Mary Was Kidnapped

After Ron posted this on his Stories.

He could clearly feel that suddenly, there were fewer people posting on his Stories.

Finally, Ron's phone vibrated, and he realized that someone in the class group had @ him.

"Ron, in your heart, can you be a little more calculating and even set up a stall to earn 20 million? Did you drink today?"

"Right now, there is only one voice in my heart. Hahahaha—"

"F*ck, Ron, you're awesome. If you can set up a stall and earn 20 million, I'll sell my hotel tomorrow and set up a stall with you."

"Yeah, come on," said Ron.

"F*ck, I said you're fat, but you're panting."

"There really are all kinds of people. Why am I classmates with people like you? That's so embarrassing."

"That's right. Even if you want to brag, you have to find a good enough reason."

The group chat was in a mess. They were all mocking Ron.

Not even a word of concern.

"Initially, I didn't want to talk about money with you guys. I set up a stall yesterday and earned $100 million. Hahaha."

Ron looked at his phone and shook his head. They really were a bunch of snobbish people.

Ron didn't feel it was worth paying attention to such classmates.

His good mood instantly turned sour.

"How can you say that? What about Ron? Don't you like Ron's money?"

Ron was a little surprised to see someone speaking up for him. He opened the other party's ID and saw that it was set in private.

"Eliza, why are you acting so high and mighty? Aren't you going to marry an old man too? Someone who thinks too highly of the poor and loves the rich. Oh—I remember now, you and Ron were old friends. Are you two back together?"

Eliza had just said something when it was immediately exposed by the people in the group.

Ron turned off the group and said whatever he wanted.

Ron felt like he wasn't on the same page as these guys.

Just as he put down the phone, he saw Mary calling.

"Why is it Mary again? I have nothing to do with your father. He bought it, lost it, and burned it himself. What does that have to do with me?"

"Mr. Ron, right? Looks like you know Miss Mary and Professor De Long? No matter what your relationship is, we want to leave America.

"Please pass on the message to Mr. De Long. The blockade that he asked the higher-ups to make is indeed effective, but his precious daughter is in our hands now. If you don't want us to kill her, please open the blockade in Country M and return to him a complete daughter."

After saying that, the call ended abruptly.

"How would I know where Mary's Father is? Isn't this a trap?"

By the time Ron found Mary's father, she was probably already dead.

"Seriously, why are you looking for trouble?"


Ron's phone. Received an address.

"Mr. Ron, if Mr. De Long still wants the officials to lock down, dock, airport, and land, then we really won't stand on ceremony. Speaking of which, Miss Mary is really beautiful.

"I'll only wait for you for five hours. After that, we can't guarantee what will happen. My brothers are very cruel."

Ron pressed the button on his phone to reply with a text message. "You mind telling me where the hell De Long is? I've been calling all over the street. Is that his address?"

However, the other party did not respond.

As far as Ron was concerned, there was no way the man couldn't find Mr. De Longs contact information.

This compromise was also for safety reasons.

First of all, De Long wouldn't have expected the gang to call Ron.

Sure enough, not long after, a message from the bandit came. "Then, Mr. Ron, just do as you see fit. If you keep waiting, you'll bear the consequences yourself."

Ron really wanted to reply. Do whatever you want.

However, he remembered that Mary had saved him before, even though he had returned the favor already that night.

However, after interacting with her for a day, he realized that she was quite a nice person.

"What a pain. I just want to enjoy a peaceful life. Why am I so frustrated?"

He checked the address that the other party had sent. Even if he drove, it would take more than an hour. Actually, time was of the essence.

If Ron went looking for De Long now, could he find him?

De Long was so powerful that a phone call could seal the entire United States of America.

If Ron wanted to find De Long, all he had to do was post on the Internet. It wouldn't take more than three minutes for someone to contact him.

But just to be safe, Ron posted on his own Twitter.

"I have a connection. The method to rob back the Van Gogh painting. Please help me contact Professor De Long. Don't make it public, it's very important."

Once such a post was posted, many fakes would naturally reply.

But in less than three minutes, Ron's phone rang.

Picking up the phone, Ron realized it was a strange man.

Ron frowned. "I don't need to talk to you. I'm a friend of Mary's. The crooks called on my phone and asked me to contact Professor De Long."

The man opposite him remained silent.

After a while.

"Hi, I'm De Long."

"De Long, those criminals sent me a message to tell you to remove the blockade on them. If not, your daughter will be killed in five hours."

De Long was silent for a moment, as if his tone were heavy. "Got it. Thanks for the information. This call is mine to make. Send me their address."

After hanging up, Ron sent the phone directly to the caller.

However, no matter how he thought about it, it did not seem reliable.

He did not know how rich people would make decisions when faced with rare treasures and their own daughter.

He had seen too much darkness in society. There were many people who would sell their daughter for a few hundred thousand dollars.

Not to mention it was a famous masterpiece.

After a moment's thought, Ron got up and drove straight to the address the gangster had given him.

Hawaii Island wasn't that big.

The addresses given by the criminals needed a boat.

Looking at it this way, just going alone would take more than two hours.

If the gangsters were on the island, it meant that De Long knew all about them and where the gangsters were.

Ron had a suspicion.

"Why didn't De Long directly find connections and send a large number of people to the island where the bandits were? Wouldn't that be like catching a turtle in a jar?"

They boarded the ferry, and for a brief moment Ron observed the sea.

He had been in Hawaii for so many years, but this was the first time he was on a ship.

Soon, the ferry stopped at an island port.

Ron noticed several warships wandering around the island.

Armed helicopters flew across the sky from time to time.

He could hear the sound of the waves crashing.

Looking into the sea, they were black submarines.

"Wow, they really became turtles in a jar. Maybe I don't have to deal with them anymore."