
From a certain point of view, this kendo master had no weaknesses.

But—Ron remembered something from a movie from his previous life. "Speed is the only thing that prevails in all martial arts."

Even if you were a sword and a sword was a man, there was a gap between your attacks, and counter attacking required time.

With this in mind, Ron went behind Satoki again. Sure enough, the sword instinctively slashed at his head.

But—Ron followed the blade's trajectory as it spun, keeping his balance with the blade's movement speed. Taking advantage of this gap, he struck Satoki's wrist with his katana.

The sword in Satoki's hand fell to the ground.

Before Satoki could react, his sword was already on his shoulder.

All of this happened in a flash.

Satoki only reacted when he heard the crisp sound of the blade falling.

Looking around, he saw that there was a treasured saber on his neck. It was his treasured saber, Autumn Rain.

The battle between the two was very fast, but no one could understand why Satoki had the upper hand just now and lost in the blink of an eye.

This was unbelievable.

Sean frowned and said, "Mr. Satoki, this is a competition. There's no need to go easy."

"There's no need for me to throw away my reputation."

Zuo Tengmu said dejectedly.

"Who would've thought, who would've thought that there would be such a young man in this world? I originally thought that my kendo would have no surpasser, but I didn't expect your instinctive reaction to be so fast.

"He actually used the simplest principle of speed to win against my 'sword'."

Satoki seemed to have lost all his strength.

At that moment, Sean's expression was ugly.

What should he do now? Should he release all of them?

Was he really going to let it go just like that?

He did not know if Satoki had gone easy on him.

However, it was definitely true that Sean had some abilities.

He was in a bind now. If he took Ron down directly, he might draw out the person behind Ron.

But he was afraid that there was more than just one person behind Ron. It could be a terrifying force.

Ron did not give him any time to think. The next moment, when Sean did not speak.

Ron appeared directly in front of Sean and used his palm as a hook to lock onto Sean's throat.

Sean's eyes widened. He hadn't even seen how Ron had come over, and he was instantly shocked.

All the men in black took out their black guns and pointed them at Ron.

But Ron said fearlessly, "I can guarantee I'll kill all of you ten times the moment you fire."

All the men in black looked at each other.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Sean. You were the one who caused me trouble. I just have to do this."

With that, Ron looked at Mary and the Smiths and said, "Get out of here, I promise you will all be safe."

"Ron you—"

Mary and Smith both looked at Ron with mixed expressions.

Smith, in particular, felt extremely ashamed. He had betrayed him. Even though it was because of his family, they had still saved him in the end.

What he did was inhumane.

"Ron, don't worry, I'll take care of Ma'am Mary."

Ron laughed. "Fuck off. Do I need you to take care of my woman? Fuck off, as far as you can. Aren't you afraid to go home and kneel on the washboard?"

This was the only time when Ron scolded Smith, that Smith did not argue back.

He could only grit his teeth and hate himself for being so useless. He led his wife and children to the entrance of the cave.

' Ron, sir, I must admit your righteousness. You sent them all away, and you think you can get out of here alive as well? They're nothing but ants to us.'

"In this world, no one can kill me, even if I was in a tiger's den. Do you believe me?"

Sean did not speak. Satoki frowned and said, "I believe you."

Sean felt like vomiting blood.

What kind of f*cking swordsmanship master was he? Whose side was he on?

With mixed feelings, Mary left with Smith.

Ron pressed Sean to the control room.

Until he saw Mary and Smith disappear from sight for half an hour.

He released Sean.

Sean could not handle this.

"Mr. Ron, what are you—"

Ron laughed softly and said, "Let me prove to you that you snakes, insects, rats, and ants are actually all just ants in front of me."

Sean frowned. He did not know where Ron got the courage to face all the black-robed experts alone.

These black-clothed experts were not ordinary. They were all members of the largest mercenary union in the world. Every one of them was an impressive figure in real life.

There were thirty of such people in the base. Could it be that they were not a match for one person when they were fully armed?

Sean gave an order. Instantly one of the men in black fired.

Instantly, it caused a chain reaction.

However, everyone was terrified.

At some point, Ron had picked up a katana.

He kept swinging his sword and blocked the bullets.

Using a knife to cut a bullet, wasn't this a scene from a movie?

There really was one in reality.

Satoki was also stunned. He stood where he was, thinking about something.

Finally, some time passed.

All the bullets in the men's guns were empty, and the ground was littered with bullet shells.

The walls were riddled with bullet holes, which had been caused by Ron's katana.

The air was filled with the unique smell of sulfur, and everyone looked terrified.

The next moment, Ron appeared in front of a man in black.

No one knew how he moved or appeared.

An ordinary slash came down.

A line of blood appeared on the man's head. When Ron walked past him, the body split into two.

Then Ron appeared in front of another man in black.

The man in black had just pulled out a dagger when he was cut in half.

One, two.


These well-known figures in the International Mercenary Union were so silent that they could not even scream. All of them died with their bodies in two halves.

The smell of blood and sulfur mixed together, causing Sean to sink into infinite fear. He did not even dare to move his body.


The last man in black fell to the ground.

Ron walked over to Shane and straightened his bloodstained suit. "Don't mess with me again," he said. "You can't mess with me and the people behind me."

As for Satoki, Ron had no intention of hurting him.

That was just an old man who was obsessed with kendo. If it was someone who was not simple-minded, his kendo could never achieve Kenshin.

"Do you have a cigarette?"

Ron patted Sean's shoulder.

Sean looked at Ron without moving his eyes. Then, his other hand trembled as he took out a pack of cigarettes. Crack. Crack.

Ron snatched the lighter, lit one for himself, inhaled deeply, and headed for the exit.