I Will Definitely Join Your Wedding

"Try harder?"

Ron's forehead was dripping with sweat. Why was the zipper on the back of a woman's leather jacket so hard to pull?

"Trash, get out. I told you to be less reckless and to use more force, but you didn't."

Mary blew Ron right out.

"Women are so hard to please."

Turning, he saw that all the shop assistants were staring at Ron with their mouths agape.

"What's wrong with these people? Why are they looking at me?"

There were even some women who looked at him mockingly. Their gazes were weird, and it made Ron extremely uncomfortable.

"What's going on?"

Soon, Mary came out of the fitting room. She was wearing a black leather coat.

His entire body was close to her, and even his hip bone could be seen.

Moreover, this leather jacket had a long black iron lock on the back of her neck. The lock's trajectory extended downwards, going from two sides to the front, directly to her navel.

"These clothes…"

"This woman…"

"Is it nice?"

Mary walked around and said.

"Uh, okay—nice."

"Pay up."

"Why should I pay?"

Ron quibbled.

"You have money," Mary said with a smile. "As a man, are you that petty?"


There was nothing else to do but swipe Ron's card.

Then Ron bought a casual outfit, although it didn't improve his overall vibe much.

However, it was still much better than a flowery shirt and flip-flops.

The two of them walked down the street, which was a scenic spot. People on the side of the road were whispering about a flower stuck in cow dung. Ron's expression was ugly. "They said you were cow dung."


Mary burst out laughing and said, "Do you want to verify who's the cow dung?"

"Cow dung, wait for me. I'll go buy some ice."

With that, Mary walked straight into the ice-cream house by the road.

"Well, isn't this Ron?"

At that moment, a woman in a flowery dress with a face so pink it looked like it was about to fall apart approached Ron.


Ron's heart ached. It was a memory from a year ago.

The soul of the other world had only merged with Ron of this world a month ago.

So now, Ron had a confused feeling about all the memories from a month ago, both the memories from when he had transmigrated and the memories of this world.

It was as if two souls had completely fused together.

He was Ron, the familiar stranger from his previous life.

But seeing the woman in the flowery dress in front of him made Ron's heart ache. It hurt.

Memories flooded his mind like water.

He had spent four whole years in university with this woman, and they had always been a loving couple envied by others.

But when Ron went out of school and found a regular job, he couldn't make much money a month, so Eliza broke up with him.

When Ron saw her get into a BMW, he swore to himself that he would be a rich man.

The chance of becoming rich from working was too small, so he decided to start his own business, which was why Ron set up his stall later.

"Long time no see."

Ron whispered.

Eliza looked Ron up and down and said, "You look like you're doing much better now. What industry are you in?"

Ron frowned. "Setting up a stall."

Eliza's eyes widened, and she covered her mouth. After a while, she said, "Ron, did I hear wrong? No matter what, you used to be a programmer at a big company. Although you made a little less money, it was still considered a decent job.

How are you really doing? Why are you setting up a stall? "

"Setting up a stall makes a lot of money."

Ron said.

'Earn lots of money? Ron, are you really stupid, or are you just pretending to be stupid? Will setting up a stall stand a chance at earning big money? You're still as useless as ever.'

Eliza said without missing a beat.

Ron said, "So what are you doing now?"

"I… I'm going to be a full-time housewife. Peter is rich. He's a millionaire."

Eliza said with a blissful expression, "Ron, we had beautiful memories together in the past. I hope you can attend my wedding."

With that, Eliza pulled an invitation from her pocket.

Ron took a deep breath, took the invitation, and said, "I'll be there."

'Ron, is she your friend?'

Just then, Mary opened the door to the ice cream shop and came up to them with ice cream in both hands.

"Yes, my old friend."

Ron laughed as he spoke, then wrapped his arm around Mary's slim waist. Mary was about to cry out in surprise when she saw the sadness in Ron's eyes. She understood instantly and played along.


Eliza's eyes widened in shock.

"How did he find such a beautiful woman? Why would he find such a tall woman?"

It wasn't that Eliza didn't want to compete with Mary. It was just that the difference between the two of them was too great. Their height, their build, their S-line, and every part of their bodies were incomparable.

Even by comparing money and family background, it was completely dominated by Mary.

She could not believe that the scrawny Ron had found such an amazing girlfriend.

"My girlfriend, we'll be there for your wedding," said Ron with a smile.

"Uh… okay…"

Eliza felt like her face was being torn apart.

"How could a loser like him find a girlfriend like that? I'm not convinced."

Eliza's heart was going crazy, and she said without batting an eyelid, "Ron, do you still live in the same place as before? I'll get my boyfriend to drive you back."

"Nah, I got my own car," said Ron.

Eliza. The flesh on her face twitched. Then she forced a smile and said, "Okay, you guys go ahead and shop. I have to go to the car inspection department. My man just bought a car today. Maybe he's already done registration for it."

"What a coincidence. Ron's car is going to be officially registered today. It should be done by now. Let's go together," Mary said.


Eliza said happily.

The three of them walked together and arrived at the control center. There were naturally workers at the entrance. They loaded the car plates one by one and drove out.

At that moment, a bright light came from the courtyard. The Mercedes G63 drove over Eliza waved to the people inside the car.

The car stopped in front of the three of them. Eliza's boyfriend. Old Pete jumped out of the car.

Old Pete was dressed in a western cowboy outfit and wore a cowboy hat. He was about the age of Eliza's father, and he looked to be around 60 years old.

He put his arm around Eliza and walked over to Ron and Mary. When Old Pete looked at Mary, his eyes obviously lit up, but he quickly shifted to Ron and said, "Mr. Ron, right? The love story between you and Eliza often keeps me awake at night."

"But I'm afraid she'll have to stay by my side from now on."

Ron laughed. "Well, I hope you live as long as a tortoise, since you're so much older than me."

Old Pete's expression turned ugly. He was about to say something nasty.

Ron looked at the Rolls-Royce Cullinan, which had just come out of the door, and said, "Ah, Eliza, I'm sorry, but I've got something urgent to attend to, I'm going home—excuse me."