The Paintings Were Sold, But Not Snatched

Kent stunned everyone.

' Eight million dollars. That's not rupees. That's American money.'

However, Kent's bid was of great significance.

All the celebrities started discussing.

Normally, if someone shouted once, twice, or three times, the deal would be done.

If he had waited for so long, he would have hit the hammer.

Eventually, Ron's Van Gogh would sell for eight million dollars.


There was no auctioneer.

Kent started to panic.

However, he could not show too much emotion.

Otherwise, someone would definitely notice something.

8 million was his limit.

No matter how much cash he had, he did not have that much.

At that moment, De Long, who had been silent, said, "I'll pay ten million USD."

Everyone was in an uproar.

10 million.

This was not a small amount.

Van Gogh's Starry Skies was auctioned for $10 million as well.

"Fifteen Sunflowers" was as valuable as Van Gogh's masterpiece.

Many people discussed in low voices. They felt that this price was not worth it.

But Kent cursed in his heart. De Long was an old fox.

That's right. In Kent's opinion, this painting was definitely done when Van Gogh was at his peak.

Most importantly, the painting was perfectly preserved.

The people watching had gone mad.

"Gosh, did they plan this beforehand? Are they going to auction something like this at a street stall?"

"10 million, isn't that too much?"

There was a limit to the price.

De Long said with satisfaction, "Any other offers? If not, then this painting is mine."

Although De Long did not appear in front of the media, he was still very famous in the industry.

And most of the spectators knew De Long

Because De Long had just bought that Dindall Bible a few days ago.

Everyone looked at each other.

Some looked regretful.

Some sighed.

Some were shocked.

In the end, everyone applauded to show their courtesy.

De Long didn't dare say anything else. There was no auctioneer present. If anyone appeared at a higher price than him, he wouldn't be able to buy it.


Ron shuddered at the text.

He had become a millionaire just like that. His mind was in a daze.

Da da da—

Suddenly, there was a gunshot.

After a few seconds of silence, the scene turned chaotic.


A masked man in black came forward with a submachine gun and said, "You all better be quiet, my gun doesn't have eyes."

There were five masked men with the man in black.

They pointed their guns at the celebrities.

The man in black who had fired the shot earlier walked directly toward De Long and said, "Professor De Long, hand over the painting."


De Long's expression changed.

Seeing that De Long did not hand over the painting, the bandit pointed his gun at De Long's head.

De Long trembled as he handed the painting to the bandit.

The well-trained bandits glanced at each other.

With their backs against each other, they pushed through the crowd and came to a helicopter.

One of the men in black climbed into the cockpit of the plane and flew into the sky.

Everyone felt like they were in a dream.

From the appearance of the criminals to their escape, it took less than ten minutes. A painting worth ten million was stolen just like that.

"Heavens, what happened? I feel like I just passed the gates of hell."

Everyone looked at De Long and exchanged glances.

De Long made a direct call and explained what had happened here.

Not long after, the police did not come.

Maybe De Long's call was to a private security force instead.

From the way the men in black moved, they were definitely not ordinary people.

Instead, they were professionals who trained in speed and planned beforehand.

Now that he had the money, Ron had no intention of interfering.

The big shot celebrities at the scene were also afraid of any more danger, so they all left first.

In the blink of an eye, only the tourists and the people who had set up their stalls were left on Hawaii Beach.

They looked at each other as if they were watching a fantasy movie.

Were the celebrities, big shots, collectors all real?

Their target was a painting in Ron's booth that was worth $10 million.

"Ron, you took my father's money, but my father's painting was stolen. You have a responsibility to fulfill."

Mary said anxiously.

"What responsibility do I have? I've already sold the painting, so what does it have to do with me? Those people didn't steal my money."

Mary bristled.

'Ron, you bastard.'

With that, Mary pushed through the crowd and went after her father.

"Hmph, how heartless."

Smith said.

Ron gave him a look and said, "What counts as having empathy then? I'm just a normal person, I can't even beat that woman with ripped pants, how do you expect me to fight those men in black?

"Alright, even if I want to risk my life and be a man, I have to find them first. Do you know where they went?"

Smith was rendered speechless.

Ron paid no attention to the others as he closed the stall.

Then, he placed all the miscellaneous items in Cullinan's trunk.

After getting into the car, he glanced at Smith, who had an ugly expression on his face. He stepped on the accelerator and left.

The car was on its way. Ron was inside.

"Sigh, I'm afraid there's trouble again."

"Let's rest for two days."

Ron muttered.

After arriving in this world, he had always felt like there was an invisible 'Hands of Fate' tugging at his nose as he walked forward. Every day, he had been busy, and he had not earned much money.

In the past few days, Ron had become a multimillionaire.

With a house and a car.

If money was not for enjoyment, then what was the point of having money?

When he got home, Ron felt that his home was too empty.

His parents in this world were dead.

He had no family.

As for friends, there seemed to be a lot of good classmates.

With nothing better to do, Ron lay back in his rocking chair and opened his Facebook page.

When he looked at it, he was instantly energized.

Mike: I went with my girlfriend to the ancient Chinese Country today.

Mike finished and attached nine pictures to his message.

It had to be said that Mike was really ugly, but the girlfriend he had found was really good-looking. She had the standard model body.

However, everyone knew that Mike's family had gold, and his father was a mine owner.

Similarly, there were many envious comments under the picture.

Tyson: I went to Thailand today. It was a magical country. When I got there, I became a woman.

Next were nine pictures.

It was a picture of nine black beauties.

There was no sign of the burly black man that Ron remembered fighting the image of Tyson.

Ron scrolled from top to bottom. Most of the people in the group and friends circle were showing off their wealth.

Someone was showing off that they had just bought a watch.

Someone was showing off his girl.

There were even people showing off their sports cars.

"Everyone is very enthusiastic. If I don't speak for a long time, I will lose my sense of community."

After some thought, Ron typed a string of words on his Facebook page.

"Sigh, life is so boring. I set up my stall every day to earn some money, but it's too sad to go home alone."

After typing that, a few pictures were placed underneath the words.

Next were a few screenshots of the payment.

A screenshot of the Dindall Bible's

A screenshot of the limited edition videotape.

A screenshot of 'Fifteen Sunflowers' payment.

Below the picture, there was a string of words. He had set up his stall for a week and earned almost 20 million. Today, he would reward himself. He would not sleep until he spent a million.