Napoleon Bonaparte's Sabre

Ron wasn't being merciful by leaving Sean alive.

If he did not leave any survivors, if would not be too ruthless.

He was not afraid of letting the tiger return to the mountain.

After all, with Ron's strength, why would he be afraid of a tiger?

As for threatening the people around him, that mercenary group would not be so shameless as to do the same thing twice.

Any large organization had their own bottom line.

Before he left, he did not even ask for the painting.

He believed that as long as the other party's organization knew how powerful he was, they would return the painting to its rightful owner.

Ron went straight back to his place.

After resting for a day, he opened his phone and saw countless messages.

Most of them were his classmates scolding him.

They had gone to the beach stall, but there was no sign of Ron.

They thought they had been tricked by a fake picture.

Then there were many missed calls, some from Smith and some from Mary.

There were even many unfamiliar ones.

He opened the news and was shocked.

"Rainbow Country, Kendo Master. He killed a hundred people and escaped into the forest. His whereabouts are unknown."

"What the f*ck, this Satoki is pretty good. He actually killed a hundred people. But if that's the case, he'll be a wanted criminal."

' Dindall Bible and Van Gogh's 'Fifteen Sunflowers' will be auctioned publicly tomorrow at the Hawaiian auction.'

"The collectible edition, The Complete edition of Tom and Jerry 1985. The market price has soared."

"A mysterious stall that sells Rolex Starry Skies. Do you want to go to that stall to buy some mysterious items? If you want to know the exact address, come in."

All kinds of explosive news on the Internet were more or less related to Ron.

"It's so boring to rest at home."

Ron summoned the interface of the Dimensional Merchant City.

It was as if he was strolling through Amazon, page by page.

There were all kinds of strange things that were too much for the eyes to take in.

Most incomprehensible to Ron was a box of Korean game show, 'Sixth Sense'—

In this world, the price of this series was at most ten dollars per box.

However, he managed to see a box reach $10,000 in this store.

He did not know if that world lacked this.

If he could go to that world and sell the products of this world, he might be able to become the richest man in the world.

A spoon could be sold for $1,000.

What kind of prices were these? Prices like these could indeed only be found in the Dimensional Merchant City.

There were many cheap goods in this world, but they were ridiculously expensive in the mall.


Suddenly, Ron saw a martial arts book.

What attracted Ron's attention was the fact that the book was one hundred thousand dollars each.

Secondly, this book only had one golden word, "Sword" as its cover.

In today's duel with Satoki, if Ron's body had not been strengthened a hundredfold, or if it had not been strengthened enough, he would have lost today.

Because Satoki himself was a sword. If he could kill a swordsman, how could he kill a 'sword'?


The Taiji sword was the highest sword.

The moment he saw the Tai Chi Sword, Ron naturally thought of the sword that the old man had used to dance in the park. It was called the Tai Chi Sword.

He continued reading.

World or universe space and time were divided into Yin and Yang. Yang was the beginning of extreme Yin, and Yin was the beginning of extreme Yang.

The extreme yin and yang of Tai Chi was infinite and boundless.

The highest realm of the Tai Chi Sword was to become one with the sword and transform into Tai Chi.

The introduction was short, but it was really impressive.

Pulling the introduction to the bottom, he realized that all the items in this universe were very cheap.

However, it was also possible that the items from World 293 had not spawned much.

It was too much to sell a camera for only $100, and the camera was a DSLR.

Wearing a half-meter long wide-lens would cost at least $2000 in Ron's world.

Ron checked the price difference. Sure enough, in this world, a Sony DSLR cost at least 2,500 US dollars.

This indirectly showed that the secret manual was so precious that it could be sold for 100,000 USD. This was probably a sky-high price.

"I'm so rich now. Why would I hesitate to buy something worth 100,000 USD?"

Thinking of this, he clicked on the purchase button.

A gilded book appeared in Ron's hand.


"The greatest strength is to swing the sword a hundred thousand times. Those who have a target will swing the sword, and those who have the smallest strength will swing the sword a hundred thousand times. Those who have a target will swing the sword—they will all go with the mindset of killing—and they will reach great heights? Tai Chi Sword?"

"So simple?"

Ron thought he might have bought a fake today.

He was not in a hurry and continued to scan the items in the mall.

"F*ck, what's going on? A sword for one million US dollars?"

Ron saw a sword.

When he opened the introduction to the sword, Ron gasped.

"This kind of thing is being sold in the Dimensional Merchant City?"

"Napoleon Bonaparte's military saber."

This thing was probably the treasured sword of the French Emperor, Napoleon.

Ron remembered that in his previous life, this object had been publicly auctioned for $6.5 million.

Moreover, the military saber was classified as a national treasure by France and would not leave France for generations.

Ron quickly took it out and checked his phone for news about Napoleon Bonaparte.

Ron felt his blood pressure rise as he read the line.

Napoleon Bonaparte used his military saber, it followed Napoleon wherever he went.

The saber's surface was inlaid with gold and had a golden illustration.

It had been passed down from generation to generation in the Bonaparte family, but unfortunately, during World War II, the military saber had been looted and lost.

This is the regret of the entire country of France. "

Seeing this, Ron clicked on the purchase without hesitation.

Who was Napoleon? He was the greatest existence in the history of France.

His treasured saber was worth more than a million. If he could buy it, how could he resell it and earn a lviing?

His stall was not completely unknown.

Even Ron himself wanted to keep it.

However, after some thought, he decided to sell it since he was not rich yet.

If anyone else knew what Ron really thought, they would be furious.

He had almost twenty million USD, and he still said it wasn't enough.

Countless people would never be able to earn 20 million USD in their lifetime.

The $20 million was more than enough for Ron to live without.

But Ron had a bigger wish, and that was to have what he wanted, money that he wouldn't spend for the rest of his life, money that he wouldn't play with fire or fire.

He looked carefully at the Golden Saber.

There was some rust on the blade. This blade might not be sharp, but the meaning it represented was not as simple as a military saber.

With this in mind, Ron went straight to the mall and bought a lot of living things that were strange to this world. He drove straight to the Hawaiian coast in his luxury car.

When they reached the beach, everyone looked at him strangely.

Smith stood rooted to the ground for three seconds before suddenly appearing in front of Ron excitedly. He grabbed Ron's arm and said, "Bro, you're not dead?"