Fifteen Sunflowers

Ron was a little worried, because the Van Gogh was expensive to stock.

This painting was created in 1888.

However, the year of the sale of 15 Sunflowers in Van Gogh's System Shop was 1950.

At that time, Van Gogh's painting had already become famous, but it had not become worldwide famous yet, so not many people knew about it.

But in just 20 years, by 1970, Van Gogh's paintings were worth millions.

Now, it was a famous masterpiece worth tens of millions of dollars.

Moreover, Van Gogh was a master painter of abstract art.

Only experts could interpret his paintings.

In the Dimension Merchant City, such a painting was sold for 100,000 USD.

If he sold it on the street, there was a high chance that no one would recognize it, let alone buy it.

Secondly, how much was Ron going to sell it for?

How was Ron going to set a price for such a collection, artwork, and historical item?

Just like the Dindall Bible, no matter what, there was an auction guide price recently?

But how much would this 'Fifteen Sunflowers' cost?

Ron used to be poor, but that was because he wasn't used to the world.

In his previous life, he was quite good at managing his economy.

"It's just $100,000, Ron, you're being petty."

Ron muttered to himself.

"System, the things I sell at the stall, is there a time limit before they expire?"

"Yes— a month."

The system actually answered Ron.

"What if it can't be sold within a month?"

"The system retracts automatically. The system seriously believes that the player is not strong enough and will find another host."

"F*ck, I didn't know it worked that way."

This made Ron hesitate. The risk was rising.

At least for now, Ron had changed his fate because of the system.

"Then what will I have?"

"The system will not take back everything that the host has now."

He opened it. Dimensional Merchant Chity. He added the "Fifteen Sunflowers" to the cart.

His fingers were less than a millimeter ahead of the purchase.


Suddenly, Mary's voice came from the courtyard.

Ron's hand shook as he hit the purchase button.

His face twisted, and his eyes turned red.

Ding—You spent 100,000 dollar…

A drawing appeared before Ron.

However, he was not in the mood to look at paintings.

"What is this girl doing?"

He walked out the door and saw Mary covering her chest.

She was slightly taller than Ron, and this was Ron's old denim jacket.

Ron was very thin back then.

And when Mary put on Ron's denim jacket, her pants tightened around her thighs.

Her chest was too big, and her clothes were too small. Naturally, an awkward situation happened.

She had just taken two careful steps when the seams in the denim ripped apart, causing her to run out. She screamed involuntarily.

At that moment, Ron came out to see what was going on.

Mary quickly covered her chest, afraid of being exposed.

Ron chuckled. "If you want to seduce me, just say so, woman. Don't go all out."

Mary blushed and said, "I'm not that kind of woman. Your clothes are too small."

After saying that, she ran straight to her bedroom and threw the denim jacket through the gap in the door. "Big baddie Ron, pin a few buttons on this shirt or go out and buy me a set of clothes.

If you don't do that, I'll leave. "

Mary became anxious.

Ron wasn't angry. He wanted to buy the sunflower painting without Mary interrupting.

At the same time, there was an urge in his heart. If there was no adventure in life, was it still life?

If life was smooth sailing, what was the point?

Ron went back to his room, found the black elastic rope, and snapped it over the edge of his denim jacket.

"Even if she had a G cup, it shouldn't rip apart."

Ron was pleased with his work, even a little hopeful.

He grabbed the denim jacket and threw it through the door of Mary's room.

Before long, Mary came out, and Ron's eyes lit up.

The jeans that she was wearing were really too tight. They were so tight that one could see the faint hook marks.

Especially the modified denim jacket, which made the space between Mary's breasts hollow and half round.

Moreover, even with the elastic rope, the clothes were torn very tightly, as if the rope would snap at any moment.

"What are you looking at?"

Mary blushed like blood and bowed her head.

Normally, she liked to wear hot clothes, but wearing this outfit today could expose her at any time.

"Who's looking at you? You don't have a good figure, and you look average," said Ron.

"You have a good figure, so show me."

Suddenly she remembered Ron's perfect body when he was surfing on the beach, and she lost all confidence.

"Okay, okay, okay. You're awesome. I'll bring you to buy a set of clothes, okay?"

Ron turned and left.

Mary hurried after him barefoot.

"This is your car?"

Mary's eyes widened as she looked at the Cullinan in disbelief.

"That's right. Why? I can afford such an expensive house. Can't I afford a similar car?"

"No—what I want to say is, if you're so rich, why are you setting up a stall?"

This girl was really rubbing it in, something Ron couldn't get rid of now.

Who would be willing to sell things at a stall?

Who doesn't like having their own shop building instead?

"I like to set up stalls on the ground. I'm free, and I can buy and sell anything I want. I have money, and I just want to play. Why?"

When they got into the car, Ron's nostrils twitched. "You smell it? There's a faint smell."

Mary also sniffed and said, "I didn't smell it, but I smelled your stinky sweat."

Mary thought. "But why does the smell of his sweat smell so good?"

He searched for the source of the fragrance but could not find it.

The two of them left the car at the gate and went shopping.

Ron wanted to buy a set of similar clothes for himself too. He felt uncomfortable being called a loser every day.

Wasn't it just clothes and a case? It would be fine as long as they were matched.

They walked into a women's clothing store.

The clerk looked first at Mary, then at Ron and smiled. "This way, please."

The staff obviously saw them as a couple.

Because both of their styles were very similar.

Mary chose her favorite leather jacket and rushed into the locker room.

Before long, she opened a small gap and said, "Ron, come in."

"Can I go in?"

The employees heard their conversation and chuckled.

"Just come in if I tell you to."

Ron's eyes lit up. "Is something good going to happen…"

He rushed into the changing room.

"Come, help me. It's a little tight and itchy here."

"Can you be gentler? Don't be so reckless."

"Oh, just a little bit from the back. Don't be so reckless, just like how you would treat a woman tenderly."

The shop assistant:…