The Auction Begins

This wealthy people's circle was a big circle. Many people in the circle had not met before.

But they knew each other well.

And what was the entertainment industry playing?

The wealthy circle played with only the 'expensive'.

Ordinary brands were not worthy of the attention of celebrities.

The clothes that they were wearing were all French Parisian fashion show designs or famous designer clothes from all over the world. The designs were worth at least US $100,000, that was the norm.

Male celebrities loved to party or show their collections to their friends.

Now, there were people who saw the Hawaiian stall with the Van Gogh oil painting. It was probably a Van Gogh masterpiece that no one knew about.

This was like throwing a nuclear bomb into the circle.

Everyone personally confirmed through Lupe that the items sold by the stall would indeed have something interesting about them.

This was very different.

That was the god of basketball, Lupe, who used to fly on the basketball court.

Also, after checking the items that Ron had sold a few days ago, as people with status in society, these celebrities would naturally find out the truth very quickly.

"F*ck, it's really true."

All over America, many celebrities, singers, directors, and collectors who were close to Hawaii set off.

These people's transportation was either a luxury car or a private jet. They had only one purpose now, and that was to go to that unassuming street stall and see Van Gogh's masterpiece. If possible, they had to buy it.

At the Beach.

The crowd was still discussing, and it was almost 11 pm.

Some gloated that Ron was about to fail.

No one would be willing to pay for this painting today.

There was something different about Smith today. He didn't say anything sarcastic.


In the sky, helicopters flew by.

There was even a small drone flying in the sky.

This was quite a spectacular sight because the frequency of the plane's flight had not stopped for the past ten minutes.

Soon, the entire beach became lively.

"What the f*ck, look, look at that row of Lamborghinis. Who are they?"

"Look over there. That's all Mercedes-Benz G! Why are there so many luxury cars?"

Everyone at the beach was shocked.

Soon, they heard the sound of motorcycles roaring on the street. It was a row of bald people. All of them looked extremely powerful.

In an instant, hundreds of luxury cars gathered by the sea.

"Heavens, look, is that Si Jiali? What is she doing? Is she here for a holiday? My goddess."

"Is that Jason?"

"Lupe is here again."

Instantly, dozens of celebrities came to the beach.

There were many unfamiliar faces, but when they saw the celebrities talking and laughing with them, they knew that these people were definitely impressive.

They all had one goal: to walk toward Ron's stall.

"F*ck, this can't be. Are these people really here for that so-called Van Gogh painting?"

Ron was shocked as well. Normally, these people could only be seen on television. Why were they all gathered here today?

The crowd in front of the booth automatically made way.

"Si Jiali, I love you."

"Jason, you're too handsome and manly."

"Karon, when are you going to shoot 'Ordinary Joe 3'?"

The crowd went crazy and charged at the celebrities.

At that moment, many security guards suddenly appeared. There were hundreds of them, and they blocked all the viewers.

De Long and two unfamiliar faces approached Ron.

De Long smiled and said, "Mr. Ron, we meet again."

Ron smiled back. "You can see me every day. I'm here every day."

De Long was embarrassed. He cleared his throat and said, "Mr. Kent, please look at the painting."

Ron did not stop him. This must be an expert on paintings.

Everyone stopped talking and looked at the confirmation.

Some even held their breaths and gulped.

Because if "Fifteen Sunflowers" was real, it would be another precious Van Gogh painting.

Kent held a magnifying glass and specialized materials. He did not miss a single detail.


To be honest, before Kent came, he had some doubts. After all, the image looked real, but it might not be so real.

Images could be fake.

However, when he saw it, he was definitely shocked.

Regardless of the details, the painting technique, or the overall color scheme, it was undoubtedly Van Gogh's work.

But what must have been even more shocking was that Van Gogh's "Fifteen Sunflowers" was so well preserved.

It was as if Van Gogh had just drawn it.

And most importantly, Kent didn't say anything.

Because he was tempted, he wanted to buy the painting tonight.

"Fifteen Sunflowers" was almost Van Gogh's best work.

The "Starry Sky" from Van Gogh was still in the museum. They had spent ten million USD on it.

And this 'Fifteen Sunflowers' was not any worse than the stars, and perhaps, was even better.

"Master Kent, what happened? The result?"

De Long asked nervously.

He straightened up and carefully placed the painting on the floor.

Everyone's heart trembled. If he was so careful, it must be…

Kent coughed and said, "This painting is indeed Van Gogh's work. It's something we don't know about. Van Gogh's work."

There was a sudden silence.

Everyone was shocked.

"F*ck, it's real."

All the fans were shocked.

How was this even just a roadside stall?

Gathering so many famous people.

The auction was nothing much.

Many celebrities who were chatting with each other also had their eyes shining.

They had money. They had more money than collectors.

At least in cash.

Such a famous painting was extremely rare, and it was difficult for ordinary people to collect it.

Therefore, this was a rare opportunity.

Jason suddenly shouted, "Boss, I'll pay 500,000 USD."

No one was surprised. This was just a good start.

Sure enough, after Jason shouted, people kept bidding.

Soon, the price soared to $2 million.

This was already a terrifying price.

The crowd was stunned.

"What am I looking at? Is this a street stall auction? To this extent?"

Everyone's head was buzzing.

This was probably the most impressive stall in the history of Country M.

Some people took out their phones, took pictures, and uploaded them online.

It immediately attracted a huge amount of traffic.

With so many celebrities, there was a certain effect.

The latest price was $5 million.

At this price, even celebrities felt that the price was very high.

It was true that Van Gogh's paintings were real, but who knew what period Van Gogh was in and whether they were top-notch works? They were worth five million dollars, and Van Gogh's ordinary paintings were just like that.

Suddenly, Kent said, "Eight million USD."