ron wasn't nervous at all. "What if I don't have one of those watches of yours?"

The man smiled and said, "Then you have to provide a proper invoice, authentication, and the identification code on your watch."

"Then what if I have all of these? Your actions today have already affected my sales and my reputation.

How are you going to compensate me? "

"Er… this…"

The three workers had never thought that the appraisal would go wrong. They were not here to appraise but to confiscate it.

However, if he were to snatch it openly in front of so many people, it would damage their own image

Furthermore, their goal was to just verify the authenticity of the watch.

There was no need to create public opinion in front of everyone.

"That's good. We'll appraise it on the spot, give everyone justice, and give our company justice. If everything goes as you say, we'll compensate you with a Starry Sky wristwatch."

"Even though the compensation is a little low, I'll let you see it. It will prove my innocence."

With that, Ron handed the worker a watch.

He did not dare to give them all of it. Who knew who these people were?

The man frowned. He took out a professional identification device and started to do the testing.

After ten minutes, the three's faces turned uglier.

"Are the imitations nowadays that amazing? Even professional appraisers like them can't tell?"

Then, the man compared the model to the model, and Shangguan Ying checked.

He realized that the official website really had this watch, and it had been on sale for only less than ten hours.

"How is this possible?"

The owner of the watch was a mysterious customer who did not want to reveal his identity.

The man said with an ugly expression, "Sir, can you show us the other watches?"

Ron simply gave them all the watches.

Beads of sweat slowly formed on the foreheads of the three workers.

They were all legitimate Rolex Starry Skies. No matter how one looked at it, it was real. There was nothing wrong with it.

How was that possible? Furthermore, this thing appeared at a stall and was sold at a lower price than the market price. How was that possible?

The three knew that this was impossible, but they could not find any proof.

At this point, it had already been proven that the picture that was posted online was photoshopped by netizens.

Perhaps the netizen was also someone who knew how to read a watch. He had checked Ron's watch beforehand, so it could be checked officially. Then, he had no choice but to add a fake picture to attract attention.

He got the engagement he wanted.

However, it could also be a bad thing. This time, if the three workers did not find that the watches were fake, they would go after that person.

After all, the three workers had promised on the spot that if there was nothing wrong with the test, they would compensate.

He looked at the other watches, and the situation was basically the same.

It was the real deal.

Therefore, Ron directly took out the corresponding test report and invoice from the system for the three staff members.

The three workers looked at each other in shock.

Then he bowed to Ron at the same time and said, "Sir, I'm really sorry, it's our fault—"

Everyone was shocked.


"This is unbelievable. I feel like I'm watching a science fiction movie."

"This watch, i'll buy it…"

The crowd was still discussing when a tall man suddenly shouted.